I Have Something Better For You, Says The Lord

My Beloved,

Notice how I allow some doors to close when you thought they were your last resort? You'll soon find out they were not. Therefore let this be your mind, when it becomes clear that what you thought was, isn't - think, believe and confess that I have better in store for you. Something so much better and coming so soon that I wouldn't want you to miss it. Don't allow disappointment make you cave in with discouragement! I have a better idea, a better plan, better means. I am leading you to your best yet! Speak to your soul often and say, "My Father has something better stored up for me, and it's coming real soon - He wouldn't want me to miss it!"

Isaiah 60:17 (NLT)

I will exchange your bronze for gold, your iron for silver, your wood for bronze, and your stones for iron. I will make peace your leader and righteousness your ruler.

Your Abba,


By Ann Wanjiku 


Listen To His Instructions, For It Is Time To Cross Over


Ecstatic Prophecy