You Are No Victim, You Are My Masterpiece, Says The Lord

My beloved child, this is the Lord your God. You are no victim. You are my masterpiece.

I have called you by name. You are chosen and not forsaken. You are the apple of my eye. Before I created the heavens and the earth, I planned out every single day of your life. Every day of your life is written in my book. Every single moment, including this moment of you receiving my words now, was laid out before a single day had passed.

My beloved, you have experienced pain, turmoil, suffering and you have experienced evil acts during your life. You have been broken. You have been crushed. You have been beaten down. You have been to places where you have felt completely and utterly hopeless, totally helpless. You have been broken-hearted. Your spirit has been crushed. Some of the things that you have experienced, millions of other people would not have survived. But you are here today, living, breathing and receiving my message to you, because YOU ARE MY MASTERPIECE. You are fearfully and wonderfully made in my image. You are a walking miracle. My grace and my mercy and my unfailing love has always been upon your life. I have been with you every single moment of your entire life. It is me the Lord your God that brought you back from the brink of doing the unthinkable. It is I the Lord your God that has given you the strength to keep going, the strength to keep moving forward, the strength to face another day, because you can do all things through me the Lord your God who gives you strength.

I have allowed you to hit rock bottom, for you to realise that I am the rock at the bottom. I am the rock of all ages. I am the mighty warrior that saves. I formed you and I created you and I knitted you together in utter seclusion. I saw you before you were born. I brought you forth on the day you were born, and my beloved, I have numbered every hair on your head. My thoughts for you outnumber the grains of sand. My love for you is beyond anything that you can comprehend. My love for you is beyond anything that you could ever experience from another human. My love for you is unfailing. I have always loved you and I will always love you, and in your faithlessness, I the Lord your God have always been faithful because I cannot deny who I am. I am your Lord and your saviour. I am the good shepherd, and during your life, without you realising it, I was standing at the door and I was knocking, and I was waiting for you to open the door. And now as you are receiving my words, as my Spirit is upon you, as I am pouring into you more and more of my spirit, as you are being filled with my spirit, as you are now able to receive my words to you, you are now opening the door because I have chosen you and I have called you.

You are saved by my grace. You are receiving my words right now, not by chance, not by coincidence, but because I planned for this moment before I created the heavens and the earth. Your help comes from me. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.

I am the author and the finisher of your faith. I have you in the palm of my hand. I have seen everything that you have ever been through. I have seen every tear that you have ever shed, and I have caught every one of your tears in my bottle. And my beloved I want you to know that because you have sown with tears, you are going to reap with songs of joy. I am now opening your heart to receive me, to receive my unfailing love, to receive my peace which surpasses all understanding and that guards your heart and your mind in me, the Lord your God.

You will no longer feel like you are a victim because you are not a victim. You are my masterpiece. You will no longer be fearful because I the Lord your God have not given you a spirit of fear, but of power, of love and of a sound mind.

My perfect love expels of fear. My plans for your life, my beloved, are plans for good and not for disaster to give you a future and a hope. As you surrender everything in your life to me, as you comprehend that you have your entire being because of me the Lord your God, it is my breath in your lungs, it is through my grace, through my mercy and my unfailing love that you are here today to receive my message. So as you surrender everything to me, knowing that the battles that come into your life, those battles belong to me the Lord your God. YOU DO NOT FIGHT FLESH AND BLOOD ENEMIES. You have been fighting against powers and principalities from the kingdom of darkness, in the heavenly realms and on earth, but the weapons that you fight with, where you are only now beginning to realise this, the weapons that you fight with are not of the world, they are not carnal, on the contrary, they have divine power to break down strongholds.

My beloved, your identity is not in your past. Your identity is not in the things that you have experienced. Your identity isn't in the pains, the trauma and the suffering from your life that you have experienced, that you have walked through, that you have come through because I the Lord your God, I have anointed you. My hand is mighty upon your life and your identity, my beloved, is in me, Christ Jesus, the Lord your God. Your identity is in me. I have lifted you out of the miry clay. I have put your feet on me, the rock of all ages. I reached down into the deep waters to rescue you from all your enemies, and as I am sharing my word to you now, I am giving you life-changing revelation that your identity is in me, that I the Lord your God, I am your Redeemer, I am your restorer, I am your healer, I am your strength, I am your joy and I am your peace. I am the prince of peace and the peace that I give you is a gift the world cannot give you. Do not be afraid or discouraged. Trust in me. Put your faith in me and me alone. I am for you and not against you. You are chosen and not forsaken. My way is perfect, and all my promises prove true to all my chosen people, and you are chosen by me and you will not be touched, says I the Lord of Heaven's Armies.

My beloved, you are going to be weeping more than you have wept before, but your tears, your weeping will be weeping tears of joy, as you begin to understand and to comprehend how much I love you, as you begin to understand that I am for you, not against you, as you begin to comprehend that you are the apple of my eye, that you are my masterpiece, that I am for you and not against you that my plans for your life and your family are plans for good and not for disaster to give you a future under hope Yes, you will be weeping tears of joy. Your tears will be not tears of suffering. Your tears will be not tears thinking and feeling that you are a victim, because you are not a victim, you are my masterpiece, and my beloved, your eyes haven't seen, your ears haven't heard and your mind hasn't conceived what I the Lord your God have got planned for you because you love me.

You, my beloved are going to be worshipping me in spirit and in truth. My word is going to be coming alive for you for the first time in your life. I am pouring into you now rivers of living waters. I am cleansing you. I am purifying you. I am giving you a heart of flesh from a heart of stone. I am giving you a pure heart and clean hands. Through my surrender of my life on the cross for you, through me shedding my blood on the cross for you, you are forgiven. All your sins are forgiven, and as you follow me, as you serve me, as you worship me in spirit and in truth, as you die to yourself each day, as you seek my Kingdom and my righteousness first, each day, all else will be given unto you. You are going to be walking by faith, not by sight. Your faith comes by hearing and hearing by my word, and my beloved, you do not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from my mouth. You will find yourself lifting your arms to the air. You will be on your knees praying, praising, worshipping, as I am giving you revelation after revelation, as I'm pouring into my unfailing love, as you are feeling right now, as I share my words to you, as you are experiencing the chains breaking, yes, the chains to your past are breaking now, says I the Lord of Heaven's Armies. I am the chain breaker. Every chain breaks in my name, because I the Lord your God, I have been given the name above ALL names, and now, through the destroyer anointing that I am releasing over your life, I am destroying what have been powers, principalities, strongmen, schemes and devices of witchcraft, of evil, of divination, hexes and vexes, I am destroying every single thing that has been holding you captive in the spirit realm. I am destroying everything, says I, the Lord of Heaven's Armies.

Your identity is in me and in me alone. You are no longer a slave to your sin nature. You are no longer cursed due to generational sins and iniquities. I have broken everything off you, says I the Lord of Heaven's Armies.

Cry out to me, ask me to speak to you, ask me for wisdom, ask me for guidance, ask me for strength, ask me to pour into you my spirit every day. I will be drawing you closer and closer to me every day, you will be coming into a more deeper and a more intimate relationship with me the Lord your God. From you receiving my words now, your life is never going to be the same again.

My way is perfect. All my promises to you are going to prove to be true. I am a man of my word.

You are not a victim. You, my beloved who I am have called by name, you are my masterpiece, says I the Lord of Heaven's Armies.


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