Speak Life Not Death, Love Not Fear, Says The Lord

My beloved, there is power in your tongue to speak life, or to speak death. There is power in your actions to share love or to share fear.

My beloved, I am calling you to SPEAK LIFE into your life, into your entire family's life, into the lives of your brothers and your sisters, and I am calling you to speak life into the lives of unbelievers. When you speak about acts of evil, when you share information about acts of evil, you are spreading fear.

My beloved, the only fear that you should be speaking about, is the reverent fear of me, the Lord your God.

I haven't given you or your brothers and sisters a spirit of fear, but of power, of love and of a sound mind.

I am calling you my beloved, to fix your eyes on the things above, not the things below. I am calling you to SATURATE YOUR LIFE EACH DAY with the things of my Kingdom, reading my Word, hearing my Word, speaking my Word, worshipping me in spirit and in truth, saturating your entire being with the things of my Kingdom, because remember my beloved, you are in the world but you are not of the world, I have called you out of the darkness and into my glorious light.

Remember my beloved, there is power on your tongue and there is power from your actions. Your tongue can speak life or death and your actions can spread love or spread fear.

My beloved, SPEAK LIFE. Let your actions share my love, share my agape love.

May your actions shine light into the darkness of those who I haven't yet brought into salvation. My beloved, I have called you by name from your mother's womb, to be my glory carrier.

Thank you for hearing my voice.

Thank you for receiving my words.

Thank you for following my will for your life.

My beloved, the more that you saturate your life each day with the things of my Kingdom, the more that I will be saturating you with my glory.

Prepare for more and more tears as you experience more and more of my goodness, of my joy, of my love, of my peace.

My Peace is a gift to you that the world cannot give you, and my peace surpasses all understanding.

My beloved, you are my masterpiece, says I, the Lord of Heaven Armies.


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