A Message From The Lord - I Am Exposing And Destroying Man-Made Religion, And Rulers Are Going To Be Torn Down

The peace I give you is a gift the world cannot give you. Do not be troubled or afraid. Trust in Me, lean not on your own understanding, says the Lord.

I am the author and the finisher of your faith. You are fearfully and wonderfully made in my image, says the Lord. I am the mighty warrior that saves. I have called you by name. I have put my spirit in you and the spirit in you is greater than the spirit that is in the world.

My perfect love expels all fear. You resist the devil and he flees from you. You put on the full armour of God so that you can take a stand against the devil’s schemes.

It has been I the Lord your God that has sent the locusts into your life. It is I the Lord your God that have brought about every single thing that you have experienced, because I the Lord your God have carried you through all the dark valleys. It has been I the Lord your God that has been in the furnace with you, and like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego you have not been burnt up because I the Lord your God, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, have been in there with you, because you are mine, and I have been refining you seven times over to bring you to this place right now.

I have called you to be my glory carrier. You are my hands and feet. You have no fear because my perfect love expels all fear. I am calling you now to focus on the things above, not the things below. I am calling you now to trust in me and trust in my word completely. May your faith be in me and in me alone. I am pouring my spirit into you now under the sound of my words that I am speaking through my servant, your brother Paul.

I am giving you now more wisdom than you have had before, a greater discernment and I am also giving you the eyes to see and the ears to hear that I am working in all things for good. My hand is in everything. This is my plan. This is my agenda. I am bringing out everything that has been done in dark into the open. Everything done in dark is being brought to light, says I the Lord of Heaven’s Armies. I am shaking everything that can be shaken. I am awakening my people. I am lifting the veil, the scales are falling from their eyes. I am convicting in the hearts and minds of those who have been acting in wickedness, in evil, in deep dark sin, doing the things that I detest.

I am doing things that you cannot see. Even when you think and feel that I am not moving in your life and in the lives of your loved ones and in the lives of every single man, woman and child, even when you don't see it I am working, even when you don't feel it I am working.

I the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, I am the author and the finisher of your faith and the faith of every single man, woman and child walking the earth. I am the Alpha and the Omega. I have numbered every hair on your head, and I have numbered every hair on the head of every single man, woman and child walking the earth. I have every single one of my people in the palm of my hand and I look down from heaven and I laugh, I scoff at the plans of man.

ALL my promises are yes and Amen. I am a man of my words. I have chosen you to be living in this period of time now where I am exposing sin unlike I have exposed sin before. Everything that has been taking place is part of my divine plan. Trust in me.

I am calling you now to no longer give any credibility, any credence and any authority to the enemy, because, it is only through the authority that I give that the enemy can do the things that the enemy has done, because this is all for my divine purpose, says I the Lord of Heaven’s Armies.

I am preparing hearts and minds. I have been preparing hundreds of millions of my people who I have awakened to the deceptions over the last two years, and the deceptions that have been upon humanity over previous years, I have been preparing them, ready for me to lift the veil, for them to come into a relationship with me, for I the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, it is I that choose you, it is that will be choosing them, they do not choose me, you do not choose me, so you cannot boast about it. I have chosen you by name, and there is nothing that anyone can do about every single man, woman and child that I am going to be lifting the veil over the coming moments, over the coming days, over the coming months, over the coming years, says I the Lord of Heaven’s Armies.

I am the King of kings, the Lord of lords, the name above all names.

I defeated death on the cross. Through my death and through my resurrection by the power of the spirit, I am the resurrection and the life. I am raising the spiritually dead to life, and I am calling you, my beloved Sons and Daughters, to take ALL AUTHORITY IN THE SPIRITUAL REALM. To know that I have given you ALL AUTHORITY to trample upon lions and cobras and to crush fierce lions and serpents under your feet.

I am calling you to take my word from Ezekiel 37 and to go into the valley of dry bones and to prophesy into the dry bones of your life, of your mental health, of your physical health, of your family, of your children, of your finances, of your circumstances, of your church, and to prophesy into the dry bones in my name, and the dry bones will come alive, and I will breathe my breath into those bodies that will rise up from the dry bones, and they will come alive, says I the Lord of Heaven’s Armies.

I am calling you to worship me in spirit and in truth, to praise me, to glorify me, to talk about me, to share your story, to share your testimony, to tell people you do not know that I the Lord your God, that I love them, that I will never leave them nor forsake them, that they are chosen and not forsaken. You are my hands and feet and you can do ALL THINGS through me who give you strength.

I, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, I AM DESTROYING EVERY SINGLE DECEPTION that I have allowed to be upon my people for generations and generations, and in more recent years. Everything that has happened I have allowed, but now I am lifting the lid, I am destroying the indoctrination, says I the Lord of Heaven’s Armies.


I am bringing my people into a personal relationship with me.

My beloved Sons and Daughters, focus on things above not things below. You will now begin to see, through me pouring into you greater wisdom and discernment through my spirit into you, you will now truly see that I am working in all things, and that you will no longer give the enemy any credit at all, and that you will no longer talk about “they are doing this”, “they are doing that”. Everything that is happening is for my divine plan and my divine purpose.

I laugh and I scoff at the plans of man. The kings, the rulers, the millionaires, the billionaire’s, the trillionaires, the most wealthiest families I have put in place. I have begun tearing them down says I, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies. Rulers, presidents, kings are going to be torn down, says I the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, and there is nothing anyone can do about it. There is nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. No amount of financial wealth can stop what I the Lord of Heaven's Armies is doing.

I am the King of glory, and I have called you by name to be my glory carrier, and when I send my Word out, it does not return to me void, it accomplishes all that I desire and it prospers everywhere that I send it, says I the Lord of Heaven’s Armies.

Thank You Lord Jesus, for using me as a vessel to speak your messages into the hearts and minds of both me and my brothers and sisters, your Sons and Daughters. I am nothing without you Jesus. It is not I that live, but you that live in me, and I give you all the glory, praise and honour for everything that you are doing.

I declare and decree your blood, your blood Jesus, over everyone from the crown of their head to the soles of their feet. Thank you, Lord Jesus, that through your spirit being upon your people, your Sons and Daughters, your words have been received in their spirit, and you have now sent your words out and I give you all the glory, praise and honour.

Thank you for choosing me and my brothers and sisters for these times.

In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I pray Amen.


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