Peep Laja, Everything You Have Is Because Of Me, Says The Lord

Peep, I am the Lord your God. I have called you by name. I have chosen you to be free. I am the author and finisher of your faith. I am the Alpha and the Omega. I am the King of glory. I am the King of kings. I am the Lord of lords. I am the name above all names.

Everything you have Peep is because of me. All your talents are because of me., because you are fearfully and wonderfully made in my image. But up until this moment of me sharing my words to you now, you have been living in sin. You have been denying me continuously. I have been calling you but you have chosen to deny me and to deny the Father. You have been worshipping false idols, false gods. You have been held captive by the god of the world, Satan.

I know your heart's desires. I know your motivations. I know how significant money has been during your life. The love of money is the root of all evil. I the Lord your God, I have blessed you Peep more than nearly every person walking the earth today. Every good gift and every perfect gift comes down from me, your Lord and Saviour.

Everything that you have in your life is because of me. Before I created the heavens and the earth I chose you Peep to do everything that you have ever done in your life so far, and more importantly, everything that you are going to do for the rest of your life for My glory.

Peep there is nothing that you can do to fight any longer against my will because you are chosen by me. You haven't chosen me, I have chosen you Peep to be a prophet to the nation's. I have orchestrated every single moment of your entire life to bring you to this place right now, for me to share this message to you through my servant Paul. You too Peep will become my servant, my glory carrier. It is I the Lord your God, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, that have chosen to lift the veil from you Peep, for the scales to fall from your eyes. For me, the Lord your God to give you Peep the eyes to see and their ears to hear.

My beloved Peep, let the tears flow. There is no shame in crying, in letting the tears flow. Fall to your knees. My beloved Peep, raise your arms to the air to glorify Me, to thank me for my grace that has been upon your life throughout every moment of your life. Glorify Me for My Mercy that has been upon your life and upon your family. Glorify Me for My unfailing love for you and your family.

No more will you deny me. No more will you live self-centredly. No more will you live thinking that what you have is because of you yourself. Every single thing that you have in your life, all the good things, your finances, your riches, all have come from my hand.

You have lived a very profound life. You have had many challenges. You have had many battles. You have had many dark days. You have had times where you felt like giving up. You have shed tears my beloved Peep. You have shed many tears, more than people in the industry I have placed you, will have realised, but I have seen everything Peep. It is I the Lord your God that have carried you through, in my arms, through the dark valleys that I have sent you in your life.

I have you and every person walking the earth in the palm of my hand. I am the author and finisher of your faith Peep, of your entire family and every single person that knows you, that is connected to you, that has looked up to you. You never before have declared that I the Lord your God, Jesus Christ, are your Lord and Saviour, but, it has been futile for you to think that you will live your life without faith. There is nothing that you can do Peep against what I am bringing into your life. Fear of me the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, who has you in the palm of my hand, fear of me is the beginning of wisdom.

My beloved Peep, you have gained incredible wisdom in the world. The words that you have spoken, the wisdom that you have shared, has inspired many, many people walking the earth today. I the Lord your God, I have orchestrated your life, so that you are placed right now in this position of influence. I have placed you where you are. I have given you the talents I have given you, so that many, many, many people across the entire earth look up to you, respect you and listen to you, and I the Lord your God have positioned you perfectly, ready for you to surrender your life to me, to humble yourself, to face into your pride, to accept that you have sinned, to accept that you have been living in sin, to accept that you are nothing without me and to accept that I am the author and finisher of your faith. And so now as you surrender to me, as you surrender to my will and as you declare publicly that I the Lord your God, Jesus Christ, are your Lord and Saviour, you will see that I am going to use you to bring millions of people walking the earth to my feet.

My will in your life Peep is going to be done.

I am pouring into you my spirit, and my spirit is going to join with your spirit to become one, and it will crush your sin nature. The iron bars that have been in place, the unseen iron bars, the unseen chains the generational curses that have been in place upon your family, I the Lord your God will be breaking these off because my beloved Peep I have called you by name. And as you surrender to me, as you raise your arms to the air, as you give me everything, as you humble yourself, your life is going to change spectacularly.

I will be stripping away from you the things that are not from me. I will be breaking you with hard labour. You will be going through the refiners fire. I the Lord your God, I'm going to be refining you by fire, to purify you, to purify your hands, to purify your heart, because I have chosen you Peep to be a mighty mighty warrior in my army that I am rising up across the earth.

I the Lord your God, I'm going to be using you to speak my word, to speak my truth into the hearts and minds of millions of people. My truth is going to be coming into businesses large and small across the entire earth because of your words, because of your prayers, because of what I have placed inside of you. Peep, it is going to be futile for you to fight against my will, futile.

It is futile for anyone to fight against my will.

The financial blessings that I have brought into your life, through all the gifts, through all the talents, through every single thing that I have given you Peep, I the Lord your God, the author and finisher of your faith, I will be leading you and showing you and revealing to you where to channel the riches that currently reside with you, because you have been storing my riches. Everything that you have is from my hands, the Lord your God.

I am the resurrection and the life.

I am the author and finisher of your faith.

I am the King of kings.

I am the Lord of lords.

I am the name above all names.

I am the light of the world.

I am the true vine.

I am the bread of life.

My beloved Peep, you are going to be walking by faith and not by sight.

You my beloved Peep are going to be devouring my word.

You my beloved Peep are going to be speaking my word.

You my beloved Peep are going to be my hands and feet like my beloved servant Paul.

It is I the Lord your God that brought you and Paul together.

It is I the Lord your God that brought you into the industry I brought you into.

It is I the Lord your God that has given you all the talents and all the gifts that have taken you to the place where you are today.

And now as you surrender your life to me, as you give me everything, I will bring you into floods of tears over and over and over again.

As you realise Peep everything that you have is because of me.

Everything in your life is because of me.

I have you and every single person walking the earth in the palm of my hand.

Peep your strength comes from me. You can do all things through me who gives you strength. I am your healer. By the stripes on my back you are healed, and all those who I am calling into relationship with me will be healed by their faith in me.

Your faith Peep comes by hearing and hearing by my word, and I the Lord your God have not given you a spirit of fear, but of power, of love and of a sound mind, and the peace I give you Peep is a gift the world cannot give you.

You will now find yourself hungering for my word, desiring to come into a deeper and deeper personal relationship with me.

As the scales have fallen from your eyes, you are going to be living in awe and wonder. You will see my hand in everything in your life. My miracles, signs and wonders are coming into your life and in your entire family.

Rivers of living waters are going to flow from your belly through your faith in me, and the areas of you and your family's life that have been dry wastelands will be flooded with by living waters. I have given you Peep all the authority to trample upon lions and cobras and to crush fierce lions and serpents under your feet, and through your surrender to me, through you denying yourself, through you dying to your flesh, through you hungering to have less of you and more of me in your life, you will see that I am going to be using mightily for My Kingdom.

Your words, the power in your words, as I have put my fire upon your tongue, your words of prayer and intercession are going to have a profound impact in the business world. People across all different industries that you are connected to, connected to because I the Lord your God have orchestrated your entire life, your words Peep are going to bring hundreds of 1000s and then millions of people to my feet to surrender their life to me.

For I the Lord of Heaven’s Armies has spoken.


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