You Are To Be Raw, Real & Relational To Be My Hands & Feet, Says The Lord

My beloved child, you are receiving My message here, for I have chosen you. As you receive My message by My Spirit, I am going to be giving you absolute clarity of how I desire for to live your life as My hands and feet every day.

Secondly, My beloved child, I am asking you to share My message here with your brothers and sisters, for My purpose is that they too will be given absolute clarity of how I desire for them to live their life as My hands and feet every day.

I am placing three words into your spirit now.


I desire for My people to be RAW.

I desire for My people to be REAL.

I desire for My people to be RELATIONAL.

What do I mean by my people being RAW?

I desire for My people to be truly open about what they have battled with during their life. I desire for My people to openly talk about, with their brothers and sisters, the battles that they have had, the battles that you have had, with your flesh…

I don't want ANY of My people feeling ashamed in any way.

I am your redeemer. I am your healer. I am the one who restores.

It is only by My Spirit that you produce the fruit which shows the world that you are My chosen people.

My beloved child, I need My people across the earth to be RAW.

Remember, I the Lord your God, who surrendered My life for the lives of everyone on that cross, I AM the one that turns your trials and tribulations into your testimony.

I AM the one that turns your pain into your purpose.

I AM the one who lifts the veil.

I AM the one that gives you the power to overcome your sin nature.

I am the one who restores.

My beloved child, every day be willing to be raw as you encounter other people.

Now, REAL.

I desire for you and all My people to be REAL.

Be human.

Don't try to portray anything that you are not.

As My Spirit leads you into the lives of others, complete strangers, be real with them. I am not asking you to be a preacher. I am not asking you to be a pastor. I am asking you to be REAL.

Show people the real you.

Share with people your testimony.

Share who you truly are.

Share about your life and watch and see as I give you encounters with people who have been through or who are going through what you have been through.

My beloved child, I need you, I need all My people, to be real.

RELATIONAL. I desire for My people, My Sons and Daughters who are a royal priesthood, a holy nation, My prized possession, I desire for you and all your brothers and sisters to be RELATIONAL.

I have chosen you to be the embodiment of I the Lord your God.

I have chosen you to be My hands and feet.

I have chosen you to show the people My love for them.

I have chosen you to be willing to talk to complete strangers about Me and about My love for them, and My love for all people.

My beloved child, being My hands and feet is not difficult.

Being My hands and feet is not just for those you may have considered are the “evangelists”.

Being My hands and feet is not just a one-off activity.

Being My hands and feet is an everyday life experience in Me, the Lord your God, for in Me you live and breathe and have your being.

My beloved child, remember these three words, for this is how I desire for you to live each day as one of My disciples…

You are to be RAW.

You are to be REAL.

You are to be RELATIONAL.

You will be all these things and demonstrate all nine fruit of My Spirit, not by your strength, not by your might, but by My Spirit.

When you hear Me say to you, “Who will go for Me? Who can I send to be a messenger to these people?” my beloved child, you will say “Here I am Lord, send me!”

Do not be ashamed of the Gospel, for it is a power of I the Lord your God that brings salvation to all who believe, and from this moment going forward, as you see people in your day to day life, people you have never met before, remember, every one who calls on My name will be saved, but how can the people you are going to be seeing call on My name to save them, unless they believe in Me?

How will they believe in Me unless they know about Me?

How will they know about Me unless someone tells them?

How will someone go and tell them unless they are sent?

That is why My Word says “How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring Good News.”

My beloved child. I have chosen you to have beautiful feet and to be a messenger to bring the Good News, and it truly will be futile for you to fight against My will.

My Kingdom come, My will be done, in earth as it is in heaven, says I the King of glory.


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