Graham Hood And All My People Walking The Earth, This Is My Message To You & Your Family, Says The Lord

Graham Hood, my loyal, fearfully and wonderfully made servant, this is the Lord your God.

I am so proud of you Graham. Before I created the Heavens in the earth, I chose to form you, to create you, to knit you together in your mother's womb, and to bring you forth on the day you were born for this time, right now, Graham.

I have put my spirit in you. Your strength comes from me, the Lord your God. Your faithfulness to me is being rewarded, but my message to you now, my beloved Son Graham, is that I the Lord your God have only just begun moving in your life.

Graham, your eyes haven't seen, your ears haven't heard and your mind hasn't conceived what I the Lord your God have got planned for you, because you love me and you are my servant. You are my hands and feet, and through your work, through your actions, through your behaviour, through the grit and the determination and the fire, everything that I have placed inside of you, my beloved Graham, 10s of 1000s and what is going to become hundreds of 1000s and then yes, millions of My precious children are coming to me to surrender their life to me, because of what you have been doing.

You are a David and you my beloved Graham are taking the heads off Goliath’s. I have been using you and I will continue to use you mightily for My Kingdom Glory.

I the Lord of lords, the King of kings, I am only just getting started pouring out my spirit. I have only just begun lifting the veil. I have only just begun removing the scales from my beloved children's eyes. I am setting the captives free. I am pouring out my spirit. I am AWAKENING My beloved children, the men, the women and the children. I am the Lord of Heaven’s Armies and I have chosen you, my beloved Graham, I have appointed you, I have placed you in Australia, in precisely the place that you are right now, TO BE MY GLORY CARRIER.

I have put my spirit within you and the spirit that is within you is greater than the spirit that is in the world so that you have no fear. My perfect love expels all fear. I have not given you a spirit of fear but of power, of love and of a sound mind, and you my beloved Graham, you have been demonstrating that you are chosen, that you are my disciple, that you are an apostle, that you know that you are fearfully and wonderfully made in my image.

Through my words now, Graham, I am pouring into you more and more and more of my spirit, of my wisdom, of my power, of my authority, of my discernment, of my love, of my joy, of my peace, and my message to you now my beloved Graham is also a message to every man, woman and child that has been looking up to you, that has been listening to you, that has been respecting you and valuing you and following you, because by following you, they are following me, the Lord your God, the King of kings, the Lord of lords and name above all names.

2022 is the year Graham, and all my precious children who I will lead to hear my words now, 2022 is the year that you will all be speaking about for generations and generations and generations.

I am opening up the Heavens. BLAZING COALS OF FIRE HAVE BEGUN RAINING DOWN FROM HEAVEN. I am the Lord of Heaven’s Armies and I am pouring into you now Graham, and my people, MY FIRE, MY SPIRIT, MY POWER. You all can do all things through me, the Lord your God who gives you strength. I have given you all, all power and all authority to crush fierce lions and serpents.

Through my blood, through the surrender of my life and through the resurrection of me the Lord your God on the third day, death is defeated. The power of your sin nature is crushed by my blood, by my resurrection, by my power and by your faith in me. I am calling my people now to surrender their lives to me, for I the Lord your God surrendered my life for every single man, woman and child walking the earth today. I am the author and the finisher of your faith Graham and every single one of my beloved children receiving my words now.

MY HAND IS MIGHTY UPON YOU. All My children now hear my words - I have anointed your head with oil. My plans for your lives and your loved ones are plans for good or not for disaster to give you a future and a hope. Be strong in me the Lord your God. Do not be afraid. I have gone before you. The battle belongs to me, and the weapons that you fight with are not of the world, on the contrary, they have divine power to break down strongholds. And I the Lord your God, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, I am roaring and the powers and the principalities of the kingdom of darkness are being destroyed.



There is fire now upon your tongues, so when you speak My Word because you believe My Word, demons will flee, strongmen will be destroyed, powers and principalities are being destroyed and will continue to be destroyed, for I the Lord of Heaven’s Armies has spoken. The generational curses that have been upon you and your family are being destroyed now by my Words, for I the Lord have spoken. THE DRY BONES ARE COMING ALIVE NOW, for I the Lord have spoken. The dry bones are rattling. I am putting skin and muscle on the dry bones and they are coming alive now, for I the Lord have spoken. THE KINGDOM OF DARKNESS IS TREMBLING because I the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, I am opening up the Heavens now, and I AM ROARING IN YOUR LIFE GRAHAM AND IN THE LIVES OF MY SONS AND DAUGHTERS.

My beloved Sons and Daughters, those that haven't yet realised there is a calling upon their life, I am raising up my army, my army is coming alive, says I the Lord of Heaven’s Armies.

I am the King of kings.

I am the Lord of lords.

I am the King of glory AND I AM ROARING.

in this place, I bring peace. Peace, be still. Peace, be still.

I am the prince of peace. The peace I give you is a gift the world cannot give you. My peace surpasses all understanding and it guards your hearts and your minds in me Christ Jesus. My perfect love expels ALL your fear. I have not given you a spirit of fear, but of power, of love and of a sound mind.

