A Message From The Lord - I Am Healing Damaged Organs & Cleansing Poisoned Blood

My beloved sons and daughters, everything that you are seeing taking place across the earth is because of my divine plan. Everything that you may have seen previously as just an act of evil, another lie, more deception, more corruption, every single thing that has been taking place, that ever will take place is because of my divine plan. My hand is in every single thing that is taking place, and I am calling you now, I am calling you now to focus your eyes upon me, and upon what I am doing in every single thing, in your life, in your family's lives, and in the lives of every single person walking the earth.

Everything that you may see on television, everything you may hear on radio, everything you may see on a newspaper, every single thing that you see, my hand is in everything. My divine plan, my divine purpose for you, my beloved sons and daughters and all my children across the earth, my plan is to bring everything that has been done in dark to light.

I, the Lord your God, I am using every lie, every act of sin, every act of evil, every act of deception, I am using all those things for good. I am using those things to awaken my children. I work in all things and I, the Lord your God, have chosen you, I have called you by name and I am pouring into you now more and more and more of my spirit, and my spirit will guide you into ALL truth.

My will for your life is that you will never again be deceived by man. You will never again receive a false teaching, a false prophecy, that you will take as a truth because my spirit upon you will convict you, and I will say to you “NO, this is a false teaching, this is a false prophetic word, do not watch it, do not share it, do not give the enemy in any way any credence”.

I the Lord your God, I am giving you now all the spiritual gifts. I am birthing in you spiritual gifts that you have not had before. My beloved sons and daughters who have been longing and desiring for more and greater spiritual gifts in your walk with me, I am now giving you those gifts. I know your heart's desire because it is I the Lord your God that has placed those desires on your hearts.

From your stomach are going to flow rivers of living waters because of your faith in me. All the areas of your life that have been dry, barren wastelands are going to flood with my living waters, because I, the Lord your God, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, has spoken.

I am the God of the impossible. What is impossible with man is possible with me. You can pray for anything, and as you have faith, you will receive it. You can even say to a mountain may be lifted off and thrown into the sea, and it will happen.

My hand is mighty upon your life.

I have anointed your head with oil.

I have set you apart.

I have chosen you.

I have called you by name.

I have put my spirit in you, and the spirit that is in you is greater than the spirit that is in the world. So you have no fear, because fear does not come from Me. I have not given you a spirit of fear, but of power, of love and of a sound mind. My perfect love for you, my unfailing love for you, expels ALL fear.

I have been training your hands for battle. I have been refining you by fire seven times over. I am now pouring into you the fire of my spirit, and the fire of my spirit is now upon your tongue. I have anointed you. I have chosen you. You are going to be speaking and declaring and decreeing my word with power and authority like you have never had before. I the Lord your God, I have given you ALL power and all authority to trample upon lions and cobras and to crush fierce lions and serpents under your feet. My beloved sons and daughters, you are fearfully and wonderfully made in my image. You can do ALL things through me who gives you strength. Every chain breaks in my name, by my blood, by my power. I am the chain breaker and I have chosen to break off from you, every single generational curse that has been upon your life, upon your family. Through my power, through my blood, the enemy no longer has a legal right over your life and your family. I am now destroying by the fire from my tongue, I am no destroying every strongman that is been in place upon your family, upon your life, upon your children, upon your finances, upon your home.

I am the King of glory. I am the name above all names. My name is above cancer. My name is above diabetes. My name is above every single heart condition. Every single blood disorder, every single mental health affliction, whether diagnosed or not. I am your healer. I am healing in this place now. By the stripes on my back, you are healed. I am healing people now through my miracle-working powers, I am healing damaged organs. I am cleansing people's damaged, polluted, poisoned blood.

In this place I bring peace. Peace, be still.

Peace, be still.

Peace, be still.

The peace I give you, my beloved sons and daughters, is a peace the world cannot give you . You are in the world but not of the world. I have sent you out as sheep among wolves, but I am your encourager. I am your Redeemer. I am where you get your strength from. I have made a table for you in the presence of your enemies, but the testing of your faith has produced endurance.

I am the bread of life. I am the good shepherd. I know my sheep and my sheep know my voice.

You will never again fall into sin, for I, the Lord of Heaven's Armies has spoken.

You will be worshipping me in spirit and in truth like you are never worshipped before. Let the tears flow. Tears of deliverance, tears of joy, tears of breakthrough, tears of prayers been answered, tears of love, tears of patience, tears of forgiveness. Yes, forgiveness now, my forgiveness I give to you through my spirit, for you to have pure, complete forgiveness in your heart, for all those that have hurt you in the past. They were broken people, blinded, not yet saved, following the dictates of their sin nature, bound because of sin, by the god of the world, Satan, the accuser, because of generational sin, and iniquities, but I rescued you, I redeemed you, because of my unfailing love for you.

Peace, be still. Peace, be still.

Be prepared to fall to your knees to glorify Me, the Lord your God, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies.

I, the Lord your God, have only just begun moving in your life. You have seen nothing yet. Your eyes haven't seen, your ears haven't heard and your minds haven't conceived, what I the Lord your God have got planned for you.

Be prepared my beloved sons and daughters.

Be prepared.


William Henry Gates, The Locusts Are Coming Into Your Life, Says The Lord


Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson, I Have Called You By Name To Be My Glory Carriers, Says The Lord