Ben Morgan - Rwanda

1) Since becoming apart of Become Born-Again Worldwide Ministry, how has your relationship with Jesus changed?

After I joined Become Born-Again Worldwide Ministry, my relationship with Jesus changed dramatically. I had trouble keeping up a regular daily routine and strengthening my relationship with Jesus before I joined. But thanks to the ministry's direction and encouragement, I've discovered that I am more committed to consistently reading the Bible and developing my relationship with Jesus. An important part of this change has been the lessons derived from the messages of Apostle Paul. Through the Lord’s ministry, this has allowed him to offer his insights and knowledge, which have struck a deep chord with me, giving me invaluable advice and confirming my faith.

Making relationships with other believers has also been greatly aided by taking part in the ministry's Zoom online services. Interacting with many Christ servants has given me access to a variety of viewpoints and chances for spiritual development. I have been able to share my experiences, pick up knowledge from others, and help to mold our shared concept of faith through these exchanges.

All things considered, my participation with Become Born-Again Worldwide Ministry has not only inspired me to study the Bible more thoroughly but has also enabled me to have a deeper and more meaningful connection with Jesus Christ. Preaching and group worship have given me direction, encouragement, and camaraderie, all of which have enhanced my spiritual development.

2) What are the 3 most important scriptures in your life and why?

John 3:16

“For this is how God loved the world: He gave His one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.”

I am frequently reminded of the depth of God's love for me by this verse. Every time I feel overwhelmed or undeserving, I remember how much God loved me and gave His one and only Son as a sacrifice for me. It serves as a consolation in trying times and a guarantee of His unfailing love. I have the courage to approach God with all of my needs and concerns and the strength to endure because I know that He loves me without fail.

Jeremiah 29:11

“For I know the plans I have for you”, declares the Lord, “plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.”

This verse reassures and consoles believers by pointing out that God has a reasoned plan for their life. Knowing that God has decreed a plan for our well-being and future instills hope and trust in His sovereignty despite life's uncertainties and hardships. It exhorts believers to put their trust in God's providence and direction and to give up their fears and anxieties.

Matthew 28:19-20

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age."

This verse, which is sometimes referred to as the Great Commission, emphasizes the task that Jesus Christ Himself gave believers. It highlights how crucial it is to share the good news of Jesus and make disciples of all peoples. By carrying out this commission, Christians engage in God's restorative effort by telling people about the life-changing good news of salvation. For believers, the knowledge of Jesus' presence and direction provide courage and confidence as they work to carry out this crucial task.

3) What message would you like to give to other ministry and church leaders, about what their congregation will gain by partnering with Become Born-Again?

I would love to talk about with you the amazing potential that working with Become Born-Again Ministry can bring to your ministry and congregation. By partnering with Become Born-Again, you join a worldwide organization that is committed to bringing the Gospel to all nations. Your congregation will be able to make an unprecedented effect on lives thanks to our cooperation.

We reach out to remote villages, schools, churches, and even places where it is difficult to hear teachings. Working with Become Born-Again makes you an essential tool in helping Christ reach people in these different and sometimes forgotten locations. Your congregation's spiritual journey will be enhanced by the transformative teachings and tools that you can access when you partner with Become Born-Again. Your members will have access to a wealth of Gospel-centered teachings that will uplift, inform, and strengthen them in their faith, whether via our live events, materials or online platforms.

Partnering with Become Born-Again Ministry also entails supporting a ministry that is committed to the unwavering Gospel truth. Our goal is to change people's lives by sharing the real Jesus Christ message, which results in true salvation and transformation. By joining forces with us, you become a member of a body of Christians dedicated to using the power of the Gospel to change the world in a real and meaningful way.

I encourage you to think about the significant influence that working with Become Born-Again Ministry can have on your ministry and church. By working together, we can accomplish the Great Commission, winning people over to Christ and creating disciples throughout the world.


Paul Rouke - UK


David Onyango - Kenya