Remember My Beloved, It Is ALL Written, It Is ALL Written, Says The Lord

My beloved, you know that My Word tells you that every day of your life is written in My book.

You know that My Word tells you that every single moment of your life was laid out before a single day had passed.

You know that My Word tells you that I the Lord your God, I work in all things in your life for good, because you love Me and because you live according to My purpose for you.

You are receiving My message to you now, because I desire for you to embrace everything that will come into your life from this moment forward.

It is I the Lord your God, that through your life have shut doors that you have not been able to open. It is I the Lord your God that through your life, I have opened doors that you have not been able to shut.

I have used every one that has ever been in your life, and that is in your life today, and I will use all the people that I will bring into your life from this moment forward. I use all people to carry out My divine plan and My divine purpose for your life.

My beloved child, I am encouraging you now, when faced with a circumstance or a situation that you don't understand, when faced with the behaviour of another person which surprises you, or which seems to contradict what you were expecting to happen, my beloved child, I am asking you, for you to ask Me “Lord, is this from you?”, and I will tell you when it is from Me, and when it is from Me, I would like you to accept what has just happened. Accept the sudden change of your circumstances, of your plans, for I the Lord your God, I have bigger plans, I have greater plans, and it is I the Lord your God that has used someone in your life to change the path that you were on, to change the plan that you had. For I know the plans that I have for you, My beloved, and My plans for you are plans for good and not for disaster to give you a future and a hope.

Remember My beloved, I truly do work in ALL THINGS for good, for you, because you love Me and because you live according to My purpose for you. As I am drawing you into a more deeper, into a more intimate, into a more profound relationship with Me, in your mind, you are beginning to hear Me speak to you more and more and more through each day.

Remember My beloved, put your trust in Me and in Me alone. I am the author and the finisher of your faith.

I am Sovereign. I am in control.

Every day of your life is written in My book. Every single moment including this moment right now as you receive My message to you, was laid out before a single day had passed.

Talk to me more and more and more in your mind and I will answer you. I will explain to you. I will give you wisdom and revelation and understanding.

Be prepared to hear Me speak to you in your mind more and more and more, as I continue to tell you, “trust me”. You will hear Me say to you, as you experience certain things in your day to day life, I will say to you “It is ALL written, it is ALL written, it is ALL written.”.

Thank you, My beloved child for receiving My message to you now.

My promise to you is that your eyes have not seen, your ears have not heard and your mind has not yet conceived what I the Lord your God have got planned for you, because you love Me.

You are My masterpiece, says I the Sovereign Lord.


My Beloved Little Child, I Have Always Been With You, And I Will Always Be With You, Says The Lord


I No Longer Want You To Strive To Experience Miracles In Your Life, Says The Lord