Start Asking Me “Lord, Am I Ready?” Says The Lord
My beloved child, so many of My children are waiting.
They are waiting on Me to fulfil personal promises that I have given them.
They are waiting on Me to fulfil promises that I have given them in My Living Word.
They are waiting on Me to fulfil prophetic words they have received by My Spirit.
They are waiting on Me to fulfil visions I have given them of things to come in their life.
Many are waiting on Me to set free one or more of their family members.
Many are waiting on Me to bring their prodigal son or daughter home.
Many are waiting on Me to heal them.
Many are waiting on Me to heal a family member.
Many are waiting on Me to provide financial blessings.
Many are waiting on Me to bring a destiny helper into their life.
Many are waiting on Me to open a new door of change, opportunity or breakthrough.
Many are waiting on Me to restore their marriage.
Many are waiting on Me to restore their family.
Many are waiting on Me to deliver someone in their life of an addiction.
Many are waiting on Me to do the impossible, because they know that I am the God of the impossible.
My beloved child, I am asking you to start asking Me a question that most of My children have never asked Me before.
When you are thinking about the promises and prophecies that you are standing on, as often as you may do, please come to Me and ask Me:
“Lord, am I ready?”
When you ask Me this, ask Me with the humility of a little child and with your hearts desire to receive and accept how I will respond to you.
So many of My children are not yet ready to receive and steward the promise or promises they are standing on. I still need to do much work within them, so often further inner healing, before I know they will be ready to steward the new thing I have promised.
Remember, when I know I can trust My children with a little, I know that I can trust them with a lot.
Patience to truly trust in My perfect timing is one of the most important fruit that I am instilling within My children, including you.
Remember, My precious, beloved child, I make EVERYTHING beautiful in its own time.
I AM a man of My Word.
ALL My promises prove true.
My way is PERFECT.
My beloved, remember, give Me thanks in all circumstances, and when the spirit of heaviness comes, always, always, put on the garment of praise! Remember, I inhabit your praises! It is not you that lives, but I the Lord your God that lives in you.
Give Me, the King of Glory, and Me alone ALL the glory, praise and honour in ALL things.