See Me & My Characteristics In Everyone, Says The Lord
My beloved child, as I give My message here on the 31st of December 2024, truly, I AM bringing in New Heavens and New Earth.
Before the foundations of the earth, I ordained for you to be receiving My message here, for I am changing the way in which you experience life, specifically, every time you see other people.
I am making you increasingly sensitive to when I the Lord your God are bringing fruit out from within someone.
You know that the nine fruit of My Spirit are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, goodness, faithfulness and self-control.
No matter whether I have set someone free from the powers of sin and death yet or not, I am making you sensitive to when other people are demonstrating one or more of the fruit.
My beloved child, I desire for you, by My Spirit, to begin to see Me, the Lord your God, in other people in your day to day life.
I don't need to reveal to you if I have lifted the veil yet.
Sometimes you will know by My Spirit when there is someone who you are with, someone that you have seen, who is living with heaviness.
You will know by My Spirit some people who are feeling helpless or hopeless.
You will know by My Spirit some people who have suffered pain and trauma.
You will know by My Spirit some people when they have suffered abuse of any kind.
Yes, I am going to be giving you words of wisdom, I am going to be giving you words of knowledge, for people who you have never met before, who you know nothing about, but remember, love is the greatest.
Remember you are to love your neighbor as yourself. You are to love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.
My beloved child, not only are you going to be seeing characteristics of I the Lord, your God, in other people, no matter what they believe in, I am going to be using you to bring out fruit in other people whom you have never met before, and in those who you spend your time with.
Yes, as you become more and more the embodiment of I, the Lord your God, watch and see how I am going to be using you to reveal Me, to reveal characteristics of Me, in other people.
When you look and you see someone showing love to someone else, that is me.
When you look and you see someone joyful, that is me.
When you look at someone and you can see that they are living with peace, that is Me.
When you are looking at someone and they are demonstrating patience in whichever circumstance, that is Me.
When you look at someone and you can see that they are showing kindness to someone else, that is Me.
When you look at someone and you can see that they are showing goodness to someone else, that is Me.
When you look at someone and you can see that they are demonstrating a gentleness towards someone else, that is Me.
When you look at someone and you can see that they are showing faithfulness, and that could be in their relationship, in their marriage, in their friendship, that is Me.
My beloved child, when you look and see other people, and you know that they are demonstrating self-control, in whichever circumstances they may be in, that is Me.
Yes, My beloved, precious, fearfully and wonderfully made child, not only did I make you in My image, I made ALL people in My image.
Think for a few moments the impact you have on someone else's life when you smile at them.
That someone could be living with a significant amount of pain and trauma.
They could be feeling helpless and hopeless.
They could even be feeling like they can't go on with their life anymore, but then, when you smile at them, when you show them My love, because I live in you, even if they only manage to do a small smile back at you, can you now see you are bringing Me out in that person?
Through you demonstrating the fruit of My Spirit, you are going to see fruit coming forth from other people, whether or not I have set them free at that moment in time or not.
My beloved child, remember, in Me, the Lord your God, you live, you move, you have your being.
You are My masterpiece.
I made you in My image.
I saved you by grace, not through the works that you have done.
You are to freely give as you have freely received.
As My Word tells you in Romans 10 verses 13 to 15, you know that EVERYONE who calls on My name will be saved.
But how can the people that you are going to be seeing in your day to day life call on Me to save them, unless they believe in Me?
How can they believe in me, unless they know about Me?
How will they know about Me, unless someone tells them?
How will someone go and tell them, unless they are sent?
My precious child, I the Lord Your God, the Holy One of Israel, are sending you out!
You are My hands.
You are My feet.
You are My voice.
You carry My heart of flesh.
As people whom you have never spoken to before begin to know about you and what I have done in your life, they will come to know Me, their Lord and Savior.
My beloved child, through you receiving My message, I have been opening your eyes. I have been opening your mind to understand My Living Word, and I have been bringing you up to a higher place, where you will be looking at other people from this moment going forward in a different way.
When you hear Me say to you, “Who will go for me? Who can I send to be a messenger to bring My Good News to other people?, my precious child, not by your strength, not by your might, but by My Spirit, you will say;
“Here I am Lord, send me.”