See Me & My Name In ALL My Creation Through Each Day! Exclaims The Lord

Abba Father, I come boldly before Your throne of grace.

I lift up to you the one that is reading this prayer now. Holy Spirit I ask that You give them the eyes to see, the ears to hear and a heart to understand what the Spirit of the Lord is saying.

Lord, open their mind to understand the scriptures.

Lord, I thank You for this message that is coming forth. I crucify my flesh right now. I want none of me, Lord. I want ALL of You, for it is in You, Jesus, I live, I move, I have my being. Jesus I make You the Lord over my tongue. May every word coming from my tongue during this prayer and Lord Your message, may every word be from You and You alone. May there be no idle words, Holy Spirit.

Thank you, Lord. I proclaim from the Throne Room of heaven that every single word that is going to be coming in Your message Lord, is anointed. I thank you, Abba Father, for ALL Your messages that You have been giving through me since late 2021.

Thank You Lord for all Your books, books on mental health, sexual abuse, suicide, being in prison, living in religion, and most significantly Lord, your books, The Church - From Lukewarm on Sunday to On-Fire Every Day, and FAMILY - From Ashes to Beauty.

Thank You for everything Lord.

Abba Father, I give You ALL the glory, praise and honor.

Thank you Lord for speaking to me about how we can be looking for and seeking to see miracles, signs and wonders, when in fact, life itself, every single moment, every single second of life, is MIRACULOUS.

Wherever our eyes look, we are looking at miracles, signs and wonders.

Thank you Lord that in this message, You are giving a message, for You desire Your people, Your children, Your sons and daughters, to hear You speaking to them throughout each day, and Lord for them to be able to see You in and throughout creation, in their day to day life.

Thank You, Lord, for all the times that you have revealed yourself to me in Your creation, when I have been living my life day-to-day and my eyes have suddenly seen some message, some billboard, some signage, something on a product, and then Lord You brought Your name into it to TRNSFORM what I was looking at into a DIVINE MESSAGE from You, Lord God.

Thank You, Lord for now bringing forth this message for all your people across the earth. May this message go forth, may this message be shared, may it be forwarded on.

Thank You Lord for this edifying message to the body of Christ.

I give You all the glory, all the praise and all the honor.

In Jesus name, I pray.

The Lord Begins To Speak

My beloved child, you no longer need to be seeking or hoping to see miraculous signs and wonders.

Life itself is a miracle.

You yourself are a miracle.

Everything that you see with your eyes, no matter where you look, is a miracle.

I give you signs, I give you wonders, through My creation, 24 hours a day.

When there is someone seeking a miracle healing, they need to know, they need to understand, they need to accept, they need to magnify My Holy Name, for THEY themselves are a miracle, a sign, and a a wonder.

Everything, everything of My creation is, to the human mind, miraculous.

My beloved child, I desire for you to see Me in My creation throughout each day.

I desire for you to know that I am always seeking to talk to you, in our personal, deepening relationship, and I have brought you to receive My message here so that your life in Me, the Lord your God, can go to a whole new level of you experiencing Me, hearing Me, and knowing that I AM in EVERYTHING, that I AM Sovereign.

I have given you the eyes to see, the ears to hear and heart to understand what My Spirit is saying. I have been opening your mind to understand the scriptures, and My Word IS alive and active.

In your day-to-day life experience, when you see water, listen to Me say to you, “I am your Living Water.”

When you see food of any kind, listen to Me say to you, “I am the bread of Life.”

When you see fruit of ANY kind, listen to Me say to you, “My precious child, keep showing the 9 fruit of My Spirit through each and every day.”

When you look up to the sky, listen to Me say to you, “The skies display My craftsmanship!”

When you look up to the sky and see clouds, listen to Me say to you, “Remember I lead you each day like a pillar of cloud!”

When you look up to the sky and it is clear blue, listen to Me say to you, “I created the firmament to separate the waters above from the waters below.”

Whenever you see the color red, on whatever object, no matter where you are looking, including when you are on any device, listen to Me say to you, “Never forget, I gave up My life to save you on that cross.“

When you look at a tree, listen to Me say to you, “My beloved, you are a good tree producing good fruit every day.”

When you see the sun, listen to Me say to you, “Remember, I observe everything that goes on under the sun.”

When you see grass, listen to Me say to you, “Remember, the grass withers and the flowers fade, but My Word stands forever.”

When you see houses, listen to Me say to you, “You have built your house upon Me, the cornerstone.”

When you see a book, listen to Me say to you, “Read My Word today.”

My beloved child, when you see the words, “Know the signs of…” when you are at a doctor's or hospital, swap out whatever human condition that was there with My name, so the message reads, “Know the signs of Jesus.”

When you see the words “MENU - Something For Everyone” when at a hotel or in a pub or restaurant, smile, as I say to you “Only I the Lord offer something for everyone!”

