Open Heavens Cafe In Bangor, North Wales
Jesus is bringing back His 1st church in Bangor, and Open Heaven’s Cafe is at the very heart of it
Jesus has divinely joined 3 different ministries together, resulting in believers having the opportunity to come together every single day of the week:
Lion Heart Revivals
Worship Harvest
Become Born-Again
Daily Gatherings
Whether in the cafe, on Zoom, at home or in a church building, the people of North Wales have the opportunity to fellowship with their fellow believers EVERY SINGLE DAY, and for this we give God ALL the glory, praise and honour.
ALL are welcome at each of the daily gatherings.
9am - 5pm - Open Fellowship (cafe)
9am - 5pm - Open Fellowship (cafe)
10am - 12pm - Mens Fellowship (cafe)
10.30am - 12.30pm - Womens Fellowship (Zoom)
8pm - 9.30pm - Mens Fellowship (Zoom)
9am - 5pm - Open Fellowship (cafe)
10am - 12pm - Womens Fellowship (cafe)
8pm - 10pm - Home Church (Bangor Town Centre)
9am - 5pm - Open Fellowship (cafe)
8pm onwards - Discipleship, Prophecy & Teaching (Zoom)
9am - 5pm - Open Fellowship (cafe)
6.30pm - 10pm - Bible Study & Worship (cafe)
9am - 5pm - Open Fellowship (cafe)
Throughout The Day - Sharing The Gospel Throughout Bangor
6.30pm Onwards (monthly) - Worship, Prayer, Healing & Deliverance Night
10am - 12pm - Church (Bangor Town Centre)
4pm - 6pm (monthly) - Prayer & Worship (cafe)