Are You Honouring Me With Your Wealth? Asks The Lord
My beloved child, my Word tells you to honour me with your wealth.
My Word tells you that it is a sin to know what you ought to do and then not do it.
My Word tells you to freely give, as you have freely received.
My Word tells you that if you are lukewarm, neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of my mouth.
My beloved child, you know that everything that you have is because of me, that I am your Jehovah Jireh.
You know that every good gift and every perfect gift comes down from me.
The money that you have in your bank is my money.
My question to you, my beloved child, is how would you feel if I asked you to share your bank statement publicly?
How does it make you feel if other people were to see what you spend your money on, and how much money you spend in your day to day life?
My beloved child, are you honouring me with your wealth?
Are you living your life having denied yourself and where you pick up your cross daily to follow me?
When you spend money, is it sometimes for selfish reasons, for your own pleasure, for your own entertainment, for your own needs, or when you spend money, are you spending money knowing that you are my hands and feet, knowing that I have chosen you to be one of my disciples?
My beloved child, are you honouring me with your wealth?
Each day, are you living your life worthy of the calling that you have received, and that is to be one of my disciples?
My Word tells you to not be ashamed of the Gospel for it is the power of God that brings salvation to all who believe.
My Word tells you to freely give as you have freely received.
My beloved child, as you are receiving my words now, as I continue to purify you, as I continue to sanctify you, as I continue to refine you, remembering that only those with pure hearts and clean hands can climb my holy mountain, my beloved child, if today you wouldn't be comfortable in sharing your bank statement publicly, I am taking you to a place where you live your life each day, where you would be comfortable sharing your bank statement publicly.
Remember my beloved child, to honour me with your wealth, to freely give as you have freely received, to let your light shine before others, to live your life without any fear of man and instead live only with the reverent fear of the me the Lord your God.
My beloved child, it will be futile for you to fight against my will.
You may plan all kinds of things, but my will is going to be done.
I am taking you to a new place of purification, of sanctification, for my Word tells you that you are to be Holy, just as I am Holy, says I the Sovereign Lord.