I Have Chosen You To Experience What Others Are Thinking & Feeling, Says The Lord
My beloved child, before I created the heavens and the earth, I chose for you to receive my message here.
On first receiving my message, you will know if my message is for you now, or if my message is for you at a later time, ordained by me.
My message is for my children who truly deny themselves, pick up their cross daily and follow me.
My message is truly for my sons and daughters who live with absolutely no fear of man, and they live ONLY with the reverent fear of I, the Lord your God.
This message here is truly for my children who say, “God, not my will, but Your will.”
My message is truly for my children who are not ashamed of the Gospel, for they know that it is the power of I, the Lord, your God, that brings salvation to all who believe.
My message is truly for my sons and daughters who do not deny me upon the earth before men. Instead, they are truly willing to speak to anyone that I ask them to speak to, to share my love.
My message is truly for my sons and daughters who have pure hearts, clean hands, who do not worship idols and who never tell lies.
My precious child, you know that it is not you that lives but I the Lord your God that lives in you.
You know that your body is a temple of my Spirit.
You know that the same power that raised me from the dead on the third day lives in you.
You know that in I the Lord your God, you live, you move, you have your being.
My beloved child, my message here is about VISIONS, DREAMS and SUPERNATURAL EXPERIENCES, which I am bringing you into.
I am going to be giving you dreams, and in these dreams I will be giving you visions of things coming in your life, in the life of your loved ones, and in the lives of those that you have prayed and interceded for.
In these visions, you will be seeing things that will take place.
Some visions will be with you in those visions. Other visions will be where you are not there in person, but you are seeing, you are observing, you are watching what is taking place in the lives of other people.
My beloved child, not only am I going to be giving you dreams and visions whilst you sleep at night, whilst you are awake, at different times of the day, and also when you are worshiping me, whether you are on your own or you are with your brothers and sisters, I then too will be giving you visions of things to come.
My beloved child, I am going to be bringing you into floods of tears with the visions that I am showing you. Through these visions, I will be elevating your faith to a whole new level, for truly, I will be revealing to you things to come.
My beloved child, you show me that I can trust you with a little, for I now know I can trust you with a lot.
I know I can trust you for me to reveal hidden mysteries and secrets and things to come, for you are my precious child.
Truly, you have surrendered your life for me.
Truly, you have no desire to do anything because of selfish ambition, you only desire to seek my Kingdom and my righteousness, for you know that all else is given unto you.
My beloved child, there is something else that I have chosen you to experience time and time and time again.
This is where SUDDENLY, sometimes only for a few seconds, other times for longer, where you are suddenly able to think and feel what another person is thinking and feeling, whether it is at that moment, right there, or at a future moment in time.
Truly, these experiences that I am going to be giving you are nothing but supernatural.
Yes, my beloved child, I am giving you a profound ability to feel what other people are feeling. I am giving you a supernatural ability to experience life in someone else's body, for a few moments of time.
I am going to be giving you these experiences, for I am making you more and more sensitive to the things of the spirit realm and to what I am doing in the hearts, minds, bodies, souls and spirits of all my people.
Sometimes you will be listening to a worship song, and I will suddenly take you into an experience where one of your family members whom you have been praying for, suddenly you will be experiencing what they will be experiencing when they are ready to listen to this particular song, in my perfect time.
My beloved child, these supernatural experiences will bring you to tears.
Your entire life in me, the Lord your God, is being elevated to a new level, to a new place of glory.
My beloved child, I have chosen you to be one of my people, my glory carriers, truly manifesting my glory upon the earth.
Truly, my beloved child, I am taking you to new heights, to new levels of glory, and my promise to you, my beloved child, is that every time I take you to a new place of encounter, of experiencing my tangible presence, each time you experience a vision, a dream, an encounter in someone else's body, truly, your eyes still have not yet seen, your ears still have not yet heard, and truly, your mind has not yet conceived what I the Lord your God have got planned for you and all my children, because you love me.
My beloved child, continue to give me all the glory, all the praise and all the honor in all things.
Continue to live with the humility of a little child.
Continue to wake up each morning and say “Use me Lord, use me. I am your hands, your feet and your voice, and I carry Your heart for all people.”