A Message From The Lord - What I Am Doing Now in 2022 Will Be Spoken About For Generations and Generations and Generations

My beloved Sons and Daughters, I am the Lord your God. I am the beginning and the end. I am the First and the Last. I have the entire earth and every man, woman and child walking the earth in the palm of my hand.

I am in control.

Everything that is taking place in each country across the earth is all part of my divine plan to awaken my people to the truth.

My beloved Sons and Daughters, I want to assure you that I know all things, that I see all things. I have heard all your prayers. I know your hearts desires because I the Lord your God, have placed those desires on your hearts.

My Word tells you that I want everyone to be saved and to understand the truth. I surrendered my life on the cross for every man, woman and child walking the earth, no matter what sins you have committed, no matter what other sins others have committed. Those things that are detestable to me, in spite of the sins of my people, my grace and my mercy and my unfailing love for my people walking the earth is being demonstrated day after day after day.

My patience for my people who haven't yet given me their hearts, my patience is beyond anything you could imagine, and I'm sharing with you now how I the Lord your God, how I'm drawing my people to me.

For the men and women who have been sinning, committing acts which I detest, those who have been planning and committing evil, those who have been murdering the innocent, those that have been sowing discord in the family, those who have feet that race to do evil, those with a lying tongue, those men who are part of the Freemasons, the Jesuits, the millionaires, the billionaires, the most wealthiest families currently walking the earth - with those I have begun, I have only just begun, sending the locusts into their lives. The lives of both those who have been planning and committing evil acts and the lives of their loved ones, of their families.

I have prepared the furnace for these men and women, and in this furnace, in this fiery furnace, there has already begun and it is going to continue and continue to be, weeping and gnashing of teeth. For these men and women, there is nowhere to run and there is nowhere to hide from my wrath and my judgement, and through me breaking them with hard labour, through me giving men and women the most horrifying nightmares that they have ever experienced, where I am showing these people not only that they are on the wide path of sin that leads to death, not only that their love of money is the root of all evil, but in these nightmares, in these life changing nightmare, what I am doing, I am showing these men and women the devastating effect on the lives of other humans, men, women and children, the devastation to the lives of others based upon their actions, their choices, their decisions, their plots, their plans, their schemes, the evil that is in their hearts currently. And through these men and women experiencing these nightmares, where I am shaking them to their very core, their life will never be the same. In these nightmares, I the Lord your God, I am showing them that there is only one way to escape from eternal damnation and that is for them to humble themselves, for them to repent for their sins, for them to surrender their life to me, and for them to publicly declare that I am their Lord and Saviour.

Many many, many men and women right now who have been living in sin, who have been living in total darkness who have been plotting evil in their hearts, that have been lying repeatedly, they have been crushing others through their actions, their decisions and their inaction. There has been resistance, huge resistance, but it is FUTILE for any man or woman to fight against my will. And just as I said to Saul on the road to Damascus, it is futile to fight against my will, my will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.

So my beloved Sons and Daughters, as I'm sharing these words to you now, I want you to have faith in me that I am doing the impossible. I am convicting the men and women in positions of power, authority and control who have more wealth than you can comprehend, I am in my perfect time, one by one, I am convicting them of their sins.

I know for all my other people walking the earth and men, women and children whom I haven't yet lifted the veil, whom I haven't yet removed the scales from their eyes so they don't yet have the eyes to see and the ears to hear - they have been lied to and deceived throughout their entire lives. That trust in their governments, that trust in scientists, has been abused, and I have allowed everything that is taking place to take place because through everything that they are going through, your loved ones, your family members, all those men and women and children who haven't yet received me as their Lord and Saviour, I am the author and the finisher of their faith, and I am working in them. I am working in their hearts and minds. I am using everything that is taking place to awaken them to, open their heart and their mind to face into the reality and truth that they have been lied to throughout their lives.

Truth is permeating more and more into that darkness. There is nothing that can stop anyone from being saved by my grace and I am continuing to demonstrate my grace and my mercy and my unfailing love on my people. On your loved ones. On your friends. On all those men, women and children walking the earth currently, as I speak these words, that are currently in chains of bondage due to sins and iniquities in their life in their family's life and through their family generations. But fear not because I am the chain breaker through my blood all sins are forgiven. My people are saved by my grace, not by their works, so no-one can boast about it.

People may plan all kinds of things but my will is going to be done.

As you are seeing as more and more truth is coming to the surface, as more and more truth is been seen by the men and women and children who have been following the narrative, I am meticulously and perfectly changing them, transforming them, revealing more and more truth to them. Each day as they live, without them realising it, I am speaking to them, gently revealing things to them. They are going through things in their mind that they don't realise it is me that is revealing truth to them. The illusions of their life, of the world that they live in, are being dismantled by me, in my perfect time, in my perfect way. So I want to encourage you, my beloved Sons and Daughters who have already come into relationship with me - walk by faith, not by sight. Trust in me. Trust in my word. Your faith comes by hearing and hearing by my Word.

The more deeper you come into relationship with me, the more at peace you will be, the more faith you will have, the more trust you will have, the more hope you will have and the more glory I will pour into your life.

I am the King of Glory. I have begun pouring out my my spirit upon my people. Make no mistake about it, I chose each of you before I created the Heavens and the Earth to be My Glory carriers. I the Lord your God, I have only just gotten started moving in your life. I am going to be leading you into floods of tears.

Tears because your prayer has suddenly been answered.

Tears of a sudden breakthrough in what has seemed impossible.

Tears of having a prodigal son return home.

Tears of having a prodigal daughter return home.

Tears of suddenly seeing a loved one who was seemed so far gone suddenly, they are ready to receive me into their life as our Lord and Saviour.

Tears through you suddenly receiving financial provisions which leave you breathless.

Tears as you feel my presence each day more and more.

Tears as you truly comprehend that I work in ALL THINGS for good for those who love me and those who live according to my purpose for them.

Thank you my beloved Sons and Daughters. Thank you for receiving my Words, and thank you for being my loyal servants. You are my hands and feet. You are fearfully and wonderfully made in My image.

You can do all things through me who gives you strength. Greater is a spirit that is in you than the spirit that is in the world. I have made a table for you in the presence of your enemies, but you have no fear because my perfect love expels all fear, and I have not given you a spirit of fear, but of power, of love and of a sound mind.

I have anointed your head with oil. I have plans for your life and your family, and they are plans for good and not for disaster to give you all a future and a hope, and you will come to see that in your life, in your family and your children, through the generations moving forward, what I the Lord your God, the King of Glory, are doing now in 2022, will be spoken about for generations and generations and generations.

I am the King of Glory.


Scott John Morrison, Repent Now For The Locusts Are Coming, For You Have Driven My People To Destruction, Says The Lord


My Message of Thanks & Prayer For Every Freemason and Every Jesuit Walking The Earth