It Is Time! Exclaims The Lord
My beloved, fearfully and wonderfully made child, I know you have been feeling worn out with all the warfare.
The thief has been coming against you to steal, kill and destroy, your joy, your peace, your hope, your faith.
My beloved child, I have heard the cries of your heart. I have heard every one of your prayers.
I know how hard it has been to see those who are from the family that you were born into, and the family that you are in.
My beloved child, trust Me when I say this to you, I have chosen all those whom you have prayed and interceded for. They are mine.
Now, My beloved child, I am asking you to cast ALL your burdens upon Me, because I care for you.
Yes, My yoke truly is easy and My burden is light.
My beloved child, just as I said on the day I was giving up My life for you on that cross, I looked out and I said, “Here are my mother and my brothers. For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.”
My beloved child, it is time for you to truly lay all those who you have prayed and interceded for, all those who have burdened you, it is truly time to lay them down at the altar.
It is time now to fix your eyes on me.
It is time now to focus on the things of heaven, not the things of earth.
My beloved child, I have chosen you, I have ordained you, I have anointed you.
Truly, it is not you that lives but I, the Lord your God, that lives in you.
My precious child, it is truly time for you to die to your old self, to the old man.
The new man is here!
I am making all things new across the earth, in your life and in the lives of your brothers and sisters.
My precious child, no more striving.
No more feeling weighed down.
No more toiling.
Instead, as you wake each morning, seek Me, the Lord your God and My Kingdom and My Righteousness, and I promise you all else will be given unto you.
There is much work to do. Truly, the harvest is more ready now than it has been over many previous generations.
I am sending you out as one of My disciples.
I have chosen you to walk each day with beautiful feet, sharing My love wherever you go.
My beloved child, remember, you are to freely give, as you have freely received.
I the Lord your God surrendered My life on that cross for EVERYONE upon the earth, for EVERYONE whom you will set eyes on for the rest of your life upon the earth.
You know that EVERYONE who calls on My name will be saved, but how can those who are lost, who are broken, who are feeling helpless, feeling hopeless, those wearing a mask to the world, those living a picture-perfect life, those living with materialistic possessions and wealth, those who are living with a love of money, which truly is the root of all evil… how can anyone call on Me to save them unless they believe in me?
How will all these people upon the earth believe in Me unless they know about me?
How will they come to know about me unless SOMEONE tells them?
How will someone go and tell them, unless they are sent?
My beloved child, from before I created the heavens and the earth, I chose to send you out into the harvest.
Truly, YOU have beautiful feet.
In Me, the Lord your God, you live, you move, you have your being.
Truly, you can do ALL things through I the Lord your God who gives you strength.
I go before you, and I follow you.
I will always, always, always give you the words to say.
Do not be afraid. Be strong and courageous.
Remember, I have not given you a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power, a spirit of love, a spirit of a sound mind.
My beloved child, to further equip you, to strengthen you, to increase your faith, to inspire you, to motivate you, to convict you, to give you what you need to step outside of your comfort zone and begin living OUTSIDE in the harvest, to accompany My Living Word, I the Lord or God have been creating and establishing My ministry.
My ministry is titled Become Born-Again.
My ministry is a worldwide ministry.
Everything that I have been pouring out into and through My ministry is freely available.
My beloved child, it is time.
It is time for you to be the answer to other people's prayers.
It is time for you to go when I ask you to go.
It is time for you to speak when I ask you to speak.
It is time for you to pray when I ask you to pray.
It is time for you to prophesy when I ask you to prophesy.
My beloved child, it is time!
Remember, I make ALL things beautiful in its own time.