Peter Hastings, I Am Going To Be Using You And Your Family Mightily For My Kingdom, Says The Lord

Peter, this is the Lord your God. I am sharing my message to you through my servant Paul, your brother Paul.

Peter, prepare yourself for your life to become truly profound. It has been I the Lord your God that planned out every single day of your life before I created the Heavens and the earth. It has been I the Lord your God that have been with you, my beloved son Peter, through every single moment of your life, through every single trial and tribulation, through every single dark valley that you have been in. It has been I the Lord your God, that have carried you through.

Through your life, through the battles that you have faced, I have been preparing you for this moment now and for everything that you are stepping into because my beloved Peter, your identity is in me, the Lord your God and in me alone. It is in me that you have your being. It is not you that live but I that live in you and now, as you are ready to receive me as your Lord and Saviour, to serve me for the rest of your life, you are going to see mountains move.

There is a huge calling upon your life for what I am doing across the earth. You were born for this time, says I the Lord of Heaven’s Armies. You are going to become my glory carrier. When you walk in a room, my glory, my love is going to come into that room because of you, because of what you carry, because you are my glory carrier, says I the Lord of Heaven’s Armies.

Over the last two years you have been learning that the weapons that you fight with are not of the world, on the contrary, they have divine power to break down strongholds, and your weapons are My Word, all my promises, your prayers, your worship of me, worshipping me in spirit and in truth, surrendering everything to me, surrendering your entire life to me the Lord your God, so that I can move in your life, because you are nothing without me. I am the mighty warrior that has saved you, my beloved Peter. You didn't choose me I chose you.

I have been using my Daughter, My beloved daughter Annamarie, and my Son, my servant Paul, to speak into your life, to pierce into your life with My Word, which is sharper than any two-edged sword, and when I send My Word out, it does not return to me void, it accomplishes all that I desire, and it prospers everywhere that I send it, and now Peter, you are going to be sending My Word out, you are going to be taking My Word and sending it out and you will be shooting it like fire into the darkness. The enemy is going to be destroyed. You are going to be dismantling and destroying strongmen in my name for my glory, says I the Lord of Heaven’s Armies.

Peter Hastings, my chosen servant, I have not given you a spirit of fear but of power, of love and of a sound mind, and only now are going to truly begin channelling everything that I am giving to you now, as I am pouring into you now my spirit. My spirit is joining with your spirit, says I the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, and you are truly going to become my hands and feet, my glory carrier.

Peter, my beloved Son Peter, you can do all things through me who gives you strength. You are going to be sharing the truth in love. I am going to be using you mightily as I am continuing to shake everything that can be shaken, as I am continuing to bring to light everything that has been done in dark.

Peter, my beloved Son, I am going to be using you mightily as I am going to be destroying the works of the enemy within the social services system, within the family court system, yes, everything that has ever taken place I have allowed to take place because I have been preparing you and been preparing my people, my Sons and Daughters, the Ecclesia, I have been preparing them for this time right now, in 2022, says I the Lord of Heaven’s Armies.

I am beginning to roar in your life and in the lives of all my chosen ones, my chosen people. I am the Lion of Judah. I am the mighty warrior that saves. I am the King of kings the Lord of lords, the name above all names. I am the Lord of Heaven’s Armies and I am going to be roaring through you my beloved Son Peter, and the darkness, your enemies are going to be trembling and they are going to be destroyed, says I the Lord of Heaven’s Armies.

I have anointed your head with oil. Peter you are going to be walking by faith and not by sight. You are going to bring many, many, many people to my feet says I the Lord of Heaven’s Armies.

The powers and principalities of darkness, do not know what is going to hit him, as you begin to take my Word and to speak my Word, having been sanctified and purified and forgiven by my blood, with your hands clean, with you being washed in my blood, with you having repented for all your sins, my beloved Son, Peter Hastings. With your faith in me and in me alone, the works that you are going to be doing for My Kingdom are going to be utterly, utterly profound, says I the Lord of Heaven’s Armies.

I have chosen you and called you by name, Peter, and your entire family. You are all called to be my glory carriers. Your children are going to be carrying my presence with them, your children are going to be speaking in to the lives of other children. My love and my light is going to be shining through each and every one of you because I am the light of the world. I am the resurrection and the life. I am the Way, the Truth and the Life and no-one can come to the Father except through me. I am the author and the finisher of your faith, Peter, of your entire life and every single man woman and child walking the earth.

My beloved Son Peter, every single man and woman and child that knows of you now, has been brought into your life for this divine reason - I have chosen you to be my disciple, to be an evangelist, to be my glory courier, and every one of my people who have been living lost, who had been living in sin, who I will bring on to listen to these words and to read these words, they have all been chosen to be free, and who I set free is free indeed.

Be prepared, my beloved chosen servant Peter Hastings, you and your family. Miracle, signs and wonders are coming into your life. My glory is coming into your life. I will be leading you into floods of tears, but they will not be tears of heartache, of pain, of anguish, they will be tears of joy, tears of awe and wonder, tears of breakthrough, tears of prayers been answered, tears because I am going to be using you mightily for My Kingdom, for my children, for my last children, for those that have suffered injustices at the hands of social services and at the hands of the family courts and the law courts. I am going to be using you mightily says I the Lord of Heaven’s Armies.

Embrace everything that comes into your life Peter. Trust in me. Lean not on your own understanding and remember my thoughts are higher than your thoughts and my ways are higher than your ways, just as the heavens are higher than the earth. You can do all things through me who gives you strength, and I am going to be using your family mightily for My Kingdom, for My glory, says I the Lord of Heaven’s Armies.

My will be done on earth as it is in heaven, says I the Lord of Heaven’s Armies.


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