Due To Sins Of Lust, Pride & Fear, Lukewarm Men Have Felt Shameful, Weak & Unworthy, Says The Lord

My beloved child, I am giving you wisdom and revelation about what I am beginning to do with men across the earth, throughout the year 2024 and beyond.

Until the beginning of the year 2020, almost all the men within my body have NOT been living their life worthy of the calling that they have received.

Almost all the men within my body have been living their life as merely one of my lukewarm followers.

Almost all the men within my body have been living their life battling with secret, hidden sins.

Before I began to once again shake the heavens and the earth at the beginning of 2020, almost all men within my body, were living with, were battling with and were accepting within their life, the sin of LUST.

The enemy has had a stronghold over almost all the men in my body because of lust.

In addition to the sin of lust, the sin of PRIDE has been a total and absolute stronghold over almost all men in my body.

In addition to the sins of lust and pride, almost all men within my body have shown the world since early 2020, that they were living with FEAR that has come from man, and therefore they haven't been living only with the reverent fear of me, the Lord your God.

Almost every single man across my body, throughout all the nations of the earth, bowed down to the rules and dictates of sinful, deceitful, corrupted man during 2020 and into 2021.

Due to the sins of lust, pride and fear, almost all the men within my body have been living their life feeling shameful, feeling guilty, feeling condemned, feeling embarrassed, feeling inferior, feeling like they are unworthy to be used by me, the King of kings, the Lord of lords.

What I the Lord your God have been doing since early 2020, a part of my divine plan for all of humanity, I have first of all been rising up an increasing army of my beloved chosen daughters. Women of all ages, who I the Lord have been lifting up out of the deep waters, out of the miry clay, and into life in me the Lord your God, where they only have a desire each day to know me, to be with me, to grow in their deepening, intimate relationship with me.

I have been rising up my army of glory carriers, mighty women filled with my Spirit, and I have only just begun.

As I have been rising up this army, almost all the men within my body, due to the sins that they are continuing to commit, they have felt inferior to the women that I have been rising up.

As the men have seen these women rising up, this has led to them feeling weak.

All this has led to men living at best a lukewarm life.

My beloved child, share my message here with your brothers and with your sisters.

2024 is the year that I planned and ordained before I created the heavens and the earth to be the year where my Spirit will truly begin bringing conviction upon the lukewarm men within my body, and I the Lord will be giving my chosen men the strength, by my Spirit, to confess their sins of lust, of pride, of fear, of inferiority, and then, through their confession of sin, my Spirit will lead them to repent, so that I the Lord can then fill them with my Spirit!

I the Lord can then set them free completely from their sins, and they can begin to live their life worthy of the calling that they have received, for they have been called by me to be a part of the army of glory carriers that I am rising up across the earth.

The world is going to see more and more men being brought into total and utter repentance during 2024 and beyond, for now is the time that I the Lord your God are beginning to rise up an increasing army of mighty men who I have purified, who I have sanctified, who I have cleansed, who I have consecrated, who are now ready to live their life as my hands and feet.

Men who are willing to be a living sacrifice.

Men who will pick up their cross daily to follow me.

Men who will be living their lives with pure hearts and clean hands.

Men who will no longer be addicted to porn.

Men who will no longer be living with pride in any way, for I am going to be humbling the men within my body. I will be bringing them down to their knees in total and utter repentance, so that they live their life each day with ONLY the humility of a little child.

Through all that I am doing across my body, as I am now going to begin rising up my men, releasing men from the shackles and chains of sin.

The men that I am rising up will truly start to become who I have called them to be in their family.

The men who I have already blessed with children will begin to be the father that I have called them to be in their family.

The men that I am rising up who are married will finally start to live their life as I intend them to be, as the head of their family.

The men who I am going to be rising up who are single are the ones who I have chosen to become the future husbands for my increasing army of mighty women that I have been rising up since 2020.

I have so many of my precious daughters, who are single, who have been yearning for me to bring a man into their life who will love them like I love them.

For my beloved daughters who I have placed a desire upon their heart to, in my perfect time, come into a relationship and to get married with one of the men who I have purified and sanctified, this will happen.

During 2024 and beyond, the world is going to see that I will be bringing together my chosen daughters with my chosen sons.

I the Lord your God are going to be bringing together more and more men and women who are both set free in me, who are both sanctified, who are both consecrated, who are both living their life worthy of the calling that they have received, to live their life as my glory carriers.

Yes, I the Lord your God, during 2024 and beyond, are going to be bringing together glory carriers, for I have planned and ordained to rise up a people, to rise up families, to rise up married couples who are on fire for me the King of Glory.

Watch and see what I the Lord your God are going to be doing within my body during 2024 and beyond.

Truly, your eyes have not seen, your ears have not heard and your mind has not yet conceived what I the Lord your God have got planned for you and all my chosen people across the earth, because you love me.

You don't understand what I am doing now, but someday you will, says I the Holy One of Israel.


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