Embrace Unpredictability & Do Not Compromise, Says The Lord

My beloved child, you are receiving my message now, for I desire to give you an understanding of how I would like you to experience and be a part of my church that I am rising up.

As I have been pouring my Spirit into you, I have been giving you GREATER DISCERNMENT. I have been giving you experiences with your brothers and sisters where you are having to discern when a brother or sister is drawing you closer to me, or when a brother or sister is pulling you away from me.

During your walk with me, since I put my Spirit into you, I have given you experiences with churches. My beloved child, I desire for you to be COMPLETELY FREE from in any way being put into a box, to being given a label, to you feeling like you have to focus your time and energy on one particular church or one particular ministry.

I am going to continue to bring on-fire, Spirit filled brothers and sisters into your life in different ways, that are not part of a particular church or a particular ministry.

I no longer want you to feel in any way pressured to maintain staying in one particular church or one particular ministry, when all my people, all my Sons and Daughters, are apart of my body, and as I am pouring out my Spirit upon my people, I am giving wisdom and revelation to people who have been walking with me for many, many years, all the way through to people who I have only just set free, who I have only just given the eyes to see and the ears to hear.

In my Kingdom, it does not matter how long you have been walking with me. I desire for you to have TOTAL FREEDOM EVERY DAY IN YOUR PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH ME.

I will not allow anyone to quench my Spirit that I am pouring into you.

I will not allow anyone to take away the anointing that is upon your life, for I have called you by name from your mother's womb to be one of my glory carriers.



EMBRACE receiving wisdom and revelation by my Spirit, through different people.

My beloved child, DO NOT COMPROMISE.

It is by my Spirit that you feel uncomfortable inside when you are in the company of someone or a group of people who are unequally yoked to you.

Fix your eyes on me. Don't look back at the former things. Don't look left, don't look right. As you fix your eyes on me, as you desire to come each day into a more deeper relationship with me, I will continue to pour into you my Spirit, my rivers of living waters, and I will be giving you PERSONAL WISDOM AND REVELATION by my Spirit, through my Word, to take you into places of MORE AND MORE GLORY.

Remember my beloved child, you are not here to please man. You are here to please me, the Lord your God, and me alone. For if you were here to please man, you would not be ONE OF MY GLORY CARRIERS.

I have put my Spirit into you, and greater is the Spirit that is in you than the spirit that is in the world.

I have made you the head and not the tail.

I am now giving you the keys to the house of David, the highest room in the royal court. You will open doors that no man can shut, and you will close doors that no man can open.

My beloved child, your eyes have not seen, your ears have not heard and your mind has not yet conceived what I the Lord your God has got planned for you because you love me.

My will be done, on earth as it is in heaven, says I, the Sovereign Lord.


I Have Only Just Begun Raising Up An Army From The Depth Of Mental Health Affliction, Says The Lord


I Am Bringing About A Oneness In The Spirit That No-one Walking The Earth Has Experienced Before, Says The Lord