I Have Only Just Begun Raising Up An Army From The Depth Of Mental Health Affliction, Says The Lord

My beloved, you are receiving My message now, so that I the Lord your God can give you wisdom and revelation about what I am doing in the lives of men, women and children across the entire stationary earth that I created, who are struggling, who are battling, who are in iron chains of misery, with that voice in their head - the voice of the enemy.

I the Lord of lords, the King of kings, have allowed My people to be living in the wilderness, to be living in the dry, deserted wasteland.

So many of My chosen people have been sitting in darkness and deepest gloom, IMPRISONED IN IRON CHAINS OF MISERY. This includes My chosen people who are currently in MENTAL HOSPITALS, PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITALS, people who are a prisoner of the healthcare system of the world.

These people have during their life rebelled against My words. They have scorned My counsel. That is why I have broke them with hard labour. They have fallen and no-one has been there to help them. But My beloved child, what I have started to do, what I have only just started to do, is to bring My judgement upon them, and that in their DEPTH OF DARKNESS, in the MIRY CLAY, drowning in those DEEP WATERS, sitting in that DARKNESS in their DEEPEST GLOOM, IMPRISONED IN IRON CHAINS OF MISERY, ALL OF A SUDDEN, AS MY SPIRIT COMES UPON THEM, ONE BY ONE they are saying “LORD HELP!”.

They are crying out to Me in trouble, and I the Lord of lords, the King of kings, the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last, the King of glory, I THE LORD ARE SAVING EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THEM, ONE BY ONE, FROM THEIR DISTRESS.


I the Lord are the one that are SNAPPING EVERY ONE OF THEIR CHAINS, and I the Lord, by My Spirit, will be pouring My love into them, and they will be, they have started to be and they will continue to be, praising Me the Lord for My great love and for the wonderful things I have done for them.

I the Lord are the one that are breaking down the prison gates of bronze.

I the Lord are the one that are cutting apart their bars of iron.

My beloved child, have no doubt, have no fear. Some of the greatest, some of the most profound, some of the most awe-inspiring miracle salvations I the Lord are doing, are with My people, men, women and children, who have been SUFFERING THE MOST HORRENDOUS AFFLICTION IN THEIR MIND. Yes they have been on the verge of suicide, but I the Lord are close to the brokenhearted and I save those that are crushed in spirit.

I HAVE ONLY JUST BEGUN RAISING UP AN ARMY from the depth of mental health affliction, from the deepest, darkest gloom.

I HAVE ONLY JUST BEGUN RAISING UP MY ARMY, and make no mistake My beloved child, your eyes have not seen, your ears have not heard and your mind has not yet conceived what I the Lord your God have got planned for you and I've got planned for MY PEOPLE CURRENTLY LIVING IN BONDAGE, SAYS I THE SOVEREIGN LORD.

My beloved child, share My message here to My beloved chosen children that are in your life, that you know are living in the deepest darkest gloom, in iron chains of misery.

Share My message for I desire for them to hear My message and as they are hearing My message as they are reading My message, I AM going to be pouring My Spirit out upon them.

I AM going to be lifting the veil.

I AM going to be giving them the EYES so that they can see.

I AM going to be giving them the EARS so that they can hear.

I AM going to be lifting the veil.

I AM going to remove the scales from their eyes, and they will cry out to Me “LORD HELP!”, and I will hear them from My sanctuary, and I will come down from heaven, mounted on a mighty angelic being, to rescue them from the deep waters, to lift them out of the miry clay and to give them the eyes to see and ears to hear, that they have been called by name from their mother's womb to be My glory carrier, to be one of My disciples… to be My hands and feet.

NOTHING is going to stop what I have started since the early part of 2020, AND NO-ONE CAN STOP what I the Lord of lords, the one given the name above all names, have started to do, that I have been doing for three years, that I am going to continue, EVERY MOMENT OF EVERY DAY, says I the Sovereign Lord.


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