My Way Is Perfect, My Timing Is Perfect, Says The Lord

My beloved child, my way is PERFECT.

My timing is PERFECT.


You are receiving my message now, for I the Lord your God desire for your FAITH to be so pure, that your TRUST in me to be so complete, that you can live your life day to day, knowing THAT I WILL FULFIL ALL MY PROMISES I HAVE GIVEN YOU, IN MY PERFECT TIME.

My beloved child, I have made everything beautiful for its own time. I have planted eternity in the human heart. Yes, the hearts of everyone in your life that you have prayed for, that you have interceded for, whom I haven't YET lifted out of darkness.

I haven't YET lifted the veil.

I haven't YET removed the scales from their eyes.

I haven't YET given them the eyes to see and the ears to hear.

Remember, my beloved child, MY TIMING IS ALWAYS PERFECT.

I am NEVER too slow. I am NEVER too late.

My beloved child, from this moment going forward, I no longer want you to in any way be burdened by the promises that I have given you, that I haven't YET fulfilled IN MY PERFECT TIME.

Instead, I want you to be joyful inside, knowing that EVERY SECOND OF EVERY DAY I the Lord your God are FULFILLING PROMISES that I have given to my people across the entire earth.

Every second, I am setting captives free.

Every second, I am bringing a prodigal son back home.

Every second, I am bringing a prodigal daughter back home.

Every second, I am saving people from committing suicide.

Every second, I am setting people free from being addicted to drugs.

Every second, I am setting people free from being addicted to alcohol.

Every second, I am setting people free from being addicted to gambling.

Every second, I am setting people free from being addicted to porn.

Every second, I am setting people free from being addicted to spending money.

Every second, I am healing someone's cancer.

Every second, I am healing diseases of every single kind.

Every second, I am bringing back families through miraculous reconciliation.


My beloved child, my Word tells you in Romans 8 verse 28, that I the Lord your God work in ALL THINGS IN YOUR LIFE FOR GOOD, because you love me, because you live according to my purpose for you. ALL THINGS INCLUDE ALL YOUR LOVED ONES, all your friends, all those who you have been interceding for.

My beloved child, FIX YOUR EYES ON ME.

I am the author and the finisher of your faith.

Focus your heart and your mind on the things of heaven, not the things of earth.

You know that my Word tells you in Romans 10 verse 17, that your faith comes by hearing, and hearing by my Word.

The more that you are saturating your eye gates and your ear gates with the things of my Kingdom, the less you will be pulled into feelings and emotions by your flesh.

Remember, my beloved child, my Word tells you in James 1 verse 70, that whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to you from Your Father in Heaven, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow.

My way is perfect.

My timing is perfect.


The Testimony of Patrick Shaughnessy - From The Pit of Hell To Watchman On The Wall


Although You Have Suffered Through Acts Of Evil, You Are Going To Live In Joy & Peace, Says The Lord