I Am Commanding ALL My People To Be My Hands & Feet, Says The Lord
My beloved child, I am giving this message now which is for everyone I have chosen, including you.
In My Kingdom, no one is greater than anyone else.
In My Kingdom, titles mean absolutely nothing.
In My Kingdom, the first will be last and the last will be first.
In My Kingdom, three things will remain… faith, hope and love, and the greatest of these is love.
In My Kingdom that I am bringing down upon the earth more and more and more every single day, I am calling every one of My followers who haven't yet started, to BEGIN telling complete strangers “Jesus loves you”.
None of My followers, no matter how long they have been in a relationship with Me, no matter what title they may have, none of My followers should ever think themselves above going over to complete strangers to say “God bless you. Do you know that Jesus loves you?”
I am commanding Apostles to begin telling complete strangers “Jesus loves you.”
I am commanding Prophets to begin telling complete strangers “Jesus loves you.”
I am commanding Pastors to begin telling complete strangers “Jesus loves you.”
I am commanding Teachers to begin telling complete strangers “Jesus loves you.”
I am commanding Evangelists to desire for Me to use them more and more, harnessing more gifts of My Spirit.
I am commanding all My people to be my hands and feet.
I am commanding all My followers to truly, truly, truly show that they love their neighbours as themselves.
I am commanding all My people to freely give as they have freely received.
I am commanding all My people to not be ashamed of the Gospel, for it is the power of I the Lord your God that brings salvation to all who believe.
My Word tells all My followers that everyone who calls on my name will be saved, but how can they call on me to save them unless they believe in me?
How will they believe in Me, unless they know about me?
How will they know about Me, unless someone tells them?
How will someone go and tell them, unless they are sent?
How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring Good News?
My beloved child, share My message here with your brothers and your sisters.
I am commanding My people who I have given the eyes to see and ears to hear to be My hands and feet upon the earth.
Not everyone who calls out to Me, “Lord! Lord! will enter the kingdom of heaven. Only those who actually do the will of My Father in heaven will enter. On Judgement Day, many will say to Me, “Lord! Lord! We prophesized in your name and cast out demons in your name, and performed many miracles in your name!” But I will reply “I never knew you. Get away from Me, you who break God's laws.”
Remember, My beloved child, love is the greatest.
Now these three things remain… faith, hope and love, and the greatest of these is love
When I say “Who will go for me? Who can I send?” you will say “Here I am Lord. Send me.”