When you see the words “Making the invisible, visible” on a poster, smile, as I say to you “Making the invisible, visible - JESUS”

When you see the words, “We would all be lost without….” on an advert, swap out man's solution with My name so the message reads, “We would all be lost without Jesus.“

When you see the words “YOUR KEY TO EXTRAORDINARY” in a fashion store, enhance the message with My name, so the message now reads “YOUR KEY TO EXTRAORDINARY, JESUS.”

When you see the words, “Spice up your life” on the cover of a magazine, enhance the message with My name, so the message now reads, “Spice up your life - Jesus!”

When you see the words, “Let's get this party started!!” on a pub poster, enhance the message with My name, so the message now reads, “Let's get this party started Jesus!”

When you see the words “As essential as you are on” a medical poster, enhance the message with My name, so the message now reads, “As essential as You are, Jesus.”

When you see the words, “You've lost your home. You've lost your family. Now, you've got…” on a billboard, enhance the message with My name, so the message now reads, “You've lost your home. You've lost your family. Now you've got Jesus.”

When you see the words, “TRY IT. LOVE IT” in a clothes store, enhance the message with My name, so the message now reads, “TRY IT. LOVE IT. JESUS.”

When you see the words “WE LOVE…” in a clothes store, enhance the message with My name, so the message now reads, “WE LOVE JESUS."

When you see the words “ENERGIZES BODY. SPARKS JOY” on a billboard, enhance the message with My name, so the message now reads, “ENERGIZES BODY. SPARKS JOY - JESUS!”

When you see the words, “COME ON IN, IT’S GUINNESS TIME” in a pub, enhance the message with My name, so the message now reads, “COME ON IN, IT’S JESUS TIME”

When you see the words “RIP SAUL” written in graffiti, listen to Me say to you, “You are once like Saul, but now you are like Paul!”

When you see particular numbers throughout your day to day life, wherever those numbers may be, know that it is I the Lord Your God that are showing you that number at that time, for My Spirit has led your eyes to see that number, for you to smile knowing that there is a scripture related to that number.

When My Spirit leads your eyes to see the number 77, immediately think of Matthew 7:7 - “Ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be open to you”.

When My Spirit leads your eyes to see the number 333, immediately think of Jeremiah 33:3 - “Ask me and I will tell you remarkable secrets you do not know about things to come”.

When My Spirit leads your eyes to see the number 444, immediately think of Isaiah 44:4 - “They will thrive like watered grass, like willows on a riverbank”.

When My Spirit leads your eyes to see the number 2222, immediately think of Isaiah 22:22 - “I will give him the key to the house of David, the highest position in the royal court. When he opens doors no one will be able to close them. When he closes doors no one will be able to open them”.

When My Spirit leads your eyes to see the number 666, immediately think of Psalm 66:6 - “He made a dry path through the Red Sea and His people went across on foot. There we rejoiced in him”.

When My Spirit leads your eyes to see the number 107, immediately think of Psalm 107:1 - “Give thanks to the Lord for He is good. His faithful love endures forever” and verse two “Has the Lord redeemed you? Then speak out! Tell others He has redeemed you from your enemies” and verse three - “For He has gathered the exiles from many lands, from east and west, from north and south”.

When My Spirit leads your eyes to see the number 1111, 11 11, immediately think of Isaiah 11:11 - “In that day the Lord will reach out his hand a second time to bring back the remnant of His people. Those who remain in Assyria and northern Egypt, in southern Egypt, Ethiopia and Elam; in Babylonia, Hamath and all the distant coastlands”.

Yes, My beloved child, I AM bringing the prodigals back home.

Yes, My beloved child, I AM restoring the family.

Yes, My beloved child, I AM restoring broken relationships.

Yes, My beloved child, what sin separates I restore.

Now, My beloved child, finally, every day, during your day-to-day life, you no longer need to search for, to hope for, to pray, to see miracles, signs and wonders.

When you see other people, listen to Me say to you, “My beloved child, like you I made them in My image. I surrendered My life on the cross to save them. I shed My blood to atone for all their sins, just like I did for yours.”

My beloved child, I have given My message and I have brought you to receive My message for I desire for you to have a far greater experiential life with Me.

Yes, I want you to know I am in all things.

I want you to know, I am always desiring to speak to you.

What I have given you here is just a mere glimpse of the ways in which I the Lord Your God are going to be speaking to you through My creation.

I am bringing you into a place where you begin to comprehend that truly the new heavens and new Earth that I speak about in my Living Word, truly, this is what I am bringing upon the earth.

You are living in My new heavens and new earth, it is just others, many, many, many others I have not yet saved, I have not yet set free. I have not yet given them the eyes to see, the ears to hear and a heart to understand what I am saying.

Keep praising Me.

Keep worshiping in spirit and in truth.

Keep hungering after My Word.

Keep desiring to be not just a hearer of My Word, but a doer of My Word.

Keep desiring to truly be My hands, My feet, My voice and My heart upon the earth.

See Me in everything.

Hear Me speaking to you every day, more than you ever have done before, says I, the Sovereign Lord.


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