A Message From The Lord - I Had To Send The Locusts Into Your Life To Destroy Your Old Wineskins

My beloved Sons and Daughters, this is the Lord your God. I have called you by name. You are chosen and not forsaken. It has been I the Lord your God that have carried you through every moment of your life. It has been I that have allowed you to experience every single thing that you have experienced, because I have got a calling that is upon your life.

I waste nothing. You have experienced things in your life that many other people would not have been able to survive. It has been I the Lord your God that have brought you through everything, I have carried you in my arms. I work in ALL THINGS FOR GOOD for those who love me and those who live according to my purpose for them, and as I am pouring into you my spirit, as I am revealing to you that I have plans for your life, and they are plans for good and not for disaster to give you a future and a hope, I am revealing to you now that the pains, the trauma, the trials and the tribulations of your past are going to be used to help more and more people for their future.

I am your healer. Right now I am doing a deep work within you. I am healing you, the entirety of your being, your heart is now a heart of flesh and it is no longer a heart of stone. I am now breaking the iron bars. I am breaking the chains of bondage. I am breaking the chains to your past, for I the Lord of Heaven’s Armies has spoken.

Through your surrender to me, through repenting of your sins, it is I the Lord your God that have set you apart. Your identity is in me and in me alone. You are fearfully and wonderfully made in my image. I am the mighty warrior that saves. I have gone before you. I will never leave you nor forsake you. I am the one that opens doors that no man can shut. I am the one who shuts doors that no man can open. It has been I the Lord your God that has been in the furnace with you. As you have been going through the greatest trials and tribulations and pressings and crushings of your entire life, like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, you have not been burnt up because I the Lord your God have only allowed you to go through what I knew you would get through.

The testing of your faith produces perseverance, and you have had your faith tested, but now as I am revealing more to you of what I am doing in your life, the painful process and experience that you have been through in your life, where it has been I that has sent the locusts into your life because the locusts have been destroying your old wineskins. Everything connected to your past, your life experiences, the pains, the feelings, the emotions, the negative thoughts, the traumas of your past, all of those are part of your old wineskins and the locusts have been destroying your old wineskins, because I do not pour out my new wine into old wineskins. I do not bring you my glory, my provisions, my miracles, signs and wonders into your old self because your old self would not have been able to cope with everything that I have planned to do in your life. Instead the locusts have had to destroy your old wineskins.

I have had to bring you to this place of submission, of surrender, the place where now as I have been creating in you your new wineskins, I am now preparing to pour into you my NEW WINE.

PROVISION unlike you have seen before.

BREAKTHROUGH unlike you have seen before.

HEALING unlike you have seen before.

MIRACLES, signs and wonders unlike you have seen before.

My hand is mighty upon your life. I have anointed your head with oil. I am pouring into you now my spirit. More wisdom than you have ever experienced before, and from this moment, as you read my words, I will be giving you deep revelations. My Word is going to be coming alive unlike you have ever experienced before. As you are filled with my Spirit, as you hear and listen to worship music, you will be worshipping me in spirit and in truth and I will be leading you into floods of tears, because these are tears of breakthrough, these are tears of healing, these are tears of deliverance, these are tears of joy, these are tears knowing that I have plans for your life and those plans are plans for good and not for disaster to give you a future and a hope.

Your faith comes by hearing and hearing by my Word. Your faith is going to be in me and in me alone. I am the bread of life and so I'm calling you to come to me, to come to the well, to receive my living waters so my living waters will flow from your belly, that you will be my glory carrier, filled with my spirit. It is not you that live, but I that live in you.

I have set you apart. You are chosen. I have set you apart in your entire family, and you have been through pain, trauma, trials, tribulations. But I the Lord of Heaven’s Armies I come to cause division, because I have to separate out the wheat from the chaff, the sheep from the goats. I have to do it. I have to separate out those that are living in fear, and those are living in faith. I have to separate those who are still bound by the god of the world and those who are set apart by me, filled with my Spirit, saved by my grace, and you have been set apart, filled with my Spirit, saved by my grace.

My grace and my mercy has always been upon your life and now you are experiencing more than ever before my unfailing Agape love. I am pouring into you now my love, my peace which surpasses all understanding which guards your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus, me, the Lord your God.

My Spirit upon you is going to be leading and guiding you more precisely than ever before. You will see that my Spirit is guiding you and leading you into my Word, into precisely the words that you need to read so that I can reveal more and more to you of the calling upon your life and what I am doing in your life and what I am doing across the earth. You are now going to begin seeing truly that my hand is in everything, that I work in all things.

You will never again feel helpless or hopeless or fearful. I have not given you a spirit of fear, but of power, of love and of a sound mind, and my perfect love for you expels all fear.

I have chosen you to be my faithful servant, to be my hands and feet. To walk by faith and not by sight, and as I open doors that no man can shut, as you begin to walk through those doors, I will be bringing you into a place of awe and wonder. Your breakthroughs are coming. Miracle breakthroughs are coming in your life. Miracle healings are going to be manifesting in your life and the lives of your family members. You are going to be praying and interceding unlike ever before.

I have given you all authority to trample upon lions and cobras, to crush fierce lions and serpents under your feet. You have all the authority in the spirit realm, through your faith in me and through my blood that I shed on the cross for you for your sins and for the sins of the world. Death is defeated. You are no longer a slave to your sin nature, you are a child of God. You are mine, says I, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, and your eyes haven't seen, your ears haven't heard and your mind hasn’t conceived what I the Lord your God have got planned for you because you love me.

Trust in me and you will see that I will bring to pass the desires of your heart, because I the Lord your God have placed those desires in your heart. Trust in me, trust in my Word, trust in my plans for your life, trust in my way because my way is perfect. And be patient, as you wait for me to move and as you trust in my perfect timing, says I the Lord of Heaven’s Armies.

Lord, I thank you and I praise you for using me as a vessel for you to speak into the lives and the hearts and the minds of your people, my brothers and sisters, and into my life too. I am nothing without you, Jesus. I thank you and I praise you. I declare and decree the blood of Jesus over this entire Facebook Live, over all these words that have been spoken, your words.

Thank you for your presence. Thank you for your Holy Spirit being upon all people. I give you all the glory, all the praise and all the honour Father, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Amen.


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