I Am Bringing Forth Hidden Gifts & Hidden Talents To Advance My Kingdom, Says The Lord

My beloved child, you are receiving My message now, for I the Lord your God desire to give you WISDOM and REVELATION about JUST ONE OF THE WAYS IN WHICH I AM BEGINNING TO FLOOD THE EARTH.

For generations, I have allowed for the TALENTS and the GIFTS that I have put inside of My people who I created, I have allowed for those talents and gifts to REMAIN HIDDEN.

Every single gift, every single talent, that has ever been displayed by a man or a woman or a child, has come from Me, for EVERY good gift and EVERY perfect gift comes down from heaven.

Since early 2020, as I the Lord your God began to SANCTIFY, to PURIFY, to CLEANSE and to SET APART My people, the GIFTS and TALENTS that I have put inside of My people have STARTED TO COME FORTH.

Remember My beloved child, YOU ARE THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD, like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. I have started to stir My people up on the inside of them, for them to BRING FORTH FOR OTHER PEOPLE TO SEE, the GIFT, the TALENTS, the areas of PASSION that have been burning deep inside of them, that have been hidden during their life, and those HIDDEN GIFTS, those HIDDEN TALENTS, I am starting to bring forth to ADVANCE MY KINGDOM - to flood the earth with My GLORY, through the HANDS, the FEET, the TONGUES, the BODIES of My people - for ALL My people are fearfully and wonderfully made IN MY IMAGE.

It is I that live inside of My people. I have put My Spirit into them and I have put My Spirit into you, and greater is the Spirit that is in you than the spirit that is in the world.

My beloved child, here are just some of the BEAUTIFUL, the GLORIOUS, and in many cases MIRACULOUS GIFTS AND TALENTS that I am BEGINNING TO BRING FORTH out from the inside of My people.

THE GIFT OF SONGWRITING, from the heart of My people, based upon their experiences of life before I set them free and NOW with Me having given them the eyes to see and their ears to hear, and having taken out of them their heart of stone and given them a NEW HEART OF FLESH.

THE GIFT OF SINGING. All different styles of singing that by My Spirit will have Me, the Lord your God, AT THE VERY HEART OF THOSE SONGS. ANOINTED SONGS of DIFFERENT GENRES, sung by My chosen Sons and Daughters.

THE GIFT OF DRAWING. All different styles of drawing, including fine art, graffiti, pencil drawing, acrylic painting, watercolour painting, and so much more. My people, each including you who are My masterpiece, are going to be drawing masterpieces. PROFOUND, BEAUTIFUL, ANOINTED ARTWORK, which I will use to speak to people whom I haven't yet set free. Anointed artwork which I will use to draw My people into a more DEEPER RELATIONSHIP WITH ME.

THE GIFT OF PLAYING MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Oh My beloved child, the anointed, glorious, beautiful music that My people are going to be producing, individually and collectively, is going to be UNLIKE ANYTHING YOU HAVE HEARD BEFORE. I am only just beginning to bring about an EXPLOSION OF MY PEOPLE HARNESSING THE GIFTS AND TALENTS I HAVE GIVEN THEM TO PLAY MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, and to play those musical instruments to worship Me, to praise Me and to glorify Me. Oh, My beloved child, the combination of My people playing musical instruments and singing and worshipping to Me, individually and collectively, IS GOING TO BLOW PEOPLE AWAY, says I, the Sovereign Lord.

THE GIFT OF TEACHING. My beloved child, you and all My people, men, women and children, DO NOT NEED TO STUDY AT COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY TO TEACH MY WORD, to teach My Word that is alive and active and sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, FOR MY SPIRIT IS YOUR TEACHER. My Spirit leads into ALL TRUTH, and as My people begin living life as My hands and feet, as My disciples, as My glory carriers, the amount of LIFE-CHANGING TEACHING THAT IS GOING TO BE DELIVERED to other people is beyond anything that you can comprehend.

My beloved child, I have given you a MERE GLIMPSE of how I have only just begun to flood the earth with an explosion of My chosen people, men, women and children, beginning to use, to harness, to share publicly the gifts and the talents that I have put inside of them.

Many of My people have lived holding on to their gifting, to their talents, not wanting to use it, not wanting to share it publicly, for they have feared the response and reaction, BUT I AM SETTING MY PEOPLE ON FIRE. I am SUDDENLY CONVICTING PEOPLE OF ALL AGES to begin to USE, to begin to HARNESS, to begin to SHARE the gifting that is inside of them, the talent that I have put inside of them, that which has been burning inside of them hidden.

NO MORE, says I the Sovereign Lord, will My people hold on to and keep hidden the gifts and talents that are inside of them.

My beloved child remember this. If you could speak all the languages of earth and of angels, but you didn't love others, you would only be a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. If you had the gift of prophecy, and if you understood all of My secret plans and possessed all knowledge, and if you had such faith that you could move mountains, but you didn't love others, you would be nothing. If you gave everything that you have to the poor and even sacrificed your body, you could boast about it. But if you didn't love others, you would have gained nothing.

Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice, but rejoices whenever the truth wins out.

Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful and endures through every circumstance. Prophecy and speaking in unknown languages and special knowledge will become useless, but love will last forever. Now your knowledge is partial and incomplete, and even the gift of prophecy reveals only part of the whole picture. But when the time of perfection comes, those partial things will become useless. When you were a child, you spoke and thought and reasoned as a child. But when you grow up, you put away childish things. Now, you see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror. But then you will see everything with perfect clarity. All that you know now is partial and incomplete, but then you will know everything completely, just as I the Lord your God now knows you completely.

Three things will last forever - Faith, Hope and Love - and the greatest of these is love.

My beloved child, you, your brothers and sisters, and all people walking the earth whom I haven't yet given the eyes to see and ears to hear , your eyes haven't seen, your ears haven't heard and your minds haven't conceived what I the Lord your God have got planned for you and all those who love Me.

I HAVE ONLY JUST GOTTEN STARTED, says I the Sovereign Lord.


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