In 2024 I Will Fulfil More Promises In Your Life Than In Any Previous Years, Says The Lord

My beloved child, in the year 2020 I, the Holy One of Israel, began to once again shake the heavens and the earth.

Everything that can be shaken continues to be shaken.

Everything in your life that can be shaken, I the Lord have been shaking.

You have had some of the most challenging, some of the most extreme, some of the most almost impossible circumstances and life experiences ever.

You have cried more since early 2020 than in the previous years of your life.

I the Lord your God have given you an awakening to the reality and truth of the world that I created and that I sustain, unlike you have experienced in your life before.

Every single day of your life is written in my book. Every single moment, every single second of your entire life was laid out before a single day had passed.

Before I created the heavens and the earth, I chose you. Many are called but few are chosen. I chose you to be one of my chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation.

I have put my Spirit into you.

You have been getting transformed by the renewing of your mind.

I have been purifying you.

I have been cleansing you.

I have been sanctifying you.

I have been consecrating you.

I the Lord your God, the King of Glory, have had you in the refiners fire, purifying you like gold seven times over, for you my beloved child are one of my glory carriers.

I am the potter and you are the clay.

By the power of my Spirit within you, I have been drawing you into a more deeper, a more intimate, a more personal relationship with me the Lord your God, and I will continue drawing you closer and closer to me, as I reveal to you greater and greater depths of my love for you.

My thoughts for you, my beloved child, outnumber the grains of sand.

You are the apple of my eye.

You are my prized possession.

You are my masterpiece.

You are fearfully and wonderfully made in my image.

You are mine.

My beloved child, as you are receiving my words to you now, there are many promises that you are standing on.

There are many promises that I the Lord have given you.

There are prophetic words that you have received which have not yet been fulfilled, which have not yet come to pass.

Your faith has been tested, scrutinised, shaken.

The enemy has desperately tried to make you doubt the promises that you have been standing on. The enemy is the father of lies. The enemy is defeated. The enemy is under your feet. You resist the devil and he flees from you.

I the Lord your God am the Way, the Truth and the Life.

My Spirit is the spirit of truth, and my Spirit leads you into ALL truth.

You do not need any man to teach you the truth, for my Spirit leads you into all truth.

I am pouring my Spirit into you now.

You are receiving a fresh anointing of power and of my Spirit now.

Raise your arms to the air.

Lift up your voice to praise me, to thank me, to glorify me.

Say “Holy, Holy Holy is Your name”.

Speak my name, for I have been given the name above all names, more and more and more.

EVERY SINGLE DAY worship me in spirit and in truth.

Fix your eyes on me. Focus on the things of heaven, not the things of earth.

Fellowship with the brothers and sisters that I have chosen to be in your life at this moment now, those who you are at total and complete peace with.

My beloved child, as my Spirit is reminding you now of all the promises that you are standing on, of all the prophetic words that you have received, my promise to you is that during the year 2024, you will see me fulfil more promises in your life than in any previous years.

YOU WILL SEE THE FULFILMENT of more prophetic words in your life during 2024 than in any previous year.

My promise to you is that during 2024 you will see me save and set free more people within your family and within your current circle of people that you love and that you have prayed for, more than in any previous year.

During 2024, you are going to experience me blessing you in ways in which will leave you breathless.

Before I created the heavens and the earth, I chose the year 2024 to be where my people across the earth, men, women, teenagers and children, would be glorifying me, would be praising me, would be thanking me, would be testifying of my miracles, signs and wonders, and would be experiencing the greatest breakthroughs, the greatest fulfilment of my divine promises, since I began to once again shake the heavens and the earth at the beginning of the year 2020.

You don't understand what I am doing now, but someday you will.

Look around at the nation's! Look and be amazed, for I am doing something in your own day, something that you wouldn't even believe even if someone told you about it!

My beloved child, share my message with your brothers and sisters.

Has anything like this ever happened before?

Tell your children about it in the years to come, and tell your children to tell their children. Pass the story down from generation to generation.

I want to see a mighty flood of justice, an endless river of righteous living, and I will see these things and you will see these things during the year 2024 and beyond, for when I send my Word out it does not return to me void. It accomplishes ALL that I desire, and it prospers everywhere that I send it.

Thank you, my beloved child, for receiving my words to you. I am proud of you.

You are my good and faithful servant, but NEVER allow yourself to become prideful.

Come to me each and every day with the humility of a little child.

Talk about me and my wonderful deeds, my grace, my mercy, my unfailing love more and more and talk about yourself less.

I the Lord your God must become greater and you must become less, to allow you to experience everything that I have been preparing for you to receive during 2024 and beyond, says I, the Holy One of Israel, the King of kings, the Lord of lords, the one given the name above all names, the great I AM, the LION of the tribe of Judah.


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