You Have Gone From Being Abused To Becoming An Abuser, Says The Lord
My child, you don't yet know Me, but I know everything about you.
I know how people have treated you from when you first came into the world.
I know how you have treated other people throughout your whole life.
My child, I know every one of the painful, traumatic experiences that you've had during your life.
There is only I the Lord your God that truly know the abuse you have suffered during your life.
There is only I the Lord your God that know the impact on how you think, feel and act that the abuse that you have experienced during your life has had on you.
My child, I have seen all the abuse that you have inflicted on others.
I have seen every single time that your words have caused pain and suffering to other people.
I have seen every single time your actions have caused pain and suffering to other people.
I have seen every single tear that has been shed by people that you have abused.
I know what have been the motives within your heart that have led to you committing the abuse that you have committed.
Only I the Lord your God know the extent of the pain, of the suffering, of the hurt, of the turmoil, of the devastation to life that your actions, words and deeds have caused to other people.
It hasn't just been those who you have personally abused, but the pain and suffering also extends to family members and friends of whom you have abused.
I know and I have seen every single lustful desire that you have had.
I have seen all your sexual immorality.
I have watched as you have gone from being abused to becoming an abuser.
I know the depth of self-condemnation that sometimes comes over you.
I know that you have been unable to forgive the people that have hurt you during your life, from when you were a little child to becoming a teenager, and then into your adult years.
I know that you have been living in an inescapable prison.
I know that that voice, that tormenting voice, that condemning voice, that destructive voice has been tormenting you over many years.
I know you have felt like you are going to live the rest of your life under condemnation.
I know the vicious circle that you have been living in.
I have seen all your detestable sins.
I have seen it all.
Yes. I have seen it all.
I know there have been many times that you have not wanted to do what you knew was wrong, yet you still did it.
I know there have been many times that you have known what is the right thing to do, yet you did not do it.
I know that you have not understood yourself.
You have been living in an inescapable prison, fighting a battle that you have never been able to win.
I know the times when you have felt like the only way you will be able to escape from this prison is by taking your own life.
I know the times when you are felt helpless and hopeless.
I know every single one of the times when you have woken up and you have suddenly started to think about the abuse that you have committed.
As you are receiving My words to you now, I am bringing to remembrance the people that you have abused.
I am bringing to remembrance the looks on their faces when you have been abusing them.
I am bringing to remembrance the detestable sins you have committed during your life.
Cry unlike you have ever cried before.
Weep with the entirety of your being for the pain and suffering that you have caused.
My child, I knew every sin that you were going to commit during your life before I was crucified.
I knew every time you were going to commit abuse during your life before I was crucified.
I knew every act of sexual immorality that you were going to commit during your life before I was crucified.
My child, I was crucified for your sins
My child, I shed My blood on that cross to be the atoning sacrifice for all your sins.
My child, I was thinking about you when I was on that cross.
My child, throughout your life I have demonstrated My undeserved grace for you.
Throughout your life I have shown you how rich My mercy is.
Throughout your life it has been My unfailing love for you that has brought you to this place now, receiving My words to you.
My child, you haven't chosen me. I have chosen you.
I have called you by name from your mother's womb to be one of My disciples.
It is My Spirit that has been bringing conviction upon you as you have been receiving My words.
My child, I have taken you to this place now, where through the conviction of your many, many, many sins, you are going to repent.
You are going to no longer want to be the person that you have been.
As you cry out to Me, to receive me as your Lord and Saviour, as you completely surrender your life to Me, not only am I going to rescue you from the darkness that you have been in…
not only am I lifting you out of that miry clay that you have lived in…
not only am I now giving you the eyes to see and ears to hear…
not only am I removing the scales from your eyes now…
not only am I putting My Spirit into you…
not only am I taking out of you your heart of stone, and giving you a new, tender, responsive heart of flesh…
not only am I doing all of these things and will be doing so much more in you and through you…
…My beloved child, I have chosen you to go from being abused to becoming an abuser to becoming a new creation in Me Christ Jesus.
My child, My beloved child, up until you receiving My message to you now, you have caused pain and suffering and led people to tears because of your words, your actions and your deeds.
My Word tells you in Romans 8 verse 28, that I the Lord your God work in all things in your life for good, because you love Me, because you live according to My purpose for you.
My beloved child, as you begin your personal, deepening relationship with Me the Lord your God, you are going to begin being My hands and feet upon the earth.
My promise to you is that I am going to be using you as one of My chosen people to bring healing to people who are hurting through the pain and suffering and abuse that they have suffered.
My beloved child, you are going to see that your words and actions and deeds moving forward in Me the Lord your God, filled with My Spirit, are going to bring people to tears, but those tears won't be because you are causing pain and suffering like you have, those tears that people are going to shed are going to be because I am using you to show My unfailing love, My undeserved grace and My rich mercy to people who don't yet know Me.
My beloved child, as you wake each morning, seek My Kingdom and My righteousness first, and all else will be given unto you.
Deny yourself, pick up your cross daily to follow Me.
I am taking you from living in a life dominated by abuse to a life dominated by My abundant grace, mercy, forgiveness, redemption, restoration, reconciliation, gentleness, goodness, joy, peace and My unfailing love that lasts forever.
These three things remain, faith, hope and love, and the greatest of these is love.