So, So Many Of My Followers Have Faith That Is Dead For They Have No Works, Says The Lord
My beloved child, my Word tells you that it is impossible to please me without faith. You know that faith is a substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
My Word also tells you and all my people across the earth, that FAITH WITHOUT WORKS IS DEAD.
Works are not just good deeds.
Works are not just wearing a cross on your neck.
Works are not just sharing my Word on social media.
Works are not just gathering with your brothers and sisters.
Works are not just praying to me in the secret place.
Works are not just worshipping in spirit and in truth.
Works are not just interceding for non-believers.
Works are talking to complete strangers about my love for them.
Works are offering to pray for people you have only just met.
Works are talking by faith, not by sight.
Works are trusting in me and my Word completely.
Works are living with joy and peace every day.
Works are considering it an opportunity for great joy when trials of any kind come your way.
Works are not to being ashamed of the Gospel.
Works are you be willing to go when I ask you to go.
Works are you being willing to speak when I ask you to speak.
Works are you living outside of your comfort zone
Works are you no longer having a fear of man
Works are operating in the gifts of my Spirit.
Works are offering to lay hands on people for me to heal them.
Works are going into someone's life to share a word of knowledge.
Works are speaking prophetically into someone's life.
My beloved child, it is a sin to know what you ought to do and then not do it.
My Word is so clear - if you are lukewarm, neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of my mouth.
So, so, so many of my followers have faith that is currently dead, for they have no works.
Instead, they are living with a fear of man.
I haven't given any of my people a spirit of fear, but of power, of love and of a sound mind.
My beloved child, may each day you desire to have faith AND works.
My beloved child, be my hands and feet.
My beloved child, trust in me, trust in my Word, trust in my promises to you.
ALL my promises to you are yes and amen, in my perfect time.
Show your brothers and sisters, your faith AND your works, says I the Sovereign Lord.