Lying On The Back Of The Lion Of The Tribe Of Judah
Photo by MARIOLA GROBELSKA on Unsplash
Yesterday whilst driving and listening to worship music, a song came on which I wasn't very familiar with, and there was a thumping sound from this worship song. It was this bass THUMP every few seconds, and as I'm driving and listening to this worship song, hearing this powerful, thumping noise every few seconds, I was taken into an open vision.
I saw this HUGE, beautiful, elegant, spectacular lion.
This lion was far greater in size than any lion walking the earth.
Its form was beautiful.
It had a flowing mane.
It had huge, powerful legs and huge paws, and as I was seeing this huge, mighty, glorious, beautiful lion, far taller and far bigger than any animal walking the earth, the Lord said to me.
“This is I, the lion of the tribe of Judah.”
As the lion of the tribe of Judah was walking with purpose, with clarity, with power, with authority, with elegance, every time He put His paw down there was a BOOM.
The ground shook.
The mountains shook.
Then, in this open, profound vision, seeing the lion of the tribe of Judah, I now saw myself, and I was experiencing lying on the back of the great I Am, the lion of the tribe of Judah, and I was lying in total and complete comfort and bliss, surrounded by the flowing mane of the great I AM.
It was absolute bliss.
I was lying flat on my back looking up.
I was in total and absolute comfort and peace.
I could hear nothing at all.
If I turned to my left, I was in pure comfort, with my head resting upon the flowing mane of the lion of the tribe of Judah.
If I lent to my right, I was in total bliss, total comfort.
As I looked up, the sky was white. The sky shone with the glory of the Lord.
There was no need for the sun or the moon, for the light of Christ Jesus was radiant over the whole sky.
The Lord spoke to me and he said:
“I am showing you this open vision now for I want you to know, and I want you to tell your brothers and your sisters, that the closer you come to me, the more intentionally intimate you are in your relationship with me, you are becoming smaller and I am becoming greater.
Seeing yourself now lying on I the lion of the tribe of Judah, on my back with the scale of I bigger than ANY animal walking the earth, this is how I the Lord your God want you to see your walk with me.
Wherever you go in the spirit realm, before people see you, before angels see you, before demons see you, they hear the pounding of I the Lord your God, for I go before you.
Rest in me.
It is when you are resting in me, in my Word, in all my promises, that you are able to go ANYWHERE in your day to day life, into ANY environment, no matter how dark, no matter how much the enemy may have a stronghold in that area before you arrive, and you can go there in total and complete safety, for you are resting in me, the lion of the tribe of Judah.
Under my feet and under your feet, every single demon is crushed.
Every single snake, every single scorpion, is crushed.
The enemy prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking those that he can devour, but the enemy is crushed under my feet, the feet of the lion of the tribe of Judah.
My son Paul, greater is the Spirit that is in you than the spirit that is in the world. The same power that raised me from the dead lives in you and all your brothers and sisters, all my sons and daughters.
Everywhere that you step foot, hidden in me the lion of the tribe of Judah, you will be stepping on land that that I have given you.
You have no fear, for my perfect love expels ALL fear, and when I, the lion of the tribe of Judah, when I open my mouth, a sword comes out of my mouth, and this sword is on fire.
This is a blazing sword, and my beloved son Paul, when you send my Word out, when you declare my Word, when you decree my Word, blazing coals of fire come from my mouth.
You swing the sword of the Spirit, which is my Word, and it takes the head off EVERY single Goliath, off EVERY single giant, off EVERY single power, off EVERY single principality, off EVERY single demon, off EVERY single strongman.
YES, my sword takes the head off LEVIATHAN, that writhing serpent.
My beloved son Paul, from this moment going forward, when you are listening to worship music and you hear the BOOM of the baseline of that worship song, immediately take yourself back into this open vision, where that BOOM is the sound of the giant paw of the lion of the tribe of Judah hitting the ground, wherever you are, wherever you are going.”
That is the end of the open vision the Lord gave me yesterday, on Monday the 27th of November 2023.
Today, Tuesday the 28th of November 2023, the Lord took me back into that open vision whilst I was listening to another worship song that had a faster beat. The baseline was quicker.
In this open vision that I was taken back into, the Lord said to me:
“See yourself now on the back of the lion of the tribe of Judah, but at the side of you, you have my chosen people that I have brought alongside you. Mighty, mighty, men and women that I have called, that I have chosen.
With this baseline, with 4 BOOMS one after the other, see now that there are four huge, giant, glorious, beautiful, elegant, powerful lions, all at the same size, larger than any animal walking the earth.
These 4 lions are walking alongside each other in harmony, so as the first lion puts his paw down, BOOM, the second lion puts his paw down, BOOM, the third line puts his power down, BOOM, the fourth lion puts his paw down, BOOM, and then it continues.
My beloved son Paul, you cannot even comprehend the power and the strength that I have given you and all those that are alongside you and ALL my people across the earth.
I have brought three of my mighty women warriors to come alongside you, as I continue to move forward in your life and the lives of all my people.
Your sister in Christ, Firmi Simpson.
Your sister in Christ, Kim Chitwood.
Your sister in Christ, Rene Vaughn.
You have many other warriors alongside you, but from this moment going forward, when you are listening to quicker worship songs, BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM, see yourself alongside your sisters doing greater and greater things for my Kingdom, for each of you, every single one of your brothers and sisters, you are mine, and greater is the Spirit in each and every one of you than the spirit that is in the world.
I have only just begun to truly ROAR in the lives of my chosen people, and remember, in your life, I must become greater and you must become less.
The lion of the tribe of Judah is growing larger and more powerful every single day, says I the Sovereign Lord.”
That is the end of the second open vision.
I give God ALL the glory, praise and honour for this open vision, for the anointing upon this vision, and for every one of my brothers and sisters who are going to receive power and authority by the Holy Spirit through being also taken into this open vision, and knowing that every time they hear worship music, they are hearing the THUD of the lion of the tribe of Judah, whom they are lying on the back of, in total peace, in total serenity.