I Am Revealing To You What Is The Purpose Of Your Life Here On Earth, Says The Lord

My beloved, you are receiving My message to you now, for it is written, it was ordained, before I created the heavens and the earth.

I am revealing to you what is the purpose of your life here on earth.

Before I lifted the veil for you, before I removed the scales from your eyes, before I gave you the eyes to see and the ears to hear, before I began softening your hardened heart, you lived on earth often striving to have meaning in your life, desiring to have a purpose in life.

My beloved, you have been through many things in your life. You have experienced things in your life that many, many other people walking the earth would not have survived. At times, you have felt totally and completely lost. At times you have been completely overwhelmed with fear. You have been in some very dark valleys. You have had times in your life when you felt completely surrounded. So surrounded that no matter which way you turned, no matter what you said, no matter what you did, no matter what you tried to do to break out of that situation, you were continually being attacked by people in your life, by your circumstances, by financial challenges, by health issues.

You have had people during your life telling you what is the best thing to do. What is the right thing to do. You have been confused. You have felt something on your heart, yet people in your life have said different. In your life when you have hit a crossroads, you have sometimes been like a rabbit in the headlights, not knowing which way to turn.

My beloved, from when I created you, from when I formed you, from when I knitted you together in utter seclusion, from when I brought you forth on the day you were born at the exact time and the exact place where you came into the world, I the Lord have been with you. I the Lord have carried you. I the Lord have sustained you. Yes, I have ALWAYS sustained your life, and I will ALWAYS continue to sustain your life, because my beloved, YOU ARE CHOSEN AND NOT FORSAKEN.

I have called you by name from your mother's womb to have the purpose and the calling that I am revealing to you in My message here.

Your purpose that you are going to be living out for the rest of your life on earth, IS TO BE MY GLORY CARRIER.

You may be wondering “what does it mean to be your glory carrier?”.

My beautiful, fearfully and wonderfully made child, let me explain.

Firstly, your identity is not in the things that you have experienced during your life.

Your identity is not in your family.

Your identity is not in the experiences that you've had.

Your identity is not in what people have said about you.

Your identity is not in how people have treated you.

Your identity is not in your appearance.


I have poured My Spirit in to you, and greater is the spirit that is in you than the spirit that is in the world. My beloved, YOU CAN DO AND YOU WILL DO ALL THINGS THROUGH ME the Lord your God who gives you strength.

By you following the two greatest commandments, by My Spirit, your purpose to be My glory carrier is going to become absolutely natural for you.

Being My glory carrier means that you seek My Kingdom and My righteousness first at the start of every single day, and My promise to you is all else will be given unto you.


As you receive My words now, I am releasing the gift of faith. I am releasing the gift of tongues. I am releasing the gift of prophecy. I am releasing the gift of healing. Yes, My beloved, by faith as you receive everything that I am pouring into you now, I am equipping you to truly, truly, truly live the rest of your life as My glory carrier.

From this moment going forward, following you receiving My message to you, where I have given you, I have put inside of you, your purpose on earth for the rest of your life, you will begin to experience life going from glory to glory to glory.

By the power of My Spirit, I have now DESTROYED every yoke of bondage that has been in place, that has kept you in a place of waiting. I am RELEASING into your life right now an outpouring of My Spirit. You are being filled with My Spirit now.


Raise your arms to the air. Praise Me. Worship Me. Thank Me. Glorify glorify glorify your Father in heaven.

From this moment forward, by you following the two greatest commandments, the first to love Me with all your heart, with all your mind, with all your soul, with all your strength, and secondly, to love your neighbour as yourself, YOU WILL NOW BE HEARING MY VOICE THROUGHOUT EVERY DAY.

I have given you the ears to hear my voice and to know my voice.

I will speak to you to guide your steps through each day.

I will speak to you to give you wisdom, understanding and revelation.

I will speak to you to give you clarity and to remove any possible confusion.

I will speak to you to tell you how proud I am of you.

I will speak to you and say “keep trusting me, keep trusting me”

I will speak to you and say “keep your eyes focused on me”.

I will speak to you and I will say “remember that I am working in ALL THINGS FOR GOOD”.

I will speak to you through My Word in ways in which you have never experienced before. You are going to be gaining wisdom, understanding and deep revelation through My Word in ways in which you have never experienced before.

My beloved, live your life worthy of the calling that you have received, of the purpose that I have put inside of you.

You are chosen.

You are ordained.

You are anointed.

You are fearfully and wonderfully made in My image.

You have received all the spiritual gifts that you need to do everything that I have ordained for the rest of your life.

It is not you that live, but I that live in you.

You will never again hide your light under a bushel.

My beloved, YOU ARE MY GLORY CARRIER, and the world is going to see that you are my hands and feet, says I, the Sovereign Lord.

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