Michael Yeadon, I Am Going To Be Using You To Expose What Is The Root Cause Of Mental Health Affliction, Says The Lord

Michael Yeadon, this is the Lord your God.

I have called you by name. You are mine, Michael Yeadon. You are chosen and not forsaken. Before I created the Heaven’s and the Earth I planned out every day of your life and every single member of your entire family, through your whole family bloodline.

You are fearfully and wonderfully made in my image. Everything you have is because of me. Everything that you have done is because of me. All of your talents, your integrity, your tenacity, your willingness to take a stand. All these attributes are because I the Lord your God have given you all your attributes.

Michael, my beloved Michael, I have you and every man, woman and child walking the earth in the palm of my hand.

My plans for your life, Michael, and the plans for the lives of every single one of My children that I will lead to listen to My words know My plans for your lives, are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.

Before I created the Heaven’s and the Earth, I planned for you Michael to shine light into the darkness, for you to expose the corruption, for you to take a stand against planned and perpetrated evil. And now, my beloved Michael, I am calling you to receive me as your Lord and Saviour.

I am now lifting the veil Michael, as you receive my words. I am lifting the veil and the scales are falling from your eyes, and I am now giving you the eyes to see and the ears to hear.

I have numbered every hair on your head. My thoughts for you and all my precious children walking the earth outnumber the grains of sand on the seashore.

You have not been fighting flesh and blood enemies. This is a spiritual battle. My people, the men, the women, the children, and you my beloved Michael and all your family, you have all been lied to and deceived throughout your entire lives. But now, as my grace and my mercy and my patience, against rulers, against leaders, who have been living in sin with a love of money, which is the root of all evil, My grace and My patience and My Mercy has now come to an end.

My wrath and my judgement has truly begun, and Michael Yeadon, I have placed you in precisely the place where you are today, because I the Lord your God, I am going to be using you in mighty, mighty mighty ways. Michael Yeadon, you and all my children who are hearing my words, you have not seen anything yet. I have begun pouring out My Spirit upon my children. Rivers of living waters have begun coming like a tidal wave, that is going to turn into a tsunami, upon the earth.

Truth and justice is coming. My divine justice is coming.

I am lifting the veil from the eyes of my precious children, and you Michael and all your family, I am calling you all now to repent, to turn to me, to receive me as your Lord and Saviour, and to publicly share that I, Jesus Christ, am your Lord and Saviour.

Once you declare that you have surrendered your life to me, I will flood your life with my spirit, with my living waters, with my glory, and your eyes haven't seen, your ears haven't heard and your mind hasn't conceived what I the Lord your God have got planned for you, my beloved Michael Yeadon.

I have anointed your head with oil. My hand is mighty upon your life Michael. I had my divine protection upon you during the last two years, and you can do all things through me who gives you strength.

I have given you experiences, firsthand experiences, of the pharmaceutical industry, of the health care system, and you have seen with your own eyes, the corruption, the lies, the deception, the evil, and the love of money which is a root of all evil. And I the Lord your God, the Alpha and the Omega, for My glory, I am exposing all sins. All the deceptions that have been upon my people, you and your family for generations and generations and generations, I am destroying all deceptions.

The DECEPTION of the big bang

The DECEPTION of the universe.

The DECEPTION of the Milky Way.

The DECEPTION of galaxies.

The DECEPTION of the shape of the earth.

The DECEPTION of gravity.

The DECEPTION of men walking on the moon.

The DECEPTION that comes from NASA.

The DECEPTION that comes from the Freemasons.

The DECEPTION that come from the Jesuits.

The DECEPTIONS within MY church.

The DECEPTION of man made religion.

The DECEPTION of the new age movement.

The DECEPTION of evolution.

Deception after deception after deception.



I am awakening my people, the men, the women and the children. My army is rising up. My David's, my Esher’s, my Paul's, my David's, and I have called you by name Michael Yeadon, to be one of my David's taking the heads off Goliath’s within the pharmaceutical industry, within the healthcare system and within mainstream media.

My beloved Michael Yeadon and all my children whom I will lead to receive My words now, fire is going to come from your tongue as you speak My Word as you declare My Word, as you decree My Word in your prayers. Fire is going to be coming to destroy the powers and principalities of darkness. I the Lord your God, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, I am opening up the Heaven’s and blazing coals of fire have begun raining down to destroy strongmen, powers and principalities of darkness.


And, my beloved chosen servant Michael Yeadon, there is a special important calling upon your life from me. I the Lord your God, I am going to be using you, Michael, to expose the EVIL that is tablets for people who have been diagnosed with a mental illness. I have watched over many, many, many years, due to the spirit of pharmakeia, and through all the deceptions that have been upon My people that I have allowed, I have watched more and more and more of My children, men, women and children, be diagnosed with a mental illness and then put on tablets for their mental health. But now, in 2022, as I am lifting the veil and as I am removing the scales from millions and millions and what is going to become billions of men and women and children walking the earth, I will be showing My people that I am the Prince of peace, and the peace that I give you is a gift the world cannot give you, and my peace surpasses all understanding and guards the hearts and minds of my beloved precious children, in me Christ Jesus.

Michael Yeadon, I am going to be using you mightily to expose what is at the very root cause of mental health affliction.

Depression, anxiety, bipolar, schizophrenia, PTSD, fear, paranoia. The root of all these diagnosed mental health afflictions that lead mental health professionals to prescribe tablets, the root cause of all of these a separation from Me, the Lord their God. But in 2022, I have only just begun destroying the evil that is tablets for mental health.

I am setting the captives free.

I am reaching down to the bottom of the deepest, darkest, darkest oceans and I am rescuing my lost children.

I am rescuing them from all their enemies.

I am the mighty warrior that saves.

I am the one that breaks the iron bars.

I am the chain breaker.

I am the one who sets the captives free.

I am the one who gives my people my peace, which is a gift the world cannot give you Michael and a gift that the world cannot give any man, woman and child.

Now. 2022. The year that I planned before I created the Heavens and the Earth, to pour out my Spirit upon my children. To lift the veil. To remove the scales. To send the locusts into the lives of those who have been living in deep dark sin. Those with a love of money which is a root of all evil. My wrath and my judgement is coming and there is nothing anyone can do about it. No amount of money can stop what I have already begun. And you my beloved Michael Yeadon, you are going to be glorifying me. You are going to be worshipping me in spirit and in truth. I am going to be filling you with my love, with my joy, with my peace, with revelations. You are going to be praying and interceding.

I have appointed you, Michael Yeadon, to be a prophet to the nation's, and through your words of prayer alongside my other mighty mighty men, women and children, in my army, you are going to be seeing powers and principalities of darkness utterly, utterly destroyed.

All for My glory, because I am the King of glory.

I am the King of kings.

I am the Lord of lords.

I am the Alpha and the Omega.

I Am the Beginning and the end.

I am the First and the Last.

I am the true vine.

I am the bread of life.

And you Michael Hayden, and every single one of my precious children, you don't live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from my life.

I am the light of the world.

I am the resurrection and the life.

I am the same yesterday, today and forever.

And my beloved Michael Yeadon and all my beloved children who will be receiving my words that I speak now, I am the author and the finisher of your faith and you are chosen and not forsaken.

My will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.

For I the Lord of Heaven’s Armies has spoken.


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