I No Longer Want You To Feel Guilty & Condemned For How You Have Been As A Parent, Says The Lord

My beloved, I know how challenging it can be for you as a parent.

I know the behaviour that you have experienced.

I know every single one of your feelings and your emotions that you have had as a parent.

I know the times when your children's behaviour has made you get angry.

I know that at times you have been desperate for your children's behaviour to improve.

I know the times when you have been shocked by your children's behaviour.

I know when you have thought to yourself that things will never change, that you will continually have to deal with your children's behaviour.

I have seen every tear that you have ever shed because of experiences that you've had as a parent, and often what you have felt after you have acted and behaved in ways in which you later regretted.

I know that you have been worried for the future.

I know you have been worried about the impact that you have had as a parent on your child.

I know all the negative words that you have spoken as a parent.

My beloved child, my Word tells you that I work in all things for good for those who love me, and those who live according to my purpose for them.

My desire for you my beloved child is that more and more you are filled with my Spirit, and therefore the actions and their behaviour and your experiences as a parent, don't lead you into reacting from your flesh, with your feelings and your emotions.

I know how intensive it has been, but the reason it has been so intensive for you, is that through all your experiences as a parent, I have called you by name to become one of my chosen parents who embody me, who are my hands and feet, who are my glory carriers, who no longer get affected by the actions and behaviours of their children, and instead they live and walk each day in joy and in peace.

My beloved, you as a parent and your child, you have been in the refiners fire, but in the refiners fire, I have been purifying you, I have been sanctifying you, I have been revealing to you that you can't get angry, that when you get angry, it only increases the battle and the challenges that you've had as a parent.

My beloved child, I have plans for you and your family, and those plans are plans for good and not for disaster to give you a future and a hope.

I have you and your family in the palm of my hand.

I love each of you more than you can comprehend.

I surrendered my life on the cross for you and your family.

I shed my blood on the cross for each of your sins.

My beloved, I no longer want you to feel guilty and condemned for how you have been as a parent for now there is no condemnation for those who belong to me, the Lord your God, who walked by the Spirit and not by the flesh.

My beloved child, you yourself personally cannot save your child, there is only me. I am calling you to truly surrender everything in your life to me, your entire family surrender, it all to me. Put your trust and your faith in me and in me alone. Focus each day on my Word. I will create the time for you to focus on my Word.

I am calling you now to to turn away, to turn off from everything that this world distracts you with. I am calling you now to focus on my Word, to read my Word, to hear my Word, to focus on the things above not the things below.

As you are receiving my message to you now, I am pouring my Spirit into you. I am releasing into your life the gift of faith, so that you can not only walk by faith, not by sight, but you can also talk by faith not by sight.

You and your children, you are mine. You are in the palm of my hand. There is nor height nor depth nor any other creature, not even the powers of hell, will be able to separate you and your family from my love, from my love.

My beloved, cast all your burdens upon me, because I care for you, for my yoke is easy and my burden is light.

No longer worry in any way. Instead come to me every single day.

You and your family, you are all mine. You are all chosen, says I the Lord your God.


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