For Potential Supporters, Partners & Investors Of Become Born-Again Worldwide Ministry
One of the latest blessing received at the time of writing, on Friday 9th February 2024
“Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full—pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.”
Luke 6:38 NLT
Thank you for giving up some of your precious time, as you read through this open door opportunity for you to become either a supporter, partner or investor in Become Born-Again Worldwide Ministry.
Through this you will begin supporting the Great Commission.
I thank God for the life you live and for how God has blessed you throughout your life with the gifts and talents you have, which have allowed you to earn money, live a more comfortable life upon the earth than many others, and to now be in a position to bless other people through how you have been blessed.
The Birth Of The Ministry
In January 2019 I was a living a picture-perfect life. I was a successful entrepreneur, author and trainer, running a high-growth digital agency. I had been earning between £80-120,000 per year, living in a £700,000 home with my beautiful wife and our 3 young daughters, and we were driving an £80,000 brand new Land Rover Discovery and a £40,000 brand new Audi TT
In March 2019 our marriage collapsed after we had been together for over 24 years since I was 18 years of age, due to around 10 years of mental abuse behind closed doors. There had never been any faith in our lives personally, our family life or in our families when we were growing up. There was also no-one at this time in our lives who had any faith
In April 2019, aged 41, in a place of total and absolute hopelessness and helplessness, one night I had the revelation that God is real, God loves me, Jesus is the Son of God, Jesus died for me on the cross and Jesus shed His blood on the cross so that I can be forgiven by God for my lifetime of sins
In June 2019 I was baptised, born-again and I received Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Saviour
In December 2019, following being convicted by the Holy Spirit that I need to start blessing members of the public, I started to say “God bless you” to complete strangers during my day-to-day life, wherever I would go
In February 2020, following being convicted by the Holy Spirit that I now need to start letting members of the public know that they are loved by God, I started saying “God bless you, Jesus loves you!” to complete strangers during my day-to-day life, wherever I would go
In May 2020 my eyes were opened by God as to what is really taking place across the earth, and God asked me to listen to Him and follow His commands in the Holy Bible, and not the rules and dictates of sinful, deceitful man
From this point I started to boldly and apologetically share the Good News both in person and online through Facebook and YouTube, as well as speaking out against all the lies, deception, corruption and fear-mongering that world gives everyone
In March 2021, at a point in my walk with Jesus where I was in total shock at how almost all Christians across the earth couldn’t yet see and understand what is really going on in the world, I asked God for wisdom. God spoke to me and said:
"My son Paul, I am taking you out of the church, and I am taking you in to full-time ministry. The ministry that you are going to steward will be called Become Born-Again Ministry. I want you to purchase the domain name, create the website using Squarespace, then connect up your Facebook page and YouTube channel. Then, through me, you are going to start giving messages to my people across the earth. These messages will be messages that my people aren't hearing when they go to church on Sunday, for my church across the earth is lukewarm and polluted by sin".
Miraculously, within 15 hours on 25th March 2021, the Become Born-Again Ministry, God’s ministry, was birthed
At its March 2021 birth, the ministry website was launched, which provided access to both my Facebook page and YouTube channel, along with prayers, testimonies, miracles, worship music and a link to the free YouVersion Bible App (which has at the time of writing been installed on over 649,900,000 devices)
2021 - The First Bold Move
In October 2011, with the ministry now 7 months of age, God spoke to me and said:
"My son, I am now going to start speaking through you to give messages from my heart to my people across the earth. Messages my people aren't hearing when they go to church on Sunday, for my church is lukewarm and polluted by sin".
