My Glory Carriers Don’t Ask - They Declare, Decree & Prophesy, Says The Lord

My beloved child, I am giving you wisdom and revelation of how I the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, are raising up My army.

My army is My mighty men, women, teenagers and children who are living the absolute opposite of a lukewarm Christian life.

My chosen people, My army that I am increasing in size throughout every single day, My people are on-fire for Me every day!

Unlike the lukewarm, who live with divided loyalty, who have some faith in Me but a lot of their faith in man and in the world, My chosen people have their faith in Me, the King of glory, and in Me alone.

Unlike the lukewarm, who continue to live with idols, My chosen people have absolutely no idols in the world.

Unlike the lukewarm, who are merely hearers of My Word and not doers of My Word, My chosen people are living out the scriptures every day. They are hearing My Word AND they are doing My Word.

Unlike the lukewarm, who when trials of any kind come their way, they begin to doubt My goodness, My faithfulness, My perfect will, My chosen people, My chosen glory carriers, give Me the Lord God Almighty, all the glory, all the praise and all the honour through every single experience and every single trial and tribulation that I allow them to go through.

Unlike the lukewarm, who pray to Me and ask Me for things in their life, but they have their motives all wrong, My chosen people, who have completely surrendered their life to Me, they pray every time according to My will, and they know that when they send My Word out, it does not return to Me void. It accomplishes ALL that I desire and it prospers EVERYWHERE that I send it.

Unlike the lukewarm, whom I have not yet set free and on-fire, My chosen glory carriers have moved on from asking Me to do things in their life to releasing decrees, declarations and prophetic words about things to come.

Unlike the lukewarm, who because of their sins they don't yet have a pure heart and clean hands and therefore they can't climb My holy mountain, My chosen glory carriers, who I have sanctified, purified and concentrated, they live each day, speak each day, declare and decree My Word each day and they prophesy each day from My throne room. They know that they are seated at the right hand of the Father with Me.

They know that I have made all their enemies, the entirety of the kingdom of darkness, a footstool under their feet.

They truly know that the same power that raised Me from the dead on the third day lives in them.

My chosen glory carriers, this army that I am raising up and that I am adding to every moment of every day, they live each day from a place of total and absolute victory in Me the Lord their God.

They know that the enemy is defeated.

They know that Satan is under their feet.

They know that they have been made the head and not the tail.

They know that they can pray for anything, and because they have their faith in Me and in Me alone, they will receive it.

My beloved child, as you have been receiving My words here, my Spirit has been revealing to you, truly, whether you are lukewarm or whether you are on-fire.

My promise to you, My beloved child, is that not only have I been doing a good work within you, I am going to continue purifying you, sanctifying you and concentrating you, until the day you meet Me face to face.

I the Lord your God are once again shaking the heavens and the earth, and I am shaking in your life and in the lives of all My people across the earth, everything that can be shaken.

I have allowed over many generations for My church to become polluted by sin, from the very top down to the bottom.

I have allowed My church to blend in with the world, to be truly lukewarm, to tolerate sin and to look to please man and not please Me, the Lord God Almighty.

BUT FORGET ALL THAT!!! For I AM doing a new thing!

I AM rising up My chosen people who are a part of My on-fire every single day army of glory carriers, who know that the same power that raised Me from the dead on the third day lives in them!

They know that My hand is mighty upon them!

They know that they have been chosen, anointed, appointed and set apart for a time such as this.

My chosen people know that they are a royal priesthood. They are a holy nation. They are My prized possession. They are the apple of My eye.

It is not they that live but I the Lord that lives in them.

My chosen glory carriers know that their purpose upon the earth is to be My hands and feet every single day.

My chosen army know that when I say:

“Who will go for me? Who can I send to be a messenger to these people?”

Each and every one of My chosen glory carriers say,

“Here I am Lord! Send me!”

Every day, My chosen glory carriers live without any burden at all.

Their faith is in Me and Me alone. Their trust is in Me and Me alone.

They are in a deepening, personal, intimate relationship with Me.

They speak My Word.

They declare My Word.

They decree My Word.

They release prophetic words.

They truly know that when they send My Word out, it does not return to Me void. It accomplishes all that I desire, and it prospers everywhere that I send it!

My beloved child, before I created the heavens and the earth, I planned and I ordained for you to receive My message.

My promise to you My beloved child is that not by your strength or by your might, but by My Spirit, you too are going to live your life worthy of the calling that you have received, for you have been called by Me the Lord your God to be one of My increasing number of men, women, teenagers and children that I have called and chosen, anointed and appointed, to be My glory carrier.

You are going to live your life going from glory to glory to glory to glory.

You are going to know what life is living in the Promised Land, a land flowing with milk and honey.

You and all My people across the earth, no matter what they've seen Me doing in their life, no matter how much of My glory, no matter how much of My presence, no matter how much of My miracles, signs and wonders they have seen, no eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has conceived what I the Lord have got planned for all those who love Me.


Adam Danyal, I Have Chosen You To Become One Of My Glory Carriers, Says The Lord


11th February 2024 - My Decree, Declaration & Prophecy For Humanity