I have called you all by name. You are chosen and not forsaken. You are fearfully and wonderfully made in My image. I have reached down to the bottom of the deepest, darkest ocean and I have rescued you from all your enemies. You are mine. I have you and every man woman and child walking the earth in the palm of my hand.

I have every ruler, every leader, every Freemason, every Jesuit, every person connected to the church, every member of the Rockefeller family, every member of the Rothschild family, every billionaire, every millionaire, every CEO of every pharmaceutical company, every editor and chief editor of every mainstream media news outlet, every single man and woman working within the police, every single man and woman working in social services, every single man, woman and child walking the earth, every single actor, every single actress, every single person that works at NASA, every single judge, every single politician, every single sportsman and sportswoman, every single man, woman and child walking the earth, I HAVE YOU ALL IN THE PALM OF MY HAND.

I have seen every single thing everyone has ever done.

I have seen and heard every lie that has ever come from your tongues.

I have seen every single injustice served by the courts.

I have seen every single act of tyranny.

I have seen every single conversation that has ever taken place to plan and to plot destruction upon My people.

I have seen every single ritual that has ever been made by any Jesuit, by any Freemason, within EVERY SINGLE MASONIC LODGE ACROSS THE ENTIRETY OF THE EARTH.

I have seen every single act of child sacrifice.

I have seen every single act of blood sacrifice.

I have seen every single act of corruption.

I have seen every single injustice served upon families that have been torn apart due to sin and corruption within social services, within the family courts, within the law courts.

I have seen everything, and I detest a lying tongue.

I detest feet that race to do wrong.

I detest hands that murder the innocent.

I detest hearts that plots evil.

I detest those that sow discord in the family.

And my wrath and my judgement has already begun. It has only just started, and my wrath and my judgement is coming upon those in positions of leadership, of power, of control, and there is NOTHING ANYONE CAN DO ABOUT IT. No amount of money, no amount of security, no amount of control, no amount of worldly control can stop my wrath and my judgement coming, and I am calling all my people now to repent now, to surrender to Me now, for my wrath and my judgement is coming. I HAVE SEEN ENOUGH. My grace and my mercy upon people who have been planning and plotting evil has come to an end. I say ENOUGH. I say REPENT NOW FOR MY WRATH AND MY JUDGEMENT HAS BEGUN.

But all those who are living with integrity, with honesty, those who are living godly lives, those who have turned to me, the Lord their God, those who have put their trust in me and in me alone, those who have surrendered their life to me, those who have humbled themselves, those that have turned from their sin nature, those are now following my will, they will be protected.

My beloved Graham and your family and all my children that I have already lifted the veil, I have already removed the scales from your eyes, and all those now through my words, through my beloved Sons and Daughters, the men the women, the children who hadn't previously had the scales removed from their eyes, I am now lifting the veil, I am now removing the scales from your eyes, I am now setting you free. I am setting the captives free. I am setting you on fire, and as you surrender to me the Lord your God, you will see my divine protection is upon you.

I have been sending my people through the refiner’s fire. The locusts have been sent into your lives, you have been stripped back, you have been refined, you have been in the refiners fire, but you are still here, still standing, still breathing because I the Lord your God have been in the refiner’s fire with you. I have been protecting you. I have carried you through every single moment of your life. I have seen every tear that you have ever shed and I have captured your tears in my bottle, and because you have sown with tears, you are going to reap with joy. I am bringing joy into your life. I am setting my captives free. I am filling you with my spirit, with my joy, with my love. I am giving you the eyes to see and the ears to hear. I am doing a new thing upon the earth. I am shaking everything that can be shaken.

Everything that has been done in dark has been brought to light. I am going to be destroying Freemasonry. I am going to be destroying the Jesuits. I am going to be destroying sin, evil, darkness, corruption, deception.

The biggest deceptions that have been upon my people are being destroyed.

The DECEPTION of the big bang.

The DECEPTION of the universe.

The DECEPTION of the Milky Way and the galaxies.

The DECEPTION of men walking on the moon.

The DECEPTION of the shape of the Earth.

The DECEPTION of gravity.

The DECEPTION of Freemasons.

The DECEPTION of NASA that is run by Freemasons.

The DECEPTION of evolution.




I am the Way, the Truth and the Life and no-one comes to the Father except through me.

People have planned all kinds of things, but my will is going to be done upon the earth, across the entirety of the earth, in every man, woman and child's life.


I AM the Alpha and the Omega.

I AM the beginning and the end.

I AM the First and the lowest.

I AM the true vine.

I AM the light of the world.

I AM the resurrection and alive.

I AM the same yesterday, today and forever.

I AM the bread of life and man does not lead by bread alone but by every word that comes from my mouth.

I AM the author and the finisher of your faith.

I AM the author and the finisher of every man, woman and child walking the earth.

I AM the King of kings.

I AM the Lord of lords.

I AM the name above all names.



The Blazing Furnace Is Ready And My Blazing Coals Have Begun Raining Down Upon The Freemasons, Says The Lord


I Meet You Wherever You Are. I Have Always Loved You And I Will Always Love You, Says The Lord