Once You Know The Earth Is Flat, There Is Absolutely NO Going Back!!!
Around March 2021, the month when Become Born-Again Worldwide Ministry was birthed by the Holy Spirit, God suddenly opened my eyes to the life-changing truth that He didn’t create a spinning globe earth that is flying through space, and that the earth is actually flat and stationary.
Oh the profound peace and clarity of thought that came over me was truly divine. To be set free from a lifetime of deception and indoctrination of man was truly life-changing, all glory to God.
I was ready to get straight on and do a Facebook Live about the globe deception, but God said to me:
“No, not yet. It is not yet my perfect time. I will tell you when I want you to talk publicly about the earth.”
It wasn’t until late 2021 when God said to me:
“I want to you to find out more about Eric Dubay and what he believes in by visiting his YouTube channel.”
It had been a 65 minute Eric Dubay video that God had used earlier that year to show me the truth of the shape of the earth.
When I went on to Eric’s YouTube channel, and there were many videos to choose from, the Spirit led me to a video where Eric was responding to defamatory videos he has had done about himself to try and discredit him.
I started to watch and listen with interest. One accusation against Eric was that he is a Freemason from a Masonic family and can’t be trusted, and that his great uncle is a 32nd degree Freemason.
Eric made it absolutely clear he wasn’t and never has been a Freemason, and how he wants to see this secret society dismantled because of all the deception, control and indoctrination that comes from them and other secret societies.
Eric did say how he does have an uncle who is a 32nd degree Freemason, but he doesn’t have a relationship with him, from years earlier when Eric published a book about the globe deception and his uncle vilified him for it on Facebook.
As I continued to watch this video of Eric with interest, he then started to respond to a video that had been made of him in relation to him being Anti-Christ. To this Eric passionately said how he is not religious at all, that he doesn’t follow any of the religions like Christianity or Islam, and then he said:
“Clearly there things in the Bible which are simply not true.”
As I was listening to this with deep interest, the Lord then spoke to me:
“See now, I have been using Eric to expose the globe deception for many years, but he is still against me. He doesn’t have a pure heart and clean hands, so he can’t be fully trusted. Now, it is my perfect time for you to start sharing publicly about the globe deception, but every time you do, you will always be telling people about me and my love for all people.”
This was God’s call and I was ready to obey.
I did my first Live about the globe deception, and oh my did the demons get rattled!!
I received mocking and slandering comments from atheists, agnostics, Christian’s AND born-again followers of Jesus.
Through 2022, when God asked me to do a post or live about the globe deception, suddenly friends, former work colleagues and employees would suddenly comment, passing judgment on me and what I am sharing.
From Christian’s and born-again followers I would get comments like:
“This isn’t important”
“This isn’t a salvation issue”
“What does it matter what shape the earth is?”
“Jesus didn’t talk about the shape of the earth”
“Just focus on the Gospel”
“You are distracting people”
“You are deceived”
“You are deluded”
“You are a false teacher”
“You are a wolf in sheep’s clothing”
“You are being prideful. God hates the proud.”
One born-again, baptised follower of Jesus whom I’d had a very positive, healthy relationship with up until me talking about the globe deception, would sometimes comment on a post with a strong warning message of:
“Stop talking about this. You are being deceived.”
I didn’t obey Satan, instead I continued to obey the Lord. This clearly angered Satan, and about maybe 6 months in to receiving a few strong warning messages from Satan through this particular brother in Christ, I have to say I was absolutely shocked at the sickening way in which Satan tried to get me to stop talking about the globe deception.
One day I got a message from this brother, saying that a group of elders from his ministry had just been in prayer, and whilst in prayer one of the believers got a word from the Lord to say that:
“Whilst we were praying we saw doors which you have opened in the Spirit Realm Brother which the enemy is looking to exploit. Amelia’s situation is life or death Brother. So please take this to the Lord”
The brother told me that the believers spoke together and that the Amelia that they decided this was about was our youngest daughter Amelia.
I was being told by my brother “Sexual abuse and Suicidal Thoughts have been revealed”
The brother sent me a voice message explaining this, and in his message he was saying to me:
“You are bringing your daughter Amelia in to danger by not listening to people tell you that you should be focussing only on sharing the Gospel. You are giving Satan access to your daughter. You need to stop speaking about things which aren’t important”.
“God is giving you an exit plan from all the spirits of distraction”
Satan, GET BEHIND ME, you father of lies!!!
WOW - how my brother in Christ was allowing himself to be used in this way by Satan to threaten me and blame me for potentially something that has happened or may happen to our youngest daughter Amelia!!!
I asked the Lord for wisdom on what I was hearing, and this is what the Lord said to me:
“Yes, there is an Amelia who is in grave danger and needs prayers and support, but it is not your daughter at all. It is an Amelia who is connected to people in your brothers ministry, and I want you to go back to him and ask him to share this warning message for an Amelia in to the congregation of his ministry.”
I did this.
My brother wouldn’t listen. He was adamant that this was God speaking about our youngest daughter Amelia, and that I needed to listen to the warning.
I give God ALL the glory for teaching me during my first 4.5 years from being saved, than even very close brothers and sisters, who are baptised and born-again and doing ministry work, can be used by Satan just like Peter was the night before Jesus surrendered His life on the cross.
I thank God for the gift of discerning of spirits.
I thank God for truly working in all things for good for those who love God and who live according to His purpose for them.
I thank God for revealing the truth of His creation to me and many others… an increasing amount of people across the flat, stationary earth.
Once you know the earth is flat, there is absolutely NO going back!!!!
Glory glory glory to the King of glory 🔥🔥🔥