I Meet You Wherever You Are. I Have Always Loved You And I Will Always Love You, Says The Lord

My beloved, you haven't yet accepted me into your life as your Lord and Saviour, but I am patient and I love you, and I have always been faithful to you, and I will always be faithful.

I know the reasons why you haven't turned to me. I know every one of your life experiences, of your pains, of your emotions, which has led you to a place of not believing in me, not seeking me. I the Lord your God meet you wherever you are. Some of you are in a place in your life where things are good. You have a stable job. You have a stable income. You have your home, you have your family, and often during your life, you have thought to yourself that you don't need me in your life if I am real.

I meet you wherever you are. I meet you and your family wherever you all are. You may not be brokenhearted and crushed in spirit, and my desire for you is that you don't need to get to that place to turn to Me, the Lord your God, and to receive me into your life as your Lord and Saviour.

I love you with my unfailing love. I know everything about you. I formed you, I created you, I knitted you together in utter seclusion in your mother's womb. I have numbered every hair on your head. My thoughts for you, my beloved, outnumber the grains of sand on the seashore. I will never stop loving you. I know what you are going to say even before you say it.

I have been with you through every moment of your entire life. In the most challenging, darkest periods of your life, in your periods of grief through the loss of a loved one, it has been by the Lord your God that have carried you in my arms. It is I the Lord your God that has given you the strength to come through the battles, the trials and the tribulations of your life.

I the Lord your God have been misrepresented in the world. There has been so many lies, so much deception, so much corruption and my church too hasn't been representing me truthfully. My beloved, it is right for you to not want anything to do with religion. Man-made religion causes division. Man-made religion can lead to the devastation of human life. I am calling you, my beloved, into a personal relationship with me the Lord your God. You have always been in the palm of my hand and you will always be in the palm of my hand. I will never stop loving you. I cannot deny who I am, and throughout your life, my mercy and my grace has been upon you. It is I the Lord your God that has ensured that you have come through the trials and tribulations you have come through, to bring you to this moment right now, hearing my words to you.

My beloved children, I stand at the door and knock, and if you open the door I will come in and we will sit down and have a meal together. I am the author and the finisher of your faith. I have called you by name. You are chosen and not forsaken. Before I created the heavens and the earth I planned for you to be receiving my words now. I am now lifting the veil. The scales are now falling from your eyes.

There is nothing to fear because my perfect love expels all fear. You aren't going into the unknown, you are coming into relationship with me, the Lord your God. You are so precious in my eyes. You are fearfully and wonderfully made in My image. You are My masterpiece, you and your family.

Come home, come running home. I am the Prince of Peace.

Even though your life hasn't been as challenging as other men and women walking the earth today, I know every moment of your life, when you have struggled and battled with thoughts in your mind. The battles that you have had have been hidden to the world, but I have seen every one of those battles. The times when you have felt condemned, guilty, shamed, fearful, frustrated, angry, bitter, resentful. I know each and every one of the experiences that you have had where you have been hurt. I have seen every tear that you have ever shed, and I have caught them in my bottle.

You have had your reasons for not turning to me but now I am calling you into my arms. I want to show you all the unfailing love I showed to David. I want to straighten out the crooked paths in your life.

My way is perfect. I am the gate. I am the light of the world, and what I have chosen you to be living in and through is the most profound move that I have made upon the earth since I walked the earth.

My beloved, you and your parents and your grandparents and your great grandparents, you have been lied to and you have been deceived through your lives. My people walking the earth today have been lied to and deceived through their lives. I have allowed sin and the love of money, which is a root of all evil, I have allowed these things to pollute the earth. I have allowed evil to prosper.

I have seen everything. I have seen the corruption in my church. I have seen how corrupted the education system has become. I have seen every lie ever spoke by every single politician. I have seen every false and misleading headline from mainstream media. I have seen all the corruption, all the deception and all the evil within the pharmaceutical industry. I have seen the proliferation in the sexualization of women and also the sexualization of teenagers and children. I have watched and I have been disgusted because I detest a lying tongue. I detest a heart that plots evil. I detest feet that race to do wrong. I detest those who sow discord in the family. I detest those that murder the innocent. I detest haughty eyes.

I have allowed everything that has been taking place to take place, but now in 2022, my grace and my mercy upon the rulers, the controllers, the leaders, on those living in deep, dark sin, on those who truly have a love of money, which is a root of all evil, my grace and my mercy is truly coming to an end.

My beloved, what you are seeing in the world, what you are experiencing since 2020 is the proliferation of evil, the proliferation of darkness, the proliferation of lies, of deception, of corruption, the proliferation of planned evil, but I the Lord your God, I work in all things for good for those who love me and those who live according to my purpose for them, and my plans for you my beloved and your family, all your precious family that I have in the palm of my hand, my plans for you all are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.

As you haven't yet received me the Lord your God as your Lord and Saviour, I know there have been many mixed feelings and emotions that you have battled with during the last two years. I know the decisions that you have made and the choices that you have made that had been based upon lies and deception, and so I know how you have had moments and periods battling with feelings of embarrassment, of shame, of guilt, of shock as you have sometimes began opening up to the reality of what has been taking place.

And I know also when you have had periods where in your mind you have felt like if you face into the truth of what has been taking place, that you will be condemned. But my beloved, there is no condemnation for those who belong to me, Christ Jesus.

My arms are wide open for you and your family. I meet you wherever you are. I have always loved you and I will always love you. Come home and Heaven will rejoice.

You are mine. You are chosen and not forsaken, and my perfect love expels all fear.


Graham Hood And All My People Walking The Earth, This Is My Message To You & Your Family, Says The Lord


What God Is Doing In 2022