Important Ministry Update From The Trustees

Become Born-Again Worldwide Ministry - Important Public Announcement

4th January 2025

Dear Brothers, Sisters, Friends, Supporters and Partners across the world,

Firstly we give God ALL the glory, praise and honour for His Worldwide Ministry that we are honoured to be trusted to steward. We also give God ALL the glory for the lives of everyone across the earth who has already been drawn closer to Jesus through anything that they have read, watched, listened to or anything else from the ministry, through any of the social media channels, and for everyone across the earth that the Holy Spirit will bring to the Lord’s ministry to receive wisdom, revelation, teaching, inspiration, conviction, healing and more.

We would also like to thank our brothers and sisters who have supported the ministry and in particular those who have supported ministry steward Paul Rouke personally as he continues to live his life as a full-time disciple, missionary and apostle. Please know you have been sowing in to some of the most fertile soil upon the earth, according to a message the Lord gave in late 2024.

In the last 3 months of 2024, as trustees of the ministry we were once again taken in to refining fire by God, and at times we experienced walking with Jesus in the wilderness. There has been more repentance in the last few months than any months in the last few years, particularly for Paul Rouke. 

During this 3 months period, but in particular in December 2024, the Spirit of God was moving powerfully and not only were over 18 huge prayers from the Courts of Heaven prepared and released, but even more significantly, by the Spirit of God the 14 book from the Lord’s ministry was miraculously created, launched and published in instant PDF download, paperback, hardback and Kindle on Amazon, for worldwide delivery.

The book is titled FAMILY - From Ashes To Beauty. The book is over 500 pages, containing over 100 messages from the Lord filled with the Word of God, split over 8 chapters. The link to the instant PDF download is and the link to Amazon is

This is the Lord’s book and we encourage EVERYONE to download it and begin receiving wisdom and revelation by the Holy Spirit. We give God ALL the glory for this book and the other 13 ministry books, for the impact they have already had and the impact they are going to have upon people of all ages across the earth.

On the 31st December 2024 the Spirit of God led Paul to the same New Year Crossover event that he attended on 31st December 2023. The two key messages delivered by the two men of God during the 5 hour service was on the “Terribleness Of God” and “The Wilderness”.

It was THE most powerful Spirit led service Paul had experienced, and there was more praying in tongues collectively that he had experienced before. 

What Paul didn’t realise at the time was that God was hours away from sending him out in the wilderness with Him once again, but to a completely new level of obedience, surrender and sacrifice.

The Spirit of God led Paul out in the actual wilderness, in the stunningly beautiful North Wales, for 3 days.

Before he headed out on the 1st January 2025, the Spirit led Paul to delete the Facebook, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp and LinkedIn apps from his phones, to remove all potential distractions. God was calling Paul in to absolute obedience, surrender, sacrifice and humility, as Paul had reached a point in his life where he couldn’t continue living the way he had been. The people closest to Paul were informed by Paul that God was sending him in to the wilderness for 7 days, and that he is safe and he will be safe, and that he loves everyone.

During the first 2 days of being in the wilderness with the Lord, it became very clear that God was working significantly in the lives of many people due to this sudden, divinely appointed wilderness and separation. 

There has been a significant amount of wisdom, revelation and blueprints that the Holy Spirit has revealed during the 3 days of 1st - 3rd January 2025, including a few important changes to the Lord’s ministry and the Lord’s consultancy.

Specifically, our beloved brother Joseph Belibi has chosen to step down from his role as ministry trustee and in any involvement in the ministry, and this is a decision that we respect and honour, by faith, knowing that this is God’s will and this was written by God before He created the heavens and the earth. We thank God for everything our brother has done during all his years since his salvation, for everything he has done to draw our brothers and sisters closer to Jesus through the ministry, and for everything coming in his life. We know that this isn’t the end of God’s divine story of His ministry, and we are reminded of how disciple Peter went from denying Jesus 3 times to be used by God in a way beyond comprehension. Everything happens in God’s perfect time.

For the Lord’s consultancy Become People-Centric, Joseph has also chosen to step down from his role alongside Paul, once again a decision that we respect and honour, by faith. Paul is truly honoured to announce that his sister Adele Best, following fellowship and revelation in December 2024, has joined the Lord’s consultancy as Senior Consultant. Ministry trustee Debra Lee will also be joining the consultancy to compliment the diverse experiences each person has with people and within businesses for many years.

As we all continue moving forward in Christ Jesus through these early days of 2025, we are filled with joy, love, hope, faith and amazement at all that God is doing across the earth, and we thank God for bringing you to hear this important public announcement, and for choosing you, like ourselves, to live your life worthy of the calling you have received, for you have been called by God to be the hands, feet, voice and heart of Jesus, our Lord and Saviour upon the earth.

As we move forward, as the trustees of the ministry we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of transparency, accountability and stewardship. We will continue to work tirelessly to make a positive impact in the lives of individuals and communities worldwide, and we give God all the glory.

Thank you for your continued support and prayers. Together, we can and we will continue to see lives transformed by the sharing and teaching of the Word of God, by the Holy Spirit.

Finally, remembering what God tells us. Faith, hope and love remain, and the greatest of these is love. Do everything in love, our brothers and sisters, everything.

We love you, and Jesus loves you with His unfailing, everlasting love, as He does with everyone upon the earth. 

May God continue to bless you and your family and all our brothers and sisters across the earth, and everyone who haven’t yet been set free by Jesus.

Paul, Debra and Ben, The Trustees of Become Born-Again Worldwide Ministry


New Book Launch: FAMILY - From Ashes To Beauty