This Message Will Not Make You Feel Comfortable, Says The Lord

My beloved child, this message will not make you feel comfortable, but as one of my chosen disciples, you should not expect your life to feel comfortable.

You know that my Word tells you to seek MY Kingdom and MY righteousness first, and all else will be given unto you.

You know that you have your own will, and I the Lord your God have my will.

My Word tells you that you can plan all kinds of things, but my will is going to be done.

Just as I said to Saul on the road to Damascus, it is futile for you to fight against my will.

My beloved child, there are questions that you haven't been asking me, that I now desire for you to begin asking me each day.

These questions, and the answers that I will give you by my Spirit, are going to take you outside of your comfort zone.

Your questions and my answers are going to mean that you are truly facing into your fear of man.

These questions and my answers are going to show me that you are truly willing to be one of my disciples.

These questions, my answers and your response to what I say to you by my Spirit will show me and will show people in your life whether you are willing and prepared to deny yourself, to pick up your cross daily and follow me.

Your response and your actions from my answers to you will show me and the people that you will be going into the life of that you are not ashamed of the gospel.

My beloved child, the only fear that you should be living with is the reverent fear of me the Lord your God.

I didn't create you, I didn't knit you together, I didn't bring you forth on the day you were born, I didn't call you out of the darkness, I didn't put my Spirit into you for you to keep your faith to yourself.

I didn't give you the eyes to see and ears to hear for you to be lukewarm.

I didn't remove the scales from your eyes for you to be focusing your time and energy each day on your own life, on your own circumstances, on your own family, on yourself.

My beloved child, you are receiving my message to you now, for me to share with you questions that I desire for you to be asking me each day.

Lord, how can I serve you today?

Lord, how can I be your hands and feet today?

Lord, where are you sending me today?

Lord, of all these people that I could go and talk to, who would you like me to go and speak to?

Lord, will you give me a word of knowledge for that person that I am going to go over to speak to?

Lord, it is not my will but your will that I desire to follow today. How do you want to use me today Lord?

Lord, what can I do for you which I have been fearful to do previously?

Lord I know that it is a sin to know what I ought to do and then not do it. Convict me of my sins Lord.

Lord, am I currently lukewarm, neither cold nor hot?

Lord, how can I be your hands and feet today?

My beloved child, I desire for you to start living outside of your comfort zone.

I desire for you to put your faith in me, the Lord your God, and in me alone.

I desire for you to trust me to be taking care of your business, whilst you take care of my business every single day.

I desire for you to experience my glory every single day.

My beloved child, as you ask me these questions and as I answer you by my Spirit, and as you then step outside of your comfort zone to do my will, you are going to be bringing my glory into other people's lives.

I have called you by name to be one of my glory carriers, and my beloved child, if you take hold of my message here, my promise to you is that you will begin living your life going from glory to glory to glory, says I, the King of Glory.


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