This Is How I Use Satan To Purify My Bride, Says The Lord
My beloved child, I am giving you wisdom and revelation about how I the Lord use Satan to purify My bride. How I have been using Satan to PURIFY you, to CLEANSE you, to SANCTIFY you, by My Spirit.
You know that Satan has been patrolling the earth, watching everything that's going on. Satan watches EVERYTHING that My people do. Satan is the accuser of My people. Satan KNOWS MY WHOLE WORD.
When My people are first set free by me, when they have just been given the eyes to see and the ears to hear, when I have only just lifted the veil, when the scales have only just fallen from their eyes… when My people first begin their personal relationship with Me the Lord your God, I allow Satan to use people who I have not yet set free, people who are carrying the Antichrist spirit, people who deny Me… I allow Satan to use those people to bring accusations against My chosen people.
You will have experienced in your life, and all My chosen people have experienced, receiving accusations from non-believers in their life. People who consider themselves atheist or agnostic. Remember Satan knows all My Word and Satan knows what all My people do. Satan knows WHEN MY PEOPLE ARE COMMITTING SIN, and when My people commit sin, this creates a doorway, a window of opportunity, for Satan to use a non-believer to bring accusations against My people.
What I am doing with all My people by My Spirit, I am continuing to CONVICT THEM OF WHEN THEY ARE STILL COMMITTING SINS OF ANY KIND, and I am using Satan not just in non-believers, not just in atheists, but I am using Satan at work in both those who follow me with their lips, and those who follow me with their lips and their heart, My born-again followers, I am allowing My people to RECEIVE ACCUSATIONS FROM THE PEOPLE CLOSEST TO THEM.
Satan is the father of lies. There is no truth in Satan. I use Satan, working through people, to bring to the surface when My chosen people are still committing sin.
My beloved child, it is absolutely crucial that you and all My chosen people have their faith in Me, the Lord your God, AND IN ME ALONE, that My people allow My Spirit to be their teacher, because My Spirit is the Spirit of truth, and My Spirit leads My people into all truth.
One of the gifts of My Spirit is the discerning of spirits. It is only by My Spirit that My people can DISCERN when someone in their life, whether they are a follower, a believer or not, when someone in their life is speaking into their life, it is only through DISCERNMENT FROM MY SPIRIT will they know that what they are saying, whether it is from Me or not.
Remember, I was BETRAYED by one of My disciples. Satan spoke through another one of My disciples. These were My people closest to me. Yes, Satan could still use them.
Unless My people become like little children, and have the HUMILITY OF A CHILD, they will not see My Kingdom.
Satan knows when any of My people are living with JEALOUSY, with ENVY, with PRIDE, TOWARDS ANY OF THEIR BROTHERS OR SISTERS and when there is any jealousy, envy or pride, Satan can use that, Satan can use that person to bring false accusations to My chosen people.
My beloved child, as you are receiving My message, I am pouring My Spirit into you. I am giving you understanding and revelation of how SUBTLE Satan can operate. It is absolutely essential for you, My beloved child, for you to be in a personal, deepening, intimate relationship with Me the Lord your God.
You do not need anyone in your life to teach you the truth. My Spirit will lead you into all truth, but you have to be willing to completely surrender your entire life to Me. You have to be willing to deny yourself, to pick up your cross daily and follow Me.
You will continue to experience in your life, EVEN THE PEOPLE CLOSEST TO YOU, your own brothers and sisters who like you are born-again and baptised by My Spirit and with power, YES you will experience Satan working through the people closest to you. But remember, My beloved child, I WORK IN ALL THINGS FOR GOOD, for those who love Me and those who live according to My purpose for them.
I knew you before you were conceived. Every day of your life is written in My book. Every single moment was laid out before a single day had passed, including every single one of your experiences with the people in your life that you have ever had, that you are having today, that you will have for the rest of your life.
ALL things.
ALL relationships.
ALL conversations.
ALL comments.
ALL false accusations.
ALL corrections that come by My Spirit through my people in your life.
ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR GOOD, because you love Me, because you live according to My purpose for you.
My beloved child, I have called you by name from your mother's womb to be one of My disciples. To be one of My glory carriers, and to BE MY HANDS AND FEET EVERY SINGLE DAY.
May you live your life worthy of the calling that you have received, but it is not by your strength, it is not by your might, it is by My Spirit says I the Sovereign Lord, that YOU WILL EXPERIENCE MY GLORY IN YOUR LIFE EVERY SINGLE DAY.
Your eyes have not seen, your ears have not heard and your mind has not yet conceived what I the Lord your God have got planned for you because you love Me.
Thank you My beloved child for receiving My words now.
YOU ARE MY MASTERPIECE, says I, the Sovereign Lord.