You Have Been Chosen By Me To Take The Heads Off Goliath’s, Says The Lord

My beloved Sons and Daughters, I have chosen you. You didn't choose me, I chose you before I created the Heaven’s and the Earth to go and produce lasting fruit. You are my hands and feet. Your words are powerful.

Every man, woman and child walking the earth is in precisely the place where I have planned. I am urging you now to pray for all people, to ask me to help them, to intercede on their behalf and to give me thanks for them.

I have prepared the harvest.

I know all hearts and minds. No-one can escape from my Spirit.

What is impossible with man is possible with me.

My beloved Sons and Daughters, you can pray for anything and with the faith I have given you, you will receive it. You can even say to a mountain “may you be lifted up and thrown into the sea, and it will happen”.

Everything that has been taking place across the earth, everything that is happening right now, everything is working together for My Glory. You are part of my army, my chosen vessels, my warriors, and I am raising up my army in Canada. My people are rising up. They are roaring. Once again, by my power and by my will, I am parting the Red Sea. What is impossible with man is possible with me.

What you don't see is that I the Lord your God, I am STRIKING FEAR into the hearts and minds of the leaders of the world, the men and women who have lived their life feeling untouchable are now realising that judgement is coming.

Keep praying. Keep interceding. Focus on me and me alone. Pick up your sword which is my Word, for it is sharper than any two-edged sword, because you, my beloved Sons and Daughters, have been chosen by me to take the heads off the Goliath’s in your life and in the lives of others.

I hear every one of your prayers. I know your heart's desires for it is I the Lord your God that has placed those desires on your heart.

A tsunami of My Spirit is coming upon the earth.

Expect the unexpected.

Expect to see your lost loved ones SUDDENLY be transformed because I the Lord your God are going to be SUDDENLY lifting the veil.

SUDDENLY the scales are going to fall from their eyes and SUDDENLY your loved ones will have the eyes to see and the ears to hear.

My beloved Sons and Daughters, I URGE YOU, SPEAK LIFE FROM YOUR TONGUE. Speak LIFE into other men and women and children's lives. Speak LIFE into what seems impossible. Take my Word in Ezekiel 37, prophecy into the dry bones. Yes, I am calling you to prophesy into the dry bones.

I am awakening you now for you to truly realise that I have given you ALL AUTHORITY IN THE SPIRITUAL REALM. I the Lord your God have put My Spirit within you, and greater is the spirit that is in you than the spirit that is in the world.

My beloved, walk each day by faith and not by sight.

What is impossible with man is possible with me.

Thank you for being my loyal servants.


My Message of Thanks & Prayer For Every Freemason and Every Jesuit Walking The Earth


Jorge Mario Bergoglio & Every Jesuit & Every Leader Of The Roman Catholic Church, YOU ARE GOING TO BE WEEPING & GNASHING YOUR TEETH, Says The Lord