A Message From The Lord - Every Single Thing Taking Place Is For MY Glory

My beloved sons and daughters, the more deeper you come into relationship with me, the more I will reveal to you about what I am doing across the earth. Everything that is happening is happening because of My divine purpose for everyone walking the earth.

Cast all your anxiety on me, cast your burdens upon me, because I care for you.

I the Lord your God, I have called you to be my glory carrier and to walk with total, total authority. The weapons that you fight with are not of the world, on the contrary, they have divine power to break down strongholds. And, it is I the Lord your God, it is my plan and my purpose, to allow everything that is taking place in every country across the entire earth, because I am using every single act of oppression, every single lie, every single deception, every single demonstration of tyrannical government leadership, I have allowed every single thing to take place because every act of sin is bringing more and more and more people into relationship with me. And as more and more people come into relationship with me, my army of prayer warriors is growing every second of every day, and what you are living in and through, what I have chosen you to experience, because I called you by name, I chose you before I created the heavens and the earth, what I have chosen you to live in and experience is THE MOST PROFOUND MOVE THAT I HAVE EVER MADE ACROSS THE ENTIRE EARTH.

I am going to be pouring out my spirit upon all flesh. I am rising up a people, an army, that I am using to destroy the powers, the principalities and the strongmen. The curses that have been in place for 1000s of years. I am using my people, I am using you, to smash generational curses. You are coming up against the Antichrist spirit, you are coming up against the biggest demonic spirits and entities that have been keeping people separated from me, because it is has been my will that because of sin and iniquity throughout all the generations, the enemy has had a legal right over my children. But this is my plan, this is my agenda, all for My glory, because what I am showing to you and to all my precious children across the world, I am showing everyone that you are nothing without me. I have every single person in the palm of my hand. I am the author and the finisher of every single person's faith

The world is now realising truly, that the love of money is the root of all evil. People across the entire earth including you are seeing what happens to the state of society when people live in sin, live self-centredly, live selfishly, live separated from being in relationship with me.

My desire for you now, says the Lord, from this moment on, is for you to not ask the question whether in your heart or through your mouth, asking the question WHY? Instead, for the question on your heart when you see things taking place in your own country, in other countries, for you to be seeking me and asking me WHAT is it Lord? WHAT is it you are doing? HOW are you using this situation, this circumstance, this news story, this act of evil, this lie, this deception, this corruption. HOW are you using it Lord? And I will show you, I will reveal to you, because I work in all things for good for you that love me and that you who live according to my purpose for you.

For the rest of your life, says the Lord, I want you to walk by faith and not by sight, to experience and live each day with my perfect love because my perfect love expels all fear. I the Lord your God have not given you a spirit of fear, but of power, of love and of a sound mind.

Every single thing that is taking place, from the biggest thing to the smallest thing, across the entirety of the earth, every single thing is part of my divine plan. I am calling you now to no longer focus on what the enemy is doing or what the enemy is trying to do, because the enemy can only do what I allow the enemy to do, to bring about my divine awakening, my divine unveiling of darkness, of evil, of sin, my divine revival, my divine reset, my divine justice.

I know all hearts and minds, I have seen all things. I have seen every single act of evil, of sin, that has ever been committed and I detest, I detest the things that have been going on, that permeated through all areas of society, and I have a allowed it all to happen. I have allowed sin and iniquity to permeate through all different pillars of society, through the police force, through social services, through government, through Big Pharma, through big tech, through the church, through the entertainment industry, through society, through mainstream media. Sin, and the love of money which is the root of all evil, has run rampage and I have allowed it to happen, I have allowed everyone to just go their own way, to follow their old fleshly desires, to have, to follow their lustful desires, to follow their sin nature, to have a love of money, to have a love of self, to have a love of possessions. I have allowed every single thing that's been happening in the world. I have allowed it to happen. Because now, since the start of 2020, I have begun bringing everything that has been done in dark to light.

My beloved children, you all walking the earth have been fed lie after lie after lie after lie, you have been deceived throughout your entire life. Your parents have been deceived, your grandparents have been deceived. The god of this world is Satan. Satan has deceived all the nations but now I the Lord your God, the King of Kings, The Lord of lords, the name above all names, it is I the Lord who has every single person in the palm of my hand every single person, and there is nothing that anyone can do against my will. It is futile to fight against my will, and I have allowed people for generations and generations to follow their own desires, their own inclinations. Sin, lust, deceit, deception, lies, corruption. I have allowed the world to see what happens when my beloved precious sons and daughters live in sin.

But now, every moment of every day, I the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, I am lifting the veil. I am removing the scales from people's eyes. I am giving people the eyes to see in their ears to hear. I am setting the captives free. I am breaking iron bars. I am giving people nightmares. Yes, I'm giving people nightmares to awaken them, to awaken them to the truth and reality that they have been living in sin. They have been on the wide path of sin that leads to death. They are heading for eternal damnation but I the Lord their God, I the Lord your God, I want everyone to be saved and to understand the truth, and it is I that has everyone in the palm of my hand, and I am taking acts of evil, I am taking pains, I am taking lies, I am taking all the darkness, to reveal the truth, to reveal that I am the light of the world, that I am the resurrection and the life, that I am the good shepherd, that I am the saying yesterday, today and forever.

And you my beloved sons and daughters, and all my people, all my warriors, all my warriors across the earth and all those people who I haven't yet awakened, I haven't yet lifted the veil, I haven't yet removed the scales from their eyes because I have everyone in the palm of my hand, but as the days roll on during 2022, as the days roll on, as I pour into you, onto the earth more and more and more of My Glory, more and more and more of My Spirit, more and more of the living waters, my living waters are flowing into people's dry wastelands, the dead are being brought to life. People, my beloved and you, I am encouraging you to go into the valley of dry bones, Ezekiel 37, and to prophesy into the dry bones and through your words spoken, because you can pray for anything and because you have faith you will receive it, and my spirit will lead you and guide you in your prayers, and my word when you send it out will prosper everywhere you send it, for I the Lord of Heaven’s Armies has spoken.

Every single thing in the world right now, is exactly, is precisely what I have planned it to be before I created the heavens and the earth. My timing is perfect. I am using every single thing that is taking place to reveal to people across the entire earth that they never again want to live following their own sinful nature, because once I have begun revealing to a person individually the reality of sin, of evil, of lies, of corruption and where that comes from, and once I have shown my beloved that I am the light of the world, that I am the only one who saves, there will never ever, ever be any going back for that person. They will come into relationship with me and through that deepening relationship with me, through your deepening relationship with me, your life and their life becomes truly, truly, truly incomprehensible.

Your eyes haven't seen, your ears haven't heard and your minds haven't conceived, what I the Lord your God have got planned for you who love me. Trust in me, trust in My Word, trust in my plan, trust in my perfect timing. I am calling you to live with joy in your heart each day, because through your joy, through having your heart filled with joy because of your personal relationship with me, plus my peace which is my gift to you, which is a gift the world cannot give you, through the joy that you will demonstrate, that you will carry with you each day, you will be drawing so many people to my feet. You are my glory carriers. I have called you by name. You are my hands and feet. You can do all things through me your Lord and Saviour who gives you strength.

Trust me. See my hand in everything. Through me pouring out my spirit into you now, as you move forward, when you see or hear something that you know is wrong because my spirit is upon you and my spirit guides you into all truth, I will also reveal to you why is it I am allowing that thing to happen.

Wherever you are across the earth, I am with you.

My hand is in the detail. Every single thing that is taking place it is for my divine purpose.


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