The Courts Of Heaven

Personal Declarations & Proclamations Over You & Your Family Bloodline

Hello and welcome, our beautiful brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus

We encourage you to read aloud the following declaration and proclamation alongside at least one brother or sister in Christ, so you are standing together in unity with the Holy Spirit.

“I also tell you this: If two of you agree here on earth concerning anything you ask, my Father in heaven will do it for you. For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them.”

Matthew 18:19-20

Family Bloodline Declaration & Proclamation From The Throne Room

All Glory To You God. Heavenly Father, righteous judge, I come boldly before Your throne of Grace, and I give all the GLORY, PRAISE, HONOUR and WORSHIP to my LORD and SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST, whom I humbly request to act as my advocate in the heavenly courts.

Lord, I stand before You. I believe that EVERY accusation by the accuser Satan has been destroyed according to 1 John 3 verse 8, for I have received the truth of my identity, that I am a child of God. The Spirit of God bears witness with my spirit that I am a child of God, according to Romans 8 verse 16.

I ask the court to be seated according to Daniel 7 verses 9-10, in Jesus name.

I Declare & Proclaim that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Saviour who died for me on the Cross, Rose Again on the 3rd day, and I am now Seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, at the right hand of my Father in Heaven, according to Ephesians 1 verse 6.

Christ Jesus has given me ALL Authority over ALL the power of the enemy Satan, according to Matthew 28 verse 18 - I can forgive sin, I can cast out demons, I can rebuke the enemy, I can raise the dead, I can preach the Gospel (according to Romans 1 verse 16), I can speak with other tongues, I can lay hands on the sick and they will recover. 

I am part of the body of CHRIST. My body is a Temple of the living GOD, and the HOLY SPIRIT LIVES IN ME. In Christ Jesus I live, I move and have my being, according to Acts 17 verse 28. Through the Cross, I am covered by the New Covenant of GRACE. I am resurrected in the POWER and GRACE and by the Authority of Jesus Christ who died for all my sins, forgave them, then forgot them. According to Isaiah 53 verse 5, by His Stripes I Am HEALED and restored to a right relationship with my Father in Heaven. I have the righteousness of Christ according to 2 Corinthians 5 verse 21. According to Romans 8 verse 31, if God is for me, who can be against me? It is God who justifies me, and only God.

Satan I REBUKE you! ALL accusations that you have against me, my family, my bloodline have been NULLIFIED on the CROSS. JESUS cancelled, broke, dissolved and took away ALL our sins, according to 1 John 3 verse 8. I now speak and operate from a place of total VICTORY, for I have received victory in Christ Jesus my Lord. Satan you are DEFEATED and Satan you are a LIAR. According to Luke 10 verse 19, I have received authority to trample over you and OVERCOME ALL your power of deception. You can not harm me or ANY member of my family. I proclaim FULL restoration, FULL redemption, salvation and absolute deliverance over all my family members alive today and generations to come.

I now wholeheartedly REPENT on behalf of myself, my family and my bloodline for any and every sin that has been committed. I am so sorry Lord. I repent on rebellion, trades, covenants, dedications, unforgiveness, hurting people, witchcraft, curses, agreements, assignments, alter dedications and word curses that me and my family have ever made with the devil. Anything not of God I repent for and ask for forgiveness. Lord I destroy anything Satan says he has given to me and all my family members. I receive only what is in Jesus Christ my Lord and Saviour.

I ask You Lord, Judge of all the earth, to cancel, break, annul and take away ALL pride, self-centerdness, the spirit of timidity, the spirit of worry, the spirit of fear, helplessness, hopelessness, gluttony, cancer, disease, physical conditions, sickness, schizophrenia, autism, dementia, alzheimers, strokes, depression, mental anguish, poverty of spirit, rejection, broken hearts, suicide, drug addiction, alcohol addiction, gambling addiction, sex addiction, trauma, abuse of every kind, assignments, the spirit of anger. ANYTHING that we gave permission to the devil we ask for Your forgiveness and request You to remove and cancel completely from my life and my families lives. I embrace my new identity that is in Christ Jesus my Lord and Saviour, according to Galatians 2 verse 20. He that is in me is greater than he that is in the world, according to 1 John 4 verse 4. I have a living hope and I will not be disappointed, according to Romans 5 verse 5. I have been given a new softened heart of flesh, according to Romans 10 verse 9.

I have overcome the enemy by the Blood of the Lamb, according to Revelation 12 verse 11, who was sacrificed so I could live in righteousness, love and peace. I recognise that the devil has NO power or authority over my life now, according to Romans 6 verse 14.

IT IS FINISHED (says the LORD). John 19 verse 30 is a Legal Statement to NOW allow me and my entire family to RECEIVE THE FULL HEALING that Jesus Christ gave up his life for. Our Saviour set us ALL free, according to John 8 verse 36

I freely give my life to Jesus, and I thank You Abba Father for, in Your perfect time, setting all my family members free, according to 1 Timothy 2 verses 3 to 6, so that they will give their life freely to You Jesus. 

All Glory, Praise and Honour to God Almighty.

In Jesus name, amen.