Faith, Family, Finances & Fortunes Is My Divine Order For Your Life, Says The Lord
My beloved son Paul, My message here I am giving you and your brothers and sisters, all those who I have given the eyes to see and ears to hear and heart to understand what I am saying, I am giving you wisdom and revelation of My Divine Order of Me fulfilling My words, My promises and prophetic words.
There are four words, each beginning with the letter F, that are interconnected, divinely joined…
Faith. Family. Finance. Fortunes.
First of all, My beloved son Paul, I have given you a foundation upon Me, a foundation of FAITH.
You know that it is impossible to please Me without faith.
You know that faith is a gift.
You know that faith is a gift that I have given you.
You know that your faith without works is dead.
You know that you are to walk by faith, not by sight.
My beloved son Paul, I have asked you to not only walk by faith and not by sight, but I have asked you to TALK by faith, not by sight.
Your obedience is better than sacrifice.
Every time, My beloved son Paul, I have asked you to talk publicly and unashamedly by faith, you have done it.
You have proclaimed the promises that I have given you about everything that I am doing across your family, within each of your family members.
You have proclaimed My promises publicly.
You have unashamedly proclaimed by faith that which I told you I am going to do.
You know that I am a man of My Word.
You know that I am not a man that I would lie.
You know that when you send My Word out, it does not return to Me void.
My beloved son Paul, you know that My Word prospers EVERYWHERE that I send it through you.
My beloved son Paul, it is by your FAITH that all things will happen.
I gave you My promise, My word, in October 2019, that in My perfect time, I WILL RESTORE YOUR FAMILY - your family that collapsed because of sin.
When Satan fights against Satan, his own kingdom cannot survive.
What sin separates, I the Lord your God restores.
My beloved son Paul, for five years you have walked by faith, not by sight.
For five years, you have talked by faith not by sight.
You first of all shared with a few of your brothers and sisters the promises that I have given you of FAMILY RESTORATION. Paul, you have been WILLING TO SOUND DELUSIONAL to people who have been living with little faith.
There have been some people within My body that have thought that you are crazy for believing that I AM GOING TO RESTORE YOUR FAMILY.
My beloved son Paul, you live your life by faith.
You walk by faith every day.
You talk by faith every day.
No matter what you have seen since 2019 in the physical realm, which at times has been incredibly challenging for you, you have continued to walk by faith and talk by faith.
Now, watch and see, as family, your family, your immediate family and your extended family, all come to know Me as their Lord and Savior!!!
Paul, across your entire family, I AM making ALL things new.
I am making ALL THINGS NEW across your family because of the faith that I have given you, and because of the faith that you have been walking in.
First faith. Second family. Third FINANCE.
My beloved son Paul, you know how much I have humbled you in relation to your finances.
You know and the people in your life know that I have stripped you down and down and down. There has been times where you have had no money to your name, yet you have trusted Me as your one and only provider.
You have seen Me time and time again, without fail, providing the necessary finances for you to live, for you to eat and for you to sleep.
It has been through the consultancy engagements that I have blessed you with, for what was once Become Customer-Centric that is now Become People-Centric, you have used the financial blessings I have given you to almost exclusively fund the ministry that I have entrusted you to steward, Become Born-Again Worldwide Ministry.
You have seen, you have experienced, how over 90% of the finances that have been used to share the Gospel across nations, particularly in Africa, has come from the money that you have received by the works of your hands.
My beloved son Paul, you have seen a sudden change in the early part of 2024, where through your brother Joseph Belibi, I commanded you to no longer continue to fund Become Born-Again Ministry through the consultancy work that I bless you with.
As I give My message to you here in October 2024, you have seen during the last six months, since you made this change to no longer continue funding the ministry through consultancy resources, you have seen that there have been hardly any financial provisions for My ministry Become Born-Again.
At times it has been confusing for you, and you have had to seek Me for wisdom in understanding why I the Lord your God haven't been leading your brothers and sisters to support and partner with My ministry, Become Born-Again.
My beloved son Paul, I am now giving you wisdom and revelation as to the reasons for this, because first of all, over the five years since I saved your life, I was establishing, growing and harnessing your FAITH that I have given you.
From your faith, your family, ALL your family, are being redeemed and restored. All your family are healed by the stripes on My back.
From faith, then family, then watch and see the FINANCES begin to be revealed to you.
This is My divine order, and as I fulfil promise after promise in your life regarding your family and the restoration of your family and the salvation of your family and extended family members, watch and see how I open the storehouses of financial resources.
THEN My beloved son Paul, watch and see the TRANSFERENCE OF WEALTH.
Watch and see the FINANCIAL FORTUNES begin to be opened up.
I know, My beloved son Paul, I can trust you with a little. I know that you will glorify and magnify My name every day of your life, wherever you go.
I know that whether you are in a laundrette doing your washing or you are stepping on to a super yacht with your family, you will share My love with all those who I ask you to share My love with, for you are not ashamed of the Gospel.
Truly, you freely give as you have freely received.
I have given you beautiful feet to share My Good News WHEREVER you go and with WHOEVER I ask you to share it with.
You shine your light that I have placed inside of you wherever you go.
Everything that you do is for My glory and My glory alone.
Everywhere that you go, you give Me all the glory, praise and honor.
Every day you walk by faith, not by sight.
Every day you talk by faith, not by sight.
Every day you are willing to speak to complete strangers, to speak My promises in to their life, to proclaim My Word in to their life, to declare words of destiny into their life.
You, like Me, are no respecter of persons, for you know I created ALL people and I sustain ALL people.
My beloved son Paul, you see all people through My eyes.
You judge no one.
You love everyone, for I have given you My heart.
You are not just a hearer of My Word, you are a doer of My Word.
My beloved son Paul, you repent when I ask you to repent. You confess your sins to your brothers and sisters.
My beloved son Paul, your OBEDIENCE is better than sacrifice.
Keep being obedient to My voice, by My Spirit, throughout every single day.
This is my divine will, purpose and revelation for your life, My beloved Son, Paul Rouke, and for many, many of your brothers and sisters - FAITH, FAMILY, FINANCES, FORTUNES.
Remember, I am going to do exceedingly and abundantly MORE than you can ask or imagine.
Truly, Paul and all your brothers and sisters, your eyes have not seen, your ears have not heard and your mind has not yet conceived what I the Lord, your God, have got planned for you, because you love me.