It Is ALL Coming, But With A Command, Says The Lord

My beloved child, I promise you that it will ALL be worth it.

I promise you that it will ALL make sense.

I promise you that it is ALL coming, but with My promises comes a command.

My beloved child, I command you to be a DOER of My Word, and not just a hearer.

My Word tells you it is impossible to please Me without faith, but My Word also says your faith without works is dead.

My Word tells you that you are to freely give as you have freely received.

My Word tells you, if you want to be My follower, you have to DENY YOURSELF, pick up your cross DAILY, and follow Me.

My Word tells you that you are NOT to be ashamed of the Gospel, for it is the power of I, the Lord your God, that brings salvation to ALL who believe.

My Word tells you that I, the Lord your God, have not given you a spirit of fear.

I have given you a spirit of POWER, of LOVE and of a SOUND MIND.

I am commanding you to go and live your life each day, in Me, as one of My disciples.

Truly, your body is a temple of My Spirit.

Truly, in Me, the Lord, your God, you live, you move, you have your being.

I am commanding you to not just hear My Word, to not just allow My Living Word to tickle your itchy ears, I command you to be a DOER of My Word.

You know that EVERYONE that will call on My name will be saved.

EVERYONE is everyone that you are going to see from this moment of your receiving My message here.

Everyone in your day to day life.

If they call on My name, they will be saved.

You know, My beloved child, that people can only call on My name to save them if they believe in me.

You know that people can ONLY believe in me if they know about Me.

You know that people will ONLY know about me IF SOMEONE TELLS THEM!

My beloved child, THAT SOMEONE IS YOU!

I have chosen you to be a messenger, bringing Good News to the lives of people you have never met before.

I have chosen you to tell people about Me.

When people see you, they will see Me.

When people hear you speak to them, they will hear Me speak to them

When people see THE LOVE THAT YOU HAVE FOR THEM, they will see the love that I have for them.

My beloved child, I have chosen YOU to set the prisoners free.

I have chosen YOU to shine your light into other people's darkness.

My beloved child, I have chosen YOU to not just be a hearer of My Word, but to be a DOER of My Word.

My beloved child, My Word tells you “Be still and know that I am God”.

You are to be still, as you stand on the promises that I have given you, of all the salvations I am bringing across all your family and the restoration that I am bringing in your life.

You are to be still as I do what only I can do.

My beloved child, DO NOT BE STILL when it comes to being My hands, My feet and My voice each day.

Be a doer of My Word.

When I say to you, “My beloved child, will you go for Me? Can I send you to be a messenger to bring My love into the lives of complete strangers?”

My beloved child, not by your strength, not by your might, but by My Spirit, you will say to Me, “Here I am Lord, send me.”

YES, it will ALL be worth it.

YES, it will ALL make perfect sense.

YES, it is ALL coming.

Yes, My beloved child, YOU are coming into the lives of complete strangers.

I am coming in to the life of complete strangers, people who have never known Me.

I am revealing Myself to the people who you will be sharing My love with.

Truly, you are going to live your life worthy of the calling that you have received, for you have been called by Me, to be one of My increasing number of glory carriers, people of all ages, whom I am a raising up across the earth.

REMEMBER My beloved child, the same power that raised Me from the dead on the third day lives in you.

REMEMBER, greater is My Spirit in you than the spirit that is in the world.

REMEMBER, you can do and you will do ALL THINGS through I the Lord your God who gives you strength.

REMEMBER, faith, hope and love remain, these three, and the greatest of these is LOVE.


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