Emma Kenny, You Will Become One of The Most Influential People On Earth In The Mental Health Field, Says The Lord

My beloved daughter, Emma. I have called you by name. I am the Lord your God. You are mine. Before I created the heavens in the earth, I chose to form you and to create you and knit you together in utter seclusion, and to bring you forth on the day you were born, for the times that you and everyone walking the earth are now living in.

You are so precious in my eyes, My beloved daughter, Emma. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. Many are called, but few are chosen, and I have chosen you to have a profound impact in millions and millions of people's lives. Your entire life has been orchestrated by me, the Lord your God. Every person walking the earth are in the palm of my hands. I am the author and the finisher of your faith Emma.

You are fearfully and wonderfully made in my image. I know every thought that you have ever had. I know your feelings, your emotions. You and every single person walking the earth, it has been I the Lord your God that has carried you through all your dark valleys. I have seen every tear that you have ever shed, and I have captured them in my bottle.

I have placed you where I have. I have given you the talents that you have. I have given you the abilities and the passions and desires of your heart to bring you to this moment right now. For me to speak to you personally, the Lord your God, for me now to lift the veil and for this scales to fall from your eyes. As you are now being filled with my spirit, and my spirit is going to join with your spirit to become one, just as I am doing with millions and millions of millions of my people across the earth, I am lifting the veil.

My glory is coming upon the earth. I am setting the captives free. I am flooding the earth with My spirit, for My glory, and you my beloved precious daughter Emma, I have been preparing you to become one of the most influential people on earth in the mental health field.

Mental health affliction of any kind is due to separation from me, from my love and from my peace, because I the Lord your God, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, who has everyone in the palm of my hands, the peace I give you is a gift the world cannot give you. My peace surpasses all understanding and guards your heart and your mind in me, Christ Jesus.

I have you, Emma, in my perfect place right now, for you to receive my message to you. Your credibility, your visibility, your integrity, your passion, your desires, the respect that you have of many, many, many people walking the earth, I am now going to use ALL of that to propel you in ways that are going to be in comprehensible.

I, the Lord your God, I am destroying the spirit of Pharmakeia. For generations due to that spirit, more and more and more of my beloved children have suffered with their mental health due to separation from Me, and hundreds of millions, a growing number of my beloved sons and daughters, have been put on medication, tablets, that has kept them separated from me, the Lord their God. Every single type of mental health affliction, depression, anxiety, paranoia, fear, diagnosed conditions such as PTSD, schizophrenia, bipolar, every single mental health affliction experienced by My precious children walking the earth, is due to them not yet having come into a personal relationship with me.

The Lord your God, the King of kings, the Lord of lords, the name of all names, My name is a name above all names, it is above every single label of mental health affliction. And you, my beloved Emma, along with my other chosen people walking the earth, it is going to be through your prayers, through you speaking my Word, through you declaring and decreeing my word, that the demonic powers and principalities in the mental health field and the spirit of pharmakeia, IT IS GOING TO BE DESTROYED, all for my glory.

The pharmaceutical industry has for generations become totally polluted. The love of money is the root of all evil and I the Lord your God, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, I am bringing everything that has been done in dark to light. I am the light of the world and I am shining my light of truth into every single corrupted pillar of society.

I am exposing sin. I am exposing the devastating effect on the lives of my beloved children, when people live in sin, when people live self centredly, when people live with a love of money that is the root of all evil, when people deny me and deny the Father, but my grace, m mercy and my patience is now coming to an end. People working within the pharmaceutical sector, the healthcare industry, I am going to be convicting them of their sins. No-one can escape what is coming into their life.

I, the Lord your God, the author and finisher of every single person's faith, I am going to be convicting those that have been speaking lies. I'm going to be convicting those who have been complicit in evil acts. And my beloved Emma, my hand is mighty upon you and upon your family. I have anointed your head with oil. I have appointed you Emma to be a prophet to the nation's.

I, the Lord your God, I am pouring into you my spirits. I am giving you all the spiritual gifts. I am breaking off you now all generational curses, all ancestral curses, and I am destroying all the strongmen that have been in place upon your family that has kept you separated from the truth, that I am the Lord your God.

My thoughts for you Emma and all my precious sons and daughters walking the earth, my thoughts for you outnumber the grains of sand on the seashore. You are the apple of my eye. You are so precious in my eyes Emma. You can do all things through me, your Lord and Saviour who gives you strength

I have seen every single thing that you have been through. I have seen every tear that you have ever shed Emma, and I have captured them in my bottle. And now My beloved daughter Emma, prepare to cry unlike you have ever cried before, because your tears are going to be tears of joy. Your tears are going to be tears of awe and wonder. Your tears are going to be because I answer your prayers. Your tears are because you are going to be seeing hundreds and then 1000s and then Hundreds of 1000s and then in my time Emma, millions of people through your words, through your prayers, there are going to be millions of people that come to me My feet to surrender their life To me. You are going to end up bringing millions of people to me to receive salvation by my grace.

I am just aboat to begin moving in your life Emma that will leave you in awe and wonder. I have placed you exactly where you are, for you to be connected with all those that you are connected with, and I am working in all hearts and minds.

No-one can escape my spirit.

No-one can escape what I am bringing upon the earth.

I am bringing upon the earth my Glory.

I am lifting the veil.

The scales are falling from peoples eys, because I am the author of the finisher of your faith, my beloved daughter Emma, and every single person walk the earth.

You will see Emma that I am your provider. I am your Jehovah Jira. Every good gift and every perfect gift comes from my hand, and as you come closer and closer to me, you will see blessings, breakthroughs, provision, accelerations, awe-inspiring acts from me, that are going to accelerate you and your walk and your impact around the world, as you glorify Me. You are going to be worshipping me Emma in spirit and in truth.

You and your family have been chosen by name.

Be prepared, my beloved daughter Emma, be prepared for my miracles, signs and wonders, and be prepared to see the healthcare industry and the pharmaceutical industry, cleansed of wickedness, of evil, of corruption, of lies, of deception, for I the Lord your God, the Lord of Heaven’s Armie’s has spoken.


Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson, I Have Called You By Name To Be My Glory Carriers, Says The Lord


A Message From The Lord - Every Single Thing Taking Place Is For MY Glory