Journalling With Jesus & Isabella - The Largest Water Bottle Factory On Earth

This evening I introduced my oldest daughter Isabella to “Journalling With Jesus”. I was personally introduced to this truly beautiful experience by my sister in Christ and fellow glory carrier Kim Chitwood, whilst I was been hosted by her and her husband in their beautiful home recently whilst on mission in America.

“Journalling With Jesus” Step 1

With Isabella this evening, I first of all asked her to get her journal and a pen, then I said a simple prayer asking that we are both filled with the Holy Spirit, and we are ready to be taken somewhere individually by Jesus.

“Journalling With Jesus” Step 2

After the prayer, I asked Isabella to first write down in her journal “Jesus, I love you because…” and then just begin to write down what things in her life come upon her heart that she is thankful and grateful for in her life.

We both did this at the same time, but keeping our words to ourselves.

“Journalling With Jesus” Step 3

Following this, I asked Isabella to close her eyes, and then as I closed my eyes, I said to Isabella “Just wait patiently for Jesus to take you to somewhere, maybe somewhere that you have never been before. There is no rush. By the Holy Spirit you will begin to see a vision of this location, and then whilst you are in this location having this experience with Jesus, He will speak to you. After you have had this experience with Jesus, open your eyes and write down what you have just experienced.”

Journalling With Jesus & Isabella

For tonight I’m only going to share what the Holy Spirit led me to write down and experience, but I will just say now, that the location that Jesus took Isabella, and the few profound words He spoke to her during her experience, I believe will stay with her for the rest of her life. When Isabella shared with me the last 2 words Jesus said to her, the Lord immediately gave me the understanding as to why He said those 2 words, and He asked me to share His reasoning with Isabella.

All I can say to this experience for both Isabella and myself this evening is “Thank You Jesus”.

Jesus, I love you because…

Here is what I wrote down on our whiteboard titled “Jesus, I love you because…”

  • You saved my life in 2019

  • You have promised to save all my family

  • You died on the cross because of how much you love everyone

  • You bring me your peace which I longed to experience for over 25 years

  • You stopped me from committing suicide in Vancouver, Canada

  • You shed Your blood on the cross to be the atoning sacrifice for ALL my sins

  • You have seen the very worst of me that no-one has seen, and yet You still chose to die to save my life

  • All Your promises prove true in Your perfect time

  • Your way is PERFECT!

The Vision - The World’s Largest Water Bottle Factory

Jesus, You have brought me in to a huge water bottle factory. Everywhere around me are bottles of water - on conveyor belts, going through various equipment, being handled by different people, following the path of the conveyor belts, before being stacked up in multipacks and put on to pallets.

If feels like it is the largest water bottle factory on the earth. Something inside of me doesn’t feel right about what I am seeing. I don’t know what it is but I don’t want to drink any of this water coming from this factory.

Jesus, what are you showing me here?

My son, come let me show you the contents of these bottles of water. Let’s bring a multipack outside the factory and you will see why you don’t want any of this water.

Although this water looks clear on the outside, it is actually not pure, and it is in fact contaminated. You can’t see it with your natural eyes but there are different toxins and chemicals in these bottles of water which affect people’s health.

My son, this factory represents the man-made church today, and the bottles of contaminated water represent my precious children who are contaminated by sin, as a production of the church. To an outsider looking at them, they can appear to be a Christian, but on the inside of them, they don’t have a pure heart or clean hands.

My son, tell my people, tell all your brothers and sisters, they need to come to me personally to drink from my living waters each day. They don’t need any man to teach them the truth, as my Spirit, the Spirit of truth, leads my children into all truth.

I AM always waiting to pour my living waters into my children’s hearts, minds, bodies, souls and spirits. My children need to come away from man-made religion and lukewarm churches, and instead desire to be intentionally intimate with me each day.

Tell my children that I have so much more to show them and give them experiences of, but they have to come to me personally, with the humility of a little child.

I stand at the door and I knock, and if my people choose to open the door of their heart to me, me and my Father will make our home in their heart. Only then are my children able to experience life in the Promised Land, a land flowing with milk and honey, where they live each day as my hands and feet.

I am waiting patiently…


Journalling With Jesus - The Flooded Luxury Car Dealership


Journalling With Jesus - The Sun-Drenched Desert