I Am Making Myself & My Kingdom ABSOLUTELY IRRESISTIBLE, Says The Lord

My beloved child, you are receiving My words now, for I the Lord your God desire to give you a greater understanding, a greater comprehension, a greater revelation of how I the King of glory are rescuing lost people who have lived their whole life not believing in Me, not trusting in Me, having not surrendered their life to Me.

I have put My Spirit into you. I have put My Spirit into a number of men, women and children currently walking the earth that is a number that you cannot comprehend, and every moment of every day I am putting My Spirit into more people.

My Spirit produces this kind of fruit in your life and in the lives of all My chosen people… love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things.

My beloved child, through you and My people across the earth, I the Lord your God, I AM MAKING MYSELF IRRESISTIBLE FOR PEOPLE WHO HAVE NEVER BELIEVED IN ME, as I am pouring my RIVERS OF LIVING WATERS into you and my people.

My rivers of living waters are flowing from your hearts, out into the lives of the people who I am rescuing, who I am setting free, who I am giving the eyes to see and the ears to hear.

My beloved child I AM MAKING YOU IRRESISTIBLE to even the most BITTER, the most ENVIOUS, the most JEALOUS, the most PRIDEFUL people in your life, and people who I am going to be bringing you into the life of.


The people that I have created, that I have allowed to live their life their own way, to live in their sin, to deny Me, to deny the Father. I have allowed them to be in the wilderness, to be in those chains of misery, to live battling with the things from their past. I have allowed them to live self-centredly. I have allowed them to follow man's wisdom and to not fear Me, the Lord your God. I HAVE ALLOWED IT ALL.

YET NOW, three years in to me bringing in A NEW AGE, I the Lord of lords, the King of kings, the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, the First and the Last, I am making Myself and My Kingdom, through My people, IRRESISTIBLE.

There is no-one that is too far gone.

There is no one living with any type of addiction that is too far gone. It is not their will that will be done, it is My will and I the Lord your God, desire for EVERYONE TO UNDERSTAND THE TRUTH AND TO BE SAVED BY MY RIGHT HAND.

As I am continuing to PURIFY My people…

As I am continuing to CLEANSE My people…

As I am continuing to SANCTIFY My people…

As I am continuing to CONSECRATE My people…

As I am continuing to make My people more and more HOLY…

As I am continuing to completely SEPARATE My people from the things of the world…

As I am continuing to draw you My beloved child CLOSER AND CLOSER to Me…

I am making you, as one of my disciples, more and more and more irresistible to be around.

My promise to you, My beloved child, and share this message with your brothers and sisters too, is that I am going to be OPENING THE FLOODGATES, the floodgates of people in your life and whom I will be bringing you into the life of, WHO YOU BE PRAYING FOR, for Me to set them free.

When you say these five words, “Can I pray for you?”, because of My irresistible, unfailing, tangible love in you, the response you are going to be getting back is “Yes please”.

My beloved, I have given you a mere glimpse of how irresistible I am making Myself through you and all My people to the lost people of the world, but whatever you have seen me do already in your life, however you have seen Me move, My beloved child, your eyes have not seen, your ears have not heard and your mind has not yet conceived what I the Lord have got prepared for you.

SMILE for I have called you by name from your mother's womb to be one of My increasing number of men, women and children who are MY IRRESISTIBLE DISCIPLES, My irresistible glory carriers, My irresistible hands and feet.

Remember, it is not you that lives but I that live in you, and it is I your Lord and saviour who are making myself and my kingdom, ABSOLUTELY IRRESISTIBLE.


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