Here is the very 1st message from the Lord (10th Oct 2021) :
Here is the 379th message from the Lord (13th February 2024):
Here is a link to all of the weekly increasing, (over 380), messages for the body of Christ, messages for the not yet saved, messages for everyone walking the earth and personal messages to individuals at all different levels of society, from the homeless to the multibillionaires:
The 2022 Growth Of The Ministry
In March 2022 the ministry expanded from the UK into Rwanda, when born-again disciple of Jesus Ben Morgan was commissioned to start making disciples in villages across Rwanda, along with his brother in Christ, Mugisha Rukumani
The Divine Purpose Of The Ministry
Whilst I was on a 10 day mission in Rwanda in September 2022 with Ben and Mugisha, the Spirit of the Lord revealed to me what is the purpose of Become Born-Again Worldwide Ministry…
Making Disciples To The Four Corners Of The Earth
2023 - The 2nd Stage Of Growth
In April 2023 the ministry expanded into Uganda, when Pastor Mwima Jackson was commissioned to become the lead ministry ambassador in Uganda
In April 2023 the ministry expanded into Pakistan, when Pastor Sam Bhatti was commissioned to become the lead ministry ambassador in Pakistan
In June 2023 the ministry expanded into Kenya, when Pastor David Onyango was commissioned to become the lead ministry ambassador in Kenya
In July 2023 the ministry expanded into America, when the Spirit of the Lord brought Paul Rouke and Apostolic leader Firmie Simpson from Florida, USA, together. It was a divine joining that happened with both of them being part of a Facebook group with over 600,000 members. Firmie joined Emily and Harrison Slaton and Terril Perry in becoming ambassadors for Become Born-Again Ministry in America
In August 2023 the ministry expanded to Tanzania, when Pastor Justine Nyabaga was commissioned to become the lead ministry ambassador in Tanzania
In October 2023 the ministry expanded to Australia, when long term follower of Jesus Debra Lee from Perth was commissioned to become the lead ministry ambassador in Australia
The 2024 Growth Of The Ministry
On February 4th 2024 the ministry expanded to India, when Richard Elias James was commissioned to become the lead ministry ambassador in India
By faith there is an expectation that God will provide the necessary resources and finances to continue expanding the reach of the ministry to more and more countries during 2024, following the Great Commission and the ministry purpose of Making Disciples To The Four Corners Of The Earth
The Current Activity Of The Ministry
Facebook (Paul Rouke) -
Facebook (Ministry Group) -
Facebook Messenger (Discipleship Group) -
WhatsApp (Discipleship Group) -
Weekly Zoom (Discipleship Group) -
(Meeting ID: 528 832 5675 Passcode: 777107107)YouTube -
TikTok -
Instagram -
Spotify -
LinkedIn -
The Free Resources Of The Ministry
Here is a link to all the 379 messages, messages for the body of Christ, messages for the not yet saved, and personal messages to individuals at all different levels of society, from the homeless to the multi-billionaires:
Here is a link to all 13 ministry books, each available to download for FREE in PDF format:
Here is a link to all the individual prophetic words that have been released so far:
Here is a link to our FREE Disciple Institute, featuring teaching series, all our online Sunday services, and each of the weekly disciple training Zoom recordings:
Here is a link to the YouTube channel, featuring over 1700 videos and over 50 individual playlists, from testimonials and teachings to prophetic words and worship music:
The Free Books Of The Ministry (PDF)
The Church - From Lukewarm on Sunday To On-Fire Every Day (Volume 1):
The Church - From Lukewarm on Sunday To On-Fire Every Day (Volume 2):
Become A Disciple:
Sexual Abuse: From Survival To Joy:
Mental Health: From Prison To Peace:
Suicide: From Hopeless To Hope:
Life Behind Bars: From Prison To Purpose:
Intimacy With Jesus: From Religion To Relationship:
What Is God Saying To His People? Volume 1:
What Is God Saying To His People? Volume 2:
God’s Divine Wealth Transfer That Began in 2020 (Volume 1):
The Earth: From Globe Deception To Firmament Of Fire:
About The Ministry:
Ministry Books On Amazon
The Church - From Lukewarm on Sunday To On-Fire Every Day (Volume 1):
Paperback - Kindle: Church - From Lukewarm on Sunday To On-Fire Every Day (Volume 2): Paperback: Kindle: Hardcover:
Become A Disciple: Paperback: Kindle:
Sexual Abuse: From Survival To Joy:
Paperback: Kindle: Health: From Prison To Peace:
Paperback: Kindle: From Hopeless To Hope: Paperback:
Life Behind Bars: From Prison To Purpose: Not currently available in print
