Daniella Davis, I Am Now Opening New Huge Doors That No Man Can Shut, Says the Lord

My beloved, fearfully and wonderfully made daughter, Daniella. This is the Lord your God. I am speaking through your brother Paul, my servant, Paul.

Daniella, thank you for being my faithful servant. Thank you for hearing my call upon your life. Thank you for everything that you have been doing for my Kingdom. Thank you for being obedient. Thank you for being so fearless. Thank you for being willing to surrender your life to follow me. Thank you for being willing to pick up your cross and follow me. Thank you Daniella.

I have only just begun getting started moving in your life. My beloved Daniella, your eyes haven't seen, your ears haven't heard and your mind hasn't conceived., what I the Lord your God have got planned for you.

The breakthroughs that I have brought into your life are only just the beginning. I am the Beginning and the End. I am the Alpha and the Omega and I have appointed you my beloved daughter Daniella, to be my glory carrier.

As I am speaking my words now, I am pouring into you my spirit. Greater and greater wisdom, unlike any wisdom you have experienced before. I am filling you now with my spirit.

My beloved daughter Daniella, rivers of living waters. are truly going to be flowing from your belly. All areas of your life, of your circumstances, of your family, of your children, of all those men and women and children that know you, in their dry wastelands, in the barren wastelands, in the desert, through your spoken words, through your prayers, through you declaring and decreeing my word, rivers of living waters are going to be flowing from your belly into all the dry wastelands of all my beloved children that know you, all my beloved children whom you have been praying for and will be praying for from this moment forward. Because it is I the Lord your God, it is my spirit that leads you and guides you into all your prayers, and when I send my Word it does not return to me void, it accomplishes all that I desire, and it prospers everywhere I send it.

My beloved daughter Daniella, more than ever in your life before, I have put the fire of my Holy Ghost, of my spirit, upon your tongue. So now, unlike anything you have experienced before, when you speak, balls of fire will come from your tongue. I have already been using you to destroy powers, principalities, strongmen, false arguments, generational curses, ancestral curses, chains of bondage, iron bars, and you have been doing mighty works for My Kingdom. But, my word to you now, is you have only just begun smashing powers and principalities of darkness. Be prepared my beloved daughter Daniella, I am now opening new, huge doors that no man can shut, and during the last six months I have been shutting those doors that no man can open.

Each day you will be walking by faith and not by sight. Each day you, my beloved daughter Daniella, are going to be walking as my glory carrier. You are my hands and feet, and I will be bringing you into floods of tears, but they will be tears of joy, tears of breakthrough, tears of awe and wonder, tears of prayers being answered by me the Lord your God, tears because I am the great I Am, tears because I am who that who I say I am, tears because I am the Alpha and the Omega, tears because I am the author and the finisher of your faith, tears because you are witnessing my greatest ever move upon the earth.

You will be shedding tears as you praise and worship and glorify me, as you worship me in spirit and in truth on a level unlike anything you have done before

Thank you, my beloved faithful servant, Daniella Davis.

Remember, you can do all things through me who gives you strength.


David Beckham, I Have Called You By Name To Be My Glory Carrier, Says The Lord


Russell Brand, I Have Called You By Name To Publicly Denounce The Freemasons & Jesuits, Says The Lord