My Message of Thanks & Prayer For Every Freemason and Every Jesuit Walking The Earth

Praise the name of the Lord hallelujah.

Jesus Christ is the King of kings, the Lord of lords.

This is a message of thanks to every single Freemason, every single Jesuit, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk. Without them, the world wouldn't know and comprehend and see firsthand that the love of money is the root of all evil, and it is because of these mainly men, but there will be women as well part of these families, it is because of them, because of their desires, their intentions, their plans, it is because of them that God is lifting the veil. God is removing the scales from the eyes of millions and millions and what will become billions of people.

And so what we see and read in the Bible, the love of money is the root of all evil. All these people, the Freemasons, Jesuits, Bill Gates, the Rockefeller family, Rothschild family, Elon Musk, Jeff Beezos, they are all providing men, women and children across the world with a perfect demonstration that the love of money is the root of all evil, and if it wasn't for these people in positions of power, authority, planning and doing the things that they have been doing, every single thing that God has allowed to take place, if it wasn't for them, planning and doing these things, acts of evil, plotting evil in their hearts and crushing other people, lying, deceiving, coming up with, coming up with deceptions and deceptions against everyone walking the earth - if it wasn't for them doing these things, then there would be no need to awaken from being deceived and lied to, but this is God's DIVINE PLAN. This is God's DIVINE PLAN. This is His orchestration because what God has done, God has built these families up, God has built these people up. Every good gift and every perfect gift comes down from the Father, and GOD BUILDS UP AND HE TEARS DOWN, AND THERE NO AMOUNT OF MONEY, THERE IS NO AMOUNT OF SECURITY THAT CAN STOP GOD TEARING A PERSON DOWN.

There is nothing that anyone can do, whether you're a millionaire, a billionaire, a trillionaire, no matter what wealth you have to your name, every single penny, every single dollar of that money is God's, and there is NOTHING that can stop and there is NOTHING that is going to stop God Almighty sending the locusts into the lives of these individuals and these families. Nothing. There is nowhere to run nowhere to hide. If it wasn't for these people and their plans and their love of money which is the root of all evil, if it wasn't for that, then God wouldn't have the people in place to plan and to orchestrate the things that have been going on. But let's remember this is God's plan. This is God's agenda. So we just we turn to the Word of God in 1 Timothy 2, the Apostle Paul writes, “I urge you first of all, to pray for all people, to ask God to help them, to intercede on their behalf and to give thanks for them. To pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live quiet and peaceful lives marked by godliness and dignity. This is good and pleases God our Saviour, WHO WANTS EVERYONE TO BE SAVED AND TO UNDERSTAND THE TRUTH. For there is one God and one mediator who can reconcile God and humanity, the man CHRIST JESUS. HE GAVE HIS LIFE TO PURCHASE FREEDOM FRO EVERYONE.

For it is written in Matthew 7:7, “ask and you will receive” and so now I just come boldly before the throne of grace of God Almighty, and I asked in the name of Jesus that God judges every man and woman walking the earth that has been plotting evil, that has been lying, that has been orchestrating evil, and that God brings HIS DIVINE JUSTICE UPON THE EARTH. Divine justice for the families that have been torm apart, having children, their children ripped away from them by the corrupt social services. All the people walking the earth have suffered injustices, all people walking the earth that have been deceived by their entire life into thinking that we live on a spinning globe.

Hallelujah, praise the name of the Lord.

So I just use now the words of Jesus on the cross before he took his last breath. I come boldly before our Father, Abba Father, God Almighty and Father, Father, I just lift up to you now every single person walking the earth every man, woman and child walking the earth that is currently living in sin, and particularly Father, those who have a love of money which is a root of all evil. Whether they are a Jesuit, a Freemason, Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson, William Henry Gates, every CEO, every head of pharmaceutical companies, all the senior editors and chief editors at all the mainstream media outlets, the CEOs and shareholders of health providers, the heads of police, the heads of Social Services Father, all, all people in positions of power and authority and Father the Monarchy - every King, Queen, every member, every senior member of the Roman Catholic Church. Father, I just lift up to every single one of them and Matthew 21:22 says we can pray for anything and if we have faith we will receive itself, so Father, I just pray now, because you know all hearts and minds and you detest hands that kill the innocent, you detest a lying tongue, you detest those who sow discord in the family, you detest feet that race to do evil, you detest hearts that plot evil, and you know and see all things Father. You've seen every single lie that has ever come out of every single man and woman and child’s lips. We just thank You and we praise You Father for your DIVINE JUSTICE and Father, for all those currently living in sin, those with a love of money which is the root of all evil, those that have been planning and plotting evil and those that have been complicit in evil, Father, forgive them for they know not what they do. Set the captives free Father, send the locusts, send the locusts into their lives, give people nightmares to awaken them to the realities and truth of their actions, behaviours and their inaction. Their plans, their plots. Awaken people to the reality of the devastation to human life that they have caused, or what they have been complicit in. Shake them to their very core. Bring them into total and utter repentance. Bring them on to their knees, Father because as your Word tells us, every knee will bow, every knee will bow to the Lord of lords, the King of kings, the name above all names.

So Father, we just give you all the glory, praise and honour for what you are doing across the entire flat stationary earth that you created. Our help comes from the Lord, the maker of the Heavens and the Earth. Me, my brothers and sisters now receiving these words of prayer, we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength. Greater is a spirit that is in us and the spirit that is in the world. We have no fear. God hasn't given us a spirit of fear, but of power, of love and of a sound mind. The weapons that we fight with are not of the world, on the contrary, they have divine power to break down strongholds. God hasn't given us a spirit of fear, but of power, of love and of a sound mine, and we have been given all the authority to trample on lions and cobras and to crush fierce lions and serpents under our feet. So Father, as you build up, as you continue building up your army of prayer warriors, your Sons and Daughters, my brothers and sisters in Christ, filled with the Holy Spirit, filled with the fire, the fire of the Holy Ghost, speaking and declaring and decreeing Your word, may we continue to see demonic strongholds absolutely demolished, strongmen demolished, generational curses demolished, ancestral curses demolished, demons flee, people set free, miracles, signs wonders, the outpouring of your Holy Spirit and through all of this Father, me and my brothers and sisters, WE WILL BE GIVING YOU ALL THE GLORY, ALL THE PRAISE AND ALL THE HONOUR BECAUSE YOU ARE THE KING OF GLORY.

You are the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.

You are Jesus, the light of the world, the resurrection and the life.

You are our Lord and saviour and I pray all of this in the mighty, mighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Amen.


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