Intimacy With Jesus: From Religion To Relationship:
Paperback: Kindle: Is God Saying To His People? Volume 1:
Paperback: Kindle: Is God Saying To His People? Volume 2:
Paperback: Kindle:’s Divine Wealth Transfer That Began in 2020 (Volume 1):
Paperback: Kindle: Hardback: Earth: From Globe Deception To Firmament Of Fire:
Paperback: Kindle: The Ministry: Not currently available in print
The Current Funding Of The Ministry
Here is an overview of how the ministry activities and growth across the nations has been funded so far, during the 1st 3 years:
So far there has been over £90,000 invested in to the ministry
Over £70,000 of this investment has come from donations made by myself, from my person finances and from donations from the 1 man consultancy that I run, Become Customer-Centric, which was also birthed in March 2021
There are currently 2 people that provide monthly financial support - 1 brother who has gifted £300 per month since June 2022, and 1 brother who gifts between £50 and £300 per month since around September 2023
People can support the ministry financially through one of either the website, PayPal, CashApp or direct bank transfer
In the 6 months from 1st August 2023 to 31st January 2024, there were 10 individual blessings received through the website, ranging from £10 to £222, with a total amount received of £657
How Funding Is Used In The Ministry
None of the current 13 ministry ambassadors in England, Wales, Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Pakistan, Australia, India, America or Canada receive a monthly salary.
Ministry finances have so far being used for the following:
Transport for ambassadors to travel to share the Gospel
Some monthly living expenses for ambassadors in Rwanda, Uganda and Kenya
Some food to support families living in poverty in Rwanda, Uganda and Kenya
Purchasing Bibles (approx. £6 each) to give out to people
Purchasing ministry books (between. £7-20 each) from Amazon to give out to people
Purchasing IT equipment (laptops & printers) to translate and print out messages to give out to people
Funding a monthly radio broadcast (£50 per month) for the ministry on Uganda Christian radio
Funding outreach missions in Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, Pakistan and Tanzania
Funding 10-21 day ministry expansion missions in Rwanda, Czech Republic and America
Funding the build of the ministries 1st building, a disciple institute in Uganda (around £1000)
Funding youth camps in Uganda and Kenya
The Future Growth Of The Ministry
According to the Great Commission, what God has already spoken about the ministry, and the purpose for the ministry, Making Disciples To The Four Corners Of The Earth, the Lord’s ministry will continue to grow through:
More outreach missions across the nations
More in-country missions through the current ministry ambassadors
More ambassadors in other countries being commissioned
More Bibles being purchased and distributed
More ministry books being purchased and distributed
More outreach activities including radio and social media broadcasts
More multi-day youth and adult camps
More partnerships with other ministries across the earth
More Disciple Institute buildings being established to teach, train and equip believers in to becoming disciples of Jesus Christ
The Future Funding Of The Ministry
This is where you come in.
We are asking for supporters, partners and investors to consider supporting the ministry with whatever level of financial support that God places upon your heart.
Your financial support could be a one-off or it could be on-going
You will be able to say how you would like your financial support to be used
There will be total transparency of how your financial support has been used
There will be testimonies shared publicly on the ministry social media channels
If you prefer to stay private that is absolutely your choice
What Is In This For You?
You will be investing some of the money that God has blessed you with in to advancing God’s Kingdom upon the earth
You will supporting the fulfilment of the Great Commission
You will be storing some of the treasures you have in heaven
Are you interested?
If so please reach out to me personally through either:
Phone - (+44) 07739 745 126
Email -
Thank You
I want to once again personal thank you for giving up some of your precious time to read through this. I trust that you learning about Become Born-Again Worldwide Ministry has been both interesting and valuable for you.
May God continue to bless and protect you and all your family, in Jesus name.
Agape, Paul Rouke
Treasures In Heaven
“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
Matthew 6